2021-06-15_8a 1250 Farroll PUDMEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: ANDREW PEREZ, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 21-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 20-001; SUBDIVISION OF ONE (1)PARCEL INTO TWO (2) PARCELS AND CONSTRUCTION OF TWO (2) NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES; LOCATION – 1250 FARROLL AVENUE; APPLICANT – BHAJAN SINGH; REPRESENTATIVE – GREG SOTO, LIV-IN ENVIRONMENTS D ATE: JUNE 15, 2021 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval by the Planning Commission will allow for the subdivision of an existing parcel and the construction of two new single-family residences. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission (PC) adopt a Resolution approving the proposed project (Attachment 1). BACKGROUND: The subject property is a vacant parcel in the Multi-Family (MF) zoning district (Attachment 2). The parcel is Lot 19 of Tract 398, and its original purpose was as a drainage basin, collecting stormwater from Golden West Place to the east. Public improvements made in conjunction with the development of Tract 2310 to the west made the property’s use as a drainage basin obsolete. The property has remained vacant since it was deemed no longer necessary for drainage purposes, and now contains only weeds, shrubs and a large eucalyptus tree near the sidewalk. Surrounding development to both the east and west of the project site consists of small lot single family residential units. Tract 2310 to the west is a 65-unit Planned Unit Development, and Tract 398 to the east is a subdivision consisting of 36 attached single family units. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Project Description The proposed project consists of splitting the existing 10,204 square foot parcel into two (2) parcels, with areas of 4,713 square feet and 5,491 square feet Item 8.a - Page 1 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 21-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 20-001 JUNE 15, 2021 PAGE 2 (Attachment 2). A two-story, three-bedroom, single-family residence is proposed on each of the newly created lots. Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Review The ARC reviewed the project at its meeting on March 15, 2021 (Attachment 3). The Committee spoke in support of the project and especially appreciated the concept of a PUD to maximize the development potential of the project site. The ARC had positive comments about the architectural style, materials, and colors. The Committee expressed concern that the second story portion of the structure above the garage on Lot A would create privacy and solar access issues with the neighboring property immediately to the west. To mitigate those concerns, the ARC imposed a condition requiring the second story portion of the structure to be shifted to the east. The project architect fully understood the Committee’s concerns and redesigned that portion of the project for the Commission’s consideration. Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) Review The Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) considered the proposed project as a pre- application on October 23, 2019. The SAC discussed several aspects of the proposed project, including utility undergrounding, site access and maintenance agreements, and emergency access. Members of the SAC reviewed the formal application expressed support for the project subject to the conditions of approval included in the prepared Resolution. General Plan The General Plan designates the subject property for Medium-High Density Residential land uses. Development of the proposed project meets Policies LU3- 1, LU11-1 and LU11-2 of the General Plan Land Use Element, which state: LU3-1: Accommodate the development of medium high density detached or attached multiple family residential units in areas designated as Multiple-Family Residential – Medium High Density. LU11-1: Require that new developments be at an appropriate density or intensity based upon compatibility with the majority of existing surrounding land uses. LU11-2: Require that new development should be designed to create pleasing transitions to surrounding development. Development Standards The primary purpose of the MF district is to provide for a variety of residential uses, encourage diversity in housing types with enhanced amenities, or provide transitions between higher intensity and lower intensity uses. The district is also intended as an area for development of small lot single-family detached, single- Item 8.a - Page 2 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 21-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 20-001 JUNE 15, 2021 PAGE 3 family attached, and multi-family attached residential dwelling units, planned unit developments, condominiums, and certain senior housing types. The design of the proposed project as a small lot single-family detached housing project is allowed in the MF zoning district following approval of a Planned Unit Development. The development standards for the MF district and the proposed project are identified in the following table: Table 1: Site Development Standards for the MF Zoning District Development Standards MF District Lot 1 Lot 2 Notes Minimum Building Site 10,000 sq. ft. 4,713 sq. ft. 5,491 sq. ft. Can adjust with PUD Minimum lot width 80’ 63’ 63’ Can adjust with PUD Minimum lot depth 100’ 75’ 87’ Can adjust with PUD Minimum front yard setback 20’ 15’ 11’ Can adjust with PUD Minimum interior side yard setback 10’ 5’ and 24’ 5’ and 10’ Can adjust with PUD Minimum street side yard setback 10’ N/A N/A Code Met Minimum rear yard setback 15’ 10’ 10’ Can adjust with PUD Maximum lot coverage 40% 30% 40% Code Met Maximum height for buildings 30’ or 2 stories, whichever is less 25’ 25’ Code Met Pursuant to Arroyo Grande Municipal Code 16.32.050.E., the size, width, and depth of lots may deviate from the minimums for the underlying zone and shall be determined through the planned unit development review process. Building setbacks required by the underlying zone may also be reduced or waived. However, the required setbacks may be imposed if it is determined they are necessary to achieve consistency found elsewhere in the district. Item 8.a - Page 3 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 21-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 20-001 JUNE 15, 2021 PAGE 4 Access and Parking A driveway from Farroll