2021-06-15 Administrative Decisions ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 15, 2021 (Decisions by the Community Development Director) ITEM NO. 1: PLOT PLAN REVIEW 21-011; CONSTRUCTION OF A 200 SQUARE- FOOT ACCESSORY STORAGE BUILDING IN THE PUBLIC FACILITIES ZONING DISTRICT; LOCATION – 301 TRINITY AVE; APPLICANT – DAVID MURRAY, ST. BARNABAS PARISH IN ARROYO GRANDE After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.080 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the construction of a two-hundred square foot accessory storage building in the Public Facilities zoning district. ITEM NO. 2: PLOT PLAN REVIEW 21-012; ESTABLISHMENT OF A VACATION RENTAL IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT; LOCATION – 454 SPANISH MOSS; APPLICANT – ANTHONY VIGGIANO After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.080 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the establishment of vacation rental in an existing single family residence.