2020-06-16_8a Supplemental Memo MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: ANDREW PEREZ, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR AGENDA ITEM 8.A – JUNE 16, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-002, AND ADOPTION OF MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY FOR SENIORS CONSISTING OF 78 ASSISTED LIVING AND 20 MEMORY CARE UNITS, TOTALING 120 BEDS; LOCATION – 207 PILGRIM WAY; APPLICANT – NOBLE VENTURES PROPERTIES, INC.; REPRESENTATIVE – WARREN HAMRICK DATE: JUNE 16, 2020 Attached is public comment received after agenda preparation for the proposed project. Cc: Community Development Director COALITION PARTNERS: Bike SLO County Cal Poly State University Community Action Partnership of SLO County First 5 San Luis Obispo County Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. Rideshare – Safe Routes to School Smart Share Housing Solutions SLO Council of Governments SLO County Departments: Air Pollution Control District Board of Supervisors Health Commission Public Health Environmental Health SLO County YIMBY RESOURCES: Data Dashboard, SLO Health Counts Healthy Communities Webpage Community Health Improvement Plan HEAL-SLO is a community coalition addressing complex and overlapping health challenges through integrated solutions. In carrying out that mission, a subcommittee called the Healthy Communities Work Group provides responses to Planning staff from a healthy community’s perspective on proposed land development projects, ordinance and general plan amendments, and special projects. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission City of Arroyo Grande Council Chambers 215 East Branch St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Conditional Use Permit 19-0002, Senior Living Center at 207 Pilgrim Way Dear Planning Commissioners of the City of Arroyo Grande, The Healthy Communities Work Group is a collaboration between public health officials, local planning and transportation officials, community-based organizations, academia, and community members, working to improve health through community design. We provide research and evidence-based recommendations from a health perspective on proposed land use projects, ordinance and general plan amendments, and special projects. The Healthy Communities Work Group appreciates this opportunity to review the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the proposed Senior Living Center at 207 Pilgrim Way. Overall, we support this project and the additional assisted living units that it will bring to the community. Between 2015 and 2035, the senior population in SLO County is projected to increase by 58%, and the population 70 years and older is projected to double1. Currently, housing options for seniors in a wide range of income levels is not sufficient so this development will serve a vital need now, and for a growing senior population. Our work group also notes the proximity of this project to medical offices and a hospital, which will support the health of residents. While we strongly support this project, we are concerned with the project’s proximity to highway 101, considering a growing body of evidence that suggests residential proximity to sources of traffic pollution is associated with serious adverse health effects to sensitive receptor populations2. Please see the attached document, “Public Health Recommendations to Minimize the Health Effects of Air Pollution Associated with Development Near Freeways and High-Volume Roads” for more information and suggested mitigation strategies. This report highlights an updated 2017 California Air Resources Board (CARB) publication that indicates the possibility that near-roadway pollution exposure had previously been underestimated, and that people living as far as 1,000 feet from freeways are susceptible to the effects of traffic pollution. Based on this, we recommend that conditions of approval be placed on the CUP that will fully mitigate this concern. In addition, outdoor areas for residents should be included in the site design because of the significant link between outdoor recreation and physical and mental health. However, as noted above, these spaces should be protected from near-roadway pollution as well as freeway-related noise impacts. COALITION PARTNERS: Bike SLO County Cal Poly State University Community Action Partnership of SLO County First 5 San Luis Obispo County Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. Rideshare – Safe Routes to School Smart Share Housing Solutions SLO Council of Governments SLO County Departments: Air Pollution Control District Board of Supervisors Health Commission Public Health Environmental Health SLO County YIMBY RESOURCES: Data Dashboard, SLO Health Counts Healthy Communities Webpage Community Health Improvement Plan HEAL-SLO is a community coalition addressing complex and overlapping health challenges through integrated solutions. In carrying out that mission, a subcommittee called the Healthy Communities Work Group provides responses to Planning staff from a healthy community’s perspective on proposed land development projects, ordinance and general plan amendments, and special projects. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment, Sincerely, Chuck Stevenson Chuck Stevenson, AICP Chair, Healthy Communities Work Group ______________________________________________________ 12050 Regional Growth Forecast for San Luis Obispo County, prepared for SLOCOG by Beacon Economics and SLOCOG Staff 2 County of Los Angeles Public Health, 2019.