Avenue will be shared by both residences for private and emergency access. A draft Shared Driveway and Maintenance Agreement has been included with the project as required by the Municipal Code. The Agreement outlines the responsibilities for the maintenance of the access and common drainage facilities located beneath the driveway surface. The Agreement is subject to review and approval by the City Attorney prior to project occupancy. Parking for small lot single-family developments is required at a rate of two (2) spaces in an enclosed garage and 0.5 guest spaces per unit. This results in a combined parking requirement of four (4) garage spaces and one (1) guest space. Each new residence is proposed with a two-car garage, and the one (1) required guest space is provided along the southern boundary of Lot B between the landscaping and near the proposed garage on Lot A. The parking proposed meets the requirements of the Municipal Code. Architecture The style of the proposed residences are influenced by a Mediterranean Revival style architecture. It will incorporate low-pitched, tile roofs and stucco siding. The design also features archways leading to covered main entries. Exposed corbels and wooden fascia are also present on both homes. The color palates for each residence uses different shades of light brown and a darker stain on the fascia and corbels (Attachment 4). Vinyl bronze windows are proposed for each residence. Open Space and Landscaping Planned Unit Developments are required to provide open space in accordance with Table 16.32.050-C of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. Depending on the location and intended use, an open space area may be defined as either private open space, common open space, or usable open space. Private open space is defined as areas that are directly accessible from a residential unit and privately maintained. Typically, this includes the front, back, and side yards of a residence, as well as private decks and balconies. Common open space includes areas set aside for use and enjoyment by all occupants of a development. Outdoor recreation facilities, greenbelts, and open landscape areas are examples of common open space. Usable open space is essentially a combination of private and common open space. The amount of common open space required decreases as the amount of private open space provided for each unit increases, as seen in Table 2. Item 8.a - Page 4 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 21-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 20-001 JUNE 15, 2021 PAGE 5 Table 2: PUD Open Space Requirements (AGMC Table 16.32.050-C) General Requirement General Requirement General Requirement General Requirement Private Open Space (avg. sq. ft. per lot) 100-224 225-499 500-999 1000+ Common Open Space (min. % of project area) 35% 30% 10% 0% Usable Open Space (min. % of project area) 40% 40% 45% 45% A total of 1,087 square feet on Lot A and 1,589 square feet on Lot B are designated as private open space. The project proposes an average of 1,338 square feet of private open space for the two lots; therefore, no common open space is required for the projects. Pursuant to AGMC Table 16.32.050-C, the project must provide a minimum of 45% of the project area, or 4,591 square feet, for usable open space. Between the two lots, 49% of project area, or 4,992 square feet qualifies as usable open space, which satisfies the 45% requirement. The proposed conceptual landscape plan indicates new Ash trees on each lot with low to medium height plants and shrubs, such as agapanthus and creeping rosemary along the property lines and in the common areas. Landscaping is required to comply with the State standards for water usage and will be verified prior to issuance of a building permit. The existing eucalyptus tree near the front of the lot is proposed to be removed as part of this project. ADVANTAGES: The project provides an opportunity for development of an underutilized infill development property in the MF zoning district. DISADVANTAGES: None identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been reviewed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and determined to be categorically exempt per Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines regarding In-fill Development Projects. This exemption applies to in-fill projects on sites less than 5 acres in size that are consistent with Item 8.a - Page 5 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 21-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 20-001 JUNE 15, 2021 PAGE 6 all applicable general plan policies and zoning regulations and would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality or water quality. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution 2. Project location 3. Minutes from the March 15, 2021 ARC meeting 4. Color and Material Board 5. Project plans Item 8.a - Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 21-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 20-001; LOCATED AT 1250 FARROLL AVENUE; APPLIED FOR BY BHAJAN SINGH WHEREAS, the applicant has filed Tentative Parcel Map 21-001 and Planned Unit Development 20-001 for the subdivision of an approximately 10,204 square foot residential lot into two (2) lots for the construction of two (2) new residential dwellings; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has determined that the project is categorically exempt per Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines regarding In-fill Development Projects; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed the project at a duly noticed public hearing on June 15, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: Tentative Parcel Map Findings 1.The proposed tentative parcel map is consistent with goals, objectives, policies, plans, programs, intent and requirements of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, as well as any Specific Plan, and the requirements of this title; The proposed Parcel Map is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan, specifically Policies LU3-1, LU11-1, and LU11-2 of the General Plan Land Use Element. These policies support new housing in Multi-Family zoning districts at appropriate densities compatible with surrounding land uses. 2.The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; The 10,204 square foot site is vacant, underutilized and located adjacent to public streets and utilities making it physically suitable for two residences on a residential infill lot as proposed. 3.The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development; The project proposes a density of 8.7 dwelling units per acre, which is less than the 9.0 dwelling units per acre allowed in the Multi-Family Medium- ATTACHMENT 1 Item 8.a - Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 High Density land use category. 4. The design of the tentative parcel map or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat; The tentative parcel map is proposed on an infill residential lot and the design of the map and associated improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage. 5. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems; The design of the parcel map on an infill residential lot and the type of improvements proposed is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 6. The design of the tentative parcel map or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or use of, property within the proposed tentative parcel map or that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided, and that these alternative easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public; The project site does not contain any existing public easements and therefore the proposed project will not interfere with any public easements. 7. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system will not result in violation of existing requirements as prescribed by Division 7 (commencing with Section 13000) of the California Water Code; The proposed discharge of waste into the existing City maintained sewer system is conditioned to meet requirements. 8. Adequate public services and facilities exist or will be provided as the result of the proposed tentative parcel map to support project development; The proposed parcel map and subsequent development will be served by City utilities and public services. Item 8.a - Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 Planned Unit Development Findings: 1. That the proposed development is consistent with the goals, objectives and programs of the general plan and any applicable specific plan. The proposed Parcel Map and subsequent residential development is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan, specifically Policies LU3-1, LU11-1, and LU11-2 of the General Plan Land Use Element. 2. That the site for the proposed development is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use and all yards, open spaces, setbacks, walls and fences, parking area, loading areas, landscaping, and other features required. With the flexibility offered by the Planned Unit Development and the modified development standards for lot size and setbacks, the site is adequate to meet the intent of the Multi-Family zoning district. 3. That the site for the proposed development has adequate access, meaning that the site design and development plan conditions consider the limitations of existing streets and highways. The site has adequate common access from Farroll Avenue for the design of the proposed project and the newly created lots. 4. That adequate public services exist, or will be provided in accordance with the conditions of development plan approval, to serve the proposed development; and that the approval of the proposed development will not result in a reduction of such public services to properties in the vicinity so as to be a detriment to public health, safety or welfare. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan, adequate public services are available to serve the project, and proposed development will not result in a reduction of public services in the vicinity so as to be a detriment to public health, safety or welfare. 5. That the proposed development, as conditioned, will not have a substantial adverse effect on surrounding property, or the permitted use thereof, and will be compatible with the existing and planned land use character of the surrounding area. The project is compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood which is primarily single family residences, both attached and detached, on small lots. With the flexibility offered by the Planned Unit Item 8.a - Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 Development and the modified development standards for lot size and setbacks, the project will not have an adverse effect on the surrounding property. 6. That the improvements required, and the manner of development, adequately address all natural and manmade hazards associated with the proposed development and the project site, including, but not limited to, flood, seismic, fire and slope hazards. There are no known natural and manmade hazards associated with the proposed development and the project site, including, but not limited to, flood, seismic, fire and slope hazards. 7. The proposed development carries out the intent of the planned unit development provisions by providing a more efficient use of the land and an excellence of design greater than that which could be achieved through the application of conventional development standards. The planned unit development provides a more efficient use of the land by allowing modifications to the development standards for lot size and setbacks and allowing for an additional residential lot in the Multi-Family zoning district. 8. The proposed development complies with all applicable performance standards listed in Section 16.32.050(E). The proposed development meets the standards of Planned Unit Developments including open space requirements. 9. The clustering of dwelling units is approved pursuant to a specific plan, planned unit development, or similar mechanism. The Planned Unit Development is allowing for the clustering of residences in a small lot, detached format in the Multi-Family zoning district. 10. The overall permitted density of the project area is not exceeded. The land use designation for the subject property is Multi-Family Medium- High Density, which allows 9 dwelling units per acre. The project proposes 2 dwelling units on a 10,204 square foot lot, which is equal to 8.7 dwelling units per acre; therefore, the density of the proposed project is in compliance with the original allowable density of the project site. 11. The resulting project will not require a greater level of public services and facilities than would an equivalent nonclustered project. Item 8.a - Page 10 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 The development resulting from the Planned Unit Development will be of a density consistent with the zoning district and will therefore not require a greater level of public services and facilities than an equivalent nonclustered project. 12. The result of clustering residential units is a more desirable and environmentally sensitive development plan which creates usable open space areas for the enjoyment of project residents and which preserves significant environmental features. The result of clustering lots allows for the development of an additional residential lot and reduces development pressure on non in-fill lots. 13. The project development pattern, including the net density of developed area and proposed lot sizes which result from clustering are compatible with surrounding areas. With modifications to lot size and setbacks, the resulting development will be at a scale and intensity consistent and compatible with the surrounding property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Tentative Parcel Map 21-001 and Planned Unit Development 20-001 as shown in Exhibit “B”, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of June, 2021. Item 8.a - Page 11 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 6 ___________________________ GLENN MARTIN CHAIR ATTEST: _______________________________ PATRICK HOLUB SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: _______________________________ BILL ROBESON ACTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Item 8.a - Page 12 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 7 EXHIBIT ‘A’ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 21-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 20-001 1250 FARROLL AVENUE This approval authorizes the subdivision of one (1) parcel into two (2) parcels and construction of a two new single-family residences in the Multi-Family (MF) zoning district. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This approval authorizes the subdivision of one (1) lot into two (2) lots and construction of two (2) new single-family residences in the Multi-Family zoning district. 2. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel Map 21-001 and Planned Unit Development 20-001. 4. This application shall automatically expire on June 15, 2023 unless a building permit is issued. Thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the approval, the applicant may apply for an extension of one (1) year from the original date of expiration. 5. Development shall conform to the development standards for the Multi-Family zoning district except as otherwise approved. 6. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission at the meeting of June 15, 2021and marked Exhibit “B”. 7. The applicant shall agree to indemnify and defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in any way relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 8. A copy of these conditions and mitigation measures shall be incorporated into all Item 8.a - Page 13 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 8 construction documents. 9. At the time of application for construction permits, plans submitted shall show all development consistent with the approved site plan, floor plan, architectural elevations and landscape plan. 10. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 16.60 of the Development Code. Prior to issuance of a building permit, all illegal signs shall be removed. 11. Development shall comply with Development Code Sections 16.48.070, “Fences, Walls and Hedges”; 16.48.120, “Performance Standards”; and 16.48.130 “Screening Requirements”. 12. Setbacks, lot coverage, and floor area ratios shall be as shown on the development plans including those specifically modified by these conditions. 13. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.56, “Parking and Loading Requirements”. All parking spaces adjacent to a wall, fence, or property line shall have a minimum width of 11 feet. 14. All parking areas of five or more spaces shall have an average of one-half foot- candle illumination per square foot of parking area for visibility and security during hours of darkness. 15. Noise resulting from construction and operational activities shall conform to the standards set forth in Chapter 9.16 of the Municipal Code. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 7 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday, and from 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturdays. No construction shall occur on Sundays or City observed holidays. Inspections are only available Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM. 16. At the time of application for construction permits, the applicant shall provide details on any proposed exterior lighting, if applicable. The lighting plan shall include the height, location, and intensity of all exterior lighting consistent with Section 16.48.090 of the Development Code. All lighting fixtures shall be shielded so that neither the lamp nor the related reflector interior surface is visible from adjacent properties. All lighting for the site shall be downward directed and shall not create spill or glare to adjacent properties. All lighting shall be energy efficient (e.g. LED). 17. Landscaping in accordance with the approved landscaping plan shall be installed or bonded for before final building inspection/establishment of use. The landscape and irrigation plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect subject to review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. The landscape plan shall be in conformance with Development Code Chapter 16.84 (Water Efficient Landscape Requirements) and shall include the following: Item 8.a - Page 14 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 9 a. Tree staking, soil preparation and planting detail; b. The use of landscaping to screen ground-mounted utility and mechanical equipment; c. The required landscaping and improvements. This includes: i. Deep root planters shall be included in areas where trees are within five feet (5’) of asphalt or concrete surfaces and curbs; ii. Water conservation practices including the use of low flow heads, drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, drought tolerant plants. iii. An automated irrigation system using smart controller (weather based) technology. iv. The selection of groundcover plant species shall include native plants. v. Linear planters shall be provided in parking areas. vi. Turf areas shall be limited in accordance with Section 16.84.040 of the Development Code. 18. For projects approved with specific exterior building colors, the developer shall paint a test patch on the building including all colors. The remainder of the building may not be painted until inspected by the Community Development Department to verify that colors are consistent with the approved color board. A 48-hour notice is required for this inspection. 19. All new electrical panel boxes shall be installed inside the building(s). 20. Buildings equipped with a fire sprinkler system shall also have a Fire Department Connection (FDC), which shall be located adjacent to a fire access roadway, be remote from all buildings outside the building collapse zone, and screened to the maximum extent permitted by the Building Official or Fire Chief. 21. Fire Department Connections (FDC) shall be located near a fire hydrant, which is no closer than 20 feet and no greater than 100 feet with no obstructions or barriers between the FDC and the hydrant such as roads or driveways. 22. Double detector check valve assemblies shall be located directly adjacent to or within the respective building to which they serve, and screened to the maximum extent feasible. 23. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and all other mechanical equipment, whether on the ground, on the structure or elsewhere, shall be screened from public view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. It is especially important that gas and electric meters, electric transformers, and large water piping Item 8.a - Page 15 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 10 systems be completely screened from public view. All roof-mounted equipment which generates noise, solid particles, odors, etc., shall cause the objectionable material to be directed away from residential properties. 24. All conditions of this approval run with the land and shall be strictly adhered to, within the time frames specified, and in an on-going manner for the life of the project. Failure to comply with these conditions of approval may result in an immediate enforcement action. If it is determined that violation(s) of these conditions of approval have occurred, or are occurring, this approval may be revoked pursuant to Development Code Section 16.08.100. SUBDIVISION CONDITIONS 25. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.20 "Land Divisions". 26. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.64 "Dedications, Fees and Reservations." 27. The developer shall underground overhead utility lines in compliance with Development Code Chapter 16.68 "Improvements". 28. The applicant shall submit Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) that are administered by a subdivision homeowners' association, formed by the applicant for the area within the subdivision. The CC&R's shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with the final map. At a minimum, the CC&R's shall: a. Provide for maintenance of the driveways, common areas, sewer lines and other facilities; b. Prohibit additions to the units; c. Require garages to be kept clear for parking cars at all times; and d. Inform residents of the water conservation requirements placed on this project. 29. A joint maintenance agreement for the common landscape, drainage, and access driveway shall be submitted for review and approval of the City Attorney. The joint maintenance agreement shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with the final map. 30. An operations and maintenance agreement shall be submitted for all drainage facilities. 31. A building permit will not be issued until all drainage facilities are functional to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. INCLUSIONARY HOUSING 32. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.80 “Inclusionary Item 8.a - Page 16 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 11 Affordable Housing Requirements”. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONDITIONS 33. The garage and second story portion of the residence on Lot A shall be shifted to the east to allow more solar access along the western side yard. BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY DIVISION AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS BUILDING CODES 34. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of the California Building Standards Code, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. FIRE LANES 35. Prior to occupancy, the applicant shall post designated fire lanes, per Section 22500.1 of the California Vehicle Code. 36. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced, per Police Department and Fire Department guidelines. FIRE FLOW/FIRE HYDRANTS 37. Project shall have a fire flow in accordance with the California Fire Code. 38. Fire hydrants shall be installed, per Fire Department and Public Works Department standards and per the California Fire Code. SECURITY KEY BOX 39. The applicant must provide an approved "security key box," per Building and Fire Department guidelines and per the California Fire Code. FIRE SPRINKLER 40. All buildings must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire Department guidelines and per the California Fire Code. 41. Provide Fire apparatus access per the California Fire Code Appendix D, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. ABANDONMENT / NON-CONFORMING 42. The applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non-conforming items Item 8.a - Page 17 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 12 such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. 43. The developer shall reimburse the City for all costs associated with outside plan checks performed at either the developer’s or City’s request. ENGINEERING DIVISION CONDITIONS POST CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN, AND ANNUAL STORMWATER CONTROL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 44. The Applicant shall develop, implement and provide the City a: a. Prior to a building or grading permit a Stormwater Control Plan that clearly provides engineering analysis of all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls complying with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.2.2. b. Prior to final acceptance an Operations and Maintenance Plan and Maintenance Agreements that clearly establish responsibility for all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls complying with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.2.3. c. Annual Maintenance Notification indicating that all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls are being maintained and are functioning as designed. d. All reports must be completed by either a Registered Civil Engineer or Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer (QSD). GENERAL CONDITIONS 45. The developer shall sweep streets in compliance with Standard Specifications Section 13-4.03F. 46. For work requiring engineering inspections, working hours shall comply with Standard Specification Section 5-1.01. 47. All residential units shall be designed to mitigate impacts from non-residential project noise, in compliance with the City’s noise regulations. 48. All project improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the most recent version of the City of Arroyo Grande Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. 49. Record Drawings (“as-built” plans) are required to be submitted prior to release of the Faithful Performance Bond. 50. Submit as-built plans at the completion of the project or improvements as directed by the Community Development Director in compliance with Engineering Standard Item 8.a - Page 18 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 13 1010 Section 9.3 E. Provide One (1) set of paper prints and electronic documents on CD or flash drive in both AutoCAD and PDF format. AutoCAD drawings shall be in State plane coordinates. 51. Submit three (3) full-size paper copies and one (1) electronic PDF file of approved improvement plans for inspection purposes during construction. 52. Preserve existing survey monuments and vertical control benchmarks in compliance with Standard Specifications Section 5-1.26A. 53. Provide one (1) new vertical control survey benchmark, per City Standard, as directed by City Engineer. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 54. Public Improvement Plans, Site Civil Plans, and Maps shall be submitted to the Community Development Department Engineering Division be separate submittal from any vertical construction/structures building improvement plans. 55. Improvement plans must comply with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 1 and shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer or qualified specialist licensed in the State of California and approved by the Public Works Department and/or Community Development Department. The following plan sheet shall be provided: a. Site Plan i. The location and size of all existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities within the project site and abutting streets or alleys. ii. The location, size and orientation of all trash enclosures. iii. All existing and proposed parcel lines and easements crossing the property. iv. The location and dimension of all existing and proposed paved areas. v. The location of all existing and proposed public or private utilities. vi. Location of 100-year flood plain and any areas of inundation within project area. b. Grading Plan with Cross Sections c. Retaining Wall Plan and Profiles d. Roadway Improvements Plan and Profiles e. Storm Drainage Plan and Profile f. Utilities - Water and Sewer Plan and Profile g. Utilities – Composite Utility h. Signing and Striping i. Erosion Control j. Landscape and Irrigation Plans for Public Right-of-Way k. Tree Protection Plan Item 8.a - Page 19 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 14 l. Details m. Notes n. Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Measures o. Other improvements as required by the Community Development Director. (NOTE: All plan sheets must include City standard title blocks) p. Engineers estimate for construction cost based on County of San Luis Obispo unit cost. 56. Submit all retaining wall calculations for review and approval by the Community Development Director, including any referenced geotechnical report. 57. Prior to approval of an improvement plan the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for inspection of the required improvements. 58. Applicant shall fund outsourced plan and map check services, as required. 59. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining an encroachment permit for all work within a public right-of-way (City, County and/or Caltrans). STREET IMPROVEMENTS 60. Obtain approval from the Public Works Director prior to excavating in any street recently over-laid or slurry sealed. The Director shall approve the method of repair of any such trenches, but shall not be limited to an overlay or type 2 slurry seal. 61. Overlay streets or place type 2 slurry seal on any roads dedicated to the City prior to acceptance by the City. Determination whether to use overlay or slurry seal shall be made by the Public Works Director. 62. Remove existing roadway striping and markers prior to any overlay or slurry seal work to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Use only thermoplastic roadway striping. 63. Street shall be constructed as a partial width street to accommodate future widening by other property owners in accordance with Section 16.68.020 of the Development Code. The applicant shall construct a one half street section, plus a 12-foot-wide driving lane. 64. Street structural sections shall be determined by an R-Value soil test, but shall not be less than 3” of asphalt and 6” of Class II AB. CURB, GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK 65. Install new concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk as directed by the Community Development Director and Public Works Director. Item 8.a - Page 20 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 15 66. Color any such new facilities as directed by the Community Development Director. 67. Install ADA compliant facilities where necessary or verify that existing facilities are compliant with State and City Standards. 68. Install tree wells with root barriers for all trees planted adjacent to curb, gutter and sidewalk to prevent damage due to root growth. 69. Any sections of damaged or displaced curb, gutter & sidewalk or driveway approach shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director DEDICATIONS AND EASEMENTS 70. A private access and drainage easement shall be reserved on the map. 71. A Public Utility Easement (PUE) shall be dedicated a minimum 6 feet wide adjacent to all street right-of-ways. The PUE shall be wider where necessary for the installation or maintenance of the public utility vaults, pads, or similar facilities. 72. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded as a document separate from a map, shall be prepared by the applicant on 8 1/2 x 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The applicant shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additional required City processing. 73. Abandonment of public streets and public easements shall be listed on the final map of parcel map, in accordance with Section 66499.20½ of the Subdivision Map Act. 74. The subdivider shall enter into a subdivision agreement for the completion and guarantee of improvements required. The subdivision agreement shall be on a form acceptable to the City. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 75. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A GRADING PERMIT, the developer shall submit one (1) copies of the final project-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or a Water Pollution Control Plan (W PCP) consistent with the San Luis Obispo Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWCB) requirements. 76. All grading shall be performed in accordance with the City Grading Ordinance and Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. Item 8.a - Page 21 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 16 77. Drainage facilities shall be designed in compliance with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.1.2. 78. Submit a soils report for the project shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and supported by adequate test borings. All earthwork design and grading shall be performed in accordance with the approved soils report. The date of the soils report shall be less than 3 years old at the time of submittal. 79. The applicant shall dedicate a pedestrian access easement(s) for the ADA sidewalk extension. 80. Infiltration basins shall be designed based on soil percolation tests. Infiltration test shall include adequate borings depth and frequency to support design recommendations. 81. The applicant shall submit an engineering study regarding flooding related to the project site. Any portions of the site subject to flooding from a 100-year storm shall be shown on the tentative map or other recorded document, and shall be noted as a building restriction. WATER 82. Whenever possible, all water mains shall be looped to prevent dead ends. The Public Works Director must grant permission to dead end water mains. 83. Each parcel shall have separate water meters and its own service connection to the water main on Farroll Avenue. 84. Non-potable water is available at the Soto Sports Complex. The City of Arroyo Grande does not allow the use of hydrant meters. 85. Lots using fire sprinklers shall have individual service connections. 86. Existing water services to be abandoned shall be abandoned in compliance with Engineering Standard 6050. SEWER 87. All sewer laterals shall comply with Engineering Standard 6810. 88. Existing sewer laterals to be abandoned shall be abandoned in compliance with Engineering Standard 6050. 89. Each parcel shall be provided a separate sewer lateral. Laterals shall be sized for the appropriate use, minimum 4”. Item 8.a - Page 22 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 17 90. All sewer mains or laterals crossing or parallel to public water facilities shall be constructed in accordance with Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. 91. Obtain approval from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District for the development’s impact to District facilities prior to permit issuance. 92. Obtain approval from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District prior to relocation of any District facilities. 93. Submit a will-serve letter from South County Sanitary stating that the property access and location of trash receptacles is adequate for trash collection service. PUBLIC UTILITIES 94. The developer shall comply with Development Code Section 16.68.050: All projects that involve the addition of over 100 square feet of habitable space shall be required to place service connections underground - existing and proposed utilities. 95. All new and relocated dry utilities shall be shown on a utility plan. 96. Prior to approving any building permit within the project for occupancy, all conditions of approval for project shall be satisfied. 97. Public Improvement plans/Final Map/Parcel Map shall be submitted to the public utility companies for review and approval. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for approval. 98. Street lighting shall comply with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 3.1.2.Q. 99. Upon execution of PG&E contract, submit contract to the City. Include PG&E schematic in the project plan set.” FEES AND BONDS The applicant shall pay all applicable City fees, including the following: 100. FEES TO BE PAID PRIOR TO PLAN SUBMITTAL a. Map check fee for Parcel Map. b. Plan check for grading plans (Based on an approved earthwork estimate). c. Plan check for improvement plans (Based on an approved construction cost estimate). d. Permit Fee for grading plans (Based on an approved earthwork Item 8.a - Page 23 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 18 estimate). e. Inspection Fee of subdivision or public works construction plans (Based on an approved construction cost estimate). f. Plan Review Fee (Based on the current Building Division fee schedule. NOTE: The applicant is responsible to pay all fees associated with outside plan review consultants) 101. FEES TO BE PAID PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT a. Water Neutralization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance, involving water connection or enlargement of an existing connection. b. Water Distribution fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. c. Water Meter charge to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. d. Water Availability charge, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. e. Traffic Impact fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. f. Traffic Signalization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. g. Sewer Connection fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. h. South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Connection fee. i. Drainage fee, as required by the area drainage plan for the area being developed. j. Park Development fee, the developer shall pay the current parks development fee for each unit approved for construction (credit shall be provided for existing houses), to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. k. Construction Tax, the applicant shall pay a construction tax. l. Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) Fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of development. m. Building Permit Fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of development. 102. FEES TO BE PAID OR LAND DEDICATED PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP/PARCEL MAP a. Park Development fee, the developer shall pay the current park development fee, and/or donate land in-lieu of, for each lot approved. b. Park Dedication, the developer shall dedicate land for park purposes. c. Park Improvement fee, the developer shall pay the current park improvement fee for each lot approved. Item 8.a - Page 24 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 19 d. Affordable Housing in Lieu fee, in accordance with Chapter 16.80 of the Development Code. 103. Preliminary Title Report, a current preliminary title report shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works prior to checking the map. If the property owner is a Limited Liability Company (LLC), provide names and contact information for the individual owners. A current subdivision guarantee shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works prior to recording the Map. BONDING SURETY 104. Erosion Control, prior to issuance of the grading or building permit, all new residential construction requires posting of a $1,200.00 performance bond for erosion control and damage to the public right-of-way. This bond is refundable upon successful completion of the work, less expenses incurred by the City in maintaining and/or restoring the site. 105. The applicant shall provide bonds or other financial security for the following. All bonds or security shall be in a form acceptable to the City, and shall be provided prior to recording of the map, unless noted otherwise. The minimum term for Improvement securities shall be equal to the term of the subdivision agreement. a. Faithful Performance, 100% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. b. Erosion Control and Landscape, 100% of the approved estimated cost of all erosion control work during construction and the estimated cost of all final landscaping after construction is complete. This bond is refundable upon successful completion of the work, less expenses uncured by the City in maintaining and/or restoring the site. c. Labor and Materials, 50% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. d. One Year Guarantee, 10% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. This bond is required prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvements. e. Monumentation, 100% of the estimated cost of setting survey monuments. f. Tax Certificate, the applicant shall furnish a certificate from the tax collector’s office indicating that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the property g. Accessory Structures, the applicant shall remove or bond for removal of all accessory structures not sharing a parcel with a residence. h. Garages, the applicant shall construct, or bond for construction of a two-car garage and driveway for the existing house on both lots. i. Curb cuts, the applicant shall construct or bond for construction of Item 8.a - Page 25 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 20 individual curb cuts and paved driveways for parcels. Item 8.a - Page 26 ATTACHMENT 2 Item 8.a - Page 27 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2021 ARROYO GRANDE CITY HALL, 300 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CA In compliance with the State and County Shelter at Home Orders due to the coronavirus pandemic, and as allowed by the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting was held by teleconference. 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Hoag called the Regular Architectural Review Committee meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL ARC Members:Chair Hoag, Vice Chair Bruce Berlin, Committee Members Jon Couch, Kristin Juette, and Lori Hall were present. City Staff Present: Associate Planner Andrew Perez, and Assistant Planner Patrick Holub were present. 3.FLAG SALUTE Committee Member Couch led the Flag Salute. 4.AGENDA REVIEW None. 5.COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 6.WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 7.CONSENT AGENDA 7. a. Vice Chair Berlin made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Juette to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2021, Regular Meeting with a minor correction to the vote for Vice Chair (Item 9.a). The motion passed 5-0 on the following voice vote: AYES: Berlin, Juette, Couch, Hall, Hoag NOES: None 8.PROJECTS 8.a CONSIDERATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 21-003; ONE NEW WALL SIGN, ONE NEW GROUND SIGN AND ACCESSORY SIGNAGE FOR A NEW BUSINESS; LOCATION – 121 WEST BRANCH STREET; APPLICANT – CARMEN LEYVA, POKE MORRO (Holub) Assistant Planner Holub presented the staff report, and provided information about the location, sign regulations for the Village, and project details. He described the proposed project including details about the size of the signs, colors, and compliance with the Design Guidelines for the Historic Character Overlay District. ATTACHMENT 3 Item 8.a - Page 28 Minutes: ARC PAGE 2 Monday, March 15, 2021 Carmen and Isaac Leyva, project applicants, spoke in support of the project and answered questions from the Committee. The applicants clarified the colors on the signs and explained how the installation hardware will provide some dimension to the wall sign. The Committee spoke in support of the project and appreciated the overall design, but wanted to see consistency between the colors used for the blade and wall signs. The Committee also stated a desire to see details added to the wall sign to add depth and dimensionality. Committee Member Juette made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Couch, to recommend approval of the project to the Community Development Director, with the following conditions: 1. Both signs shall use white lettering on a black background 2. A circle shall be added around the logo on the wall sign to add dimensionality 3. Sign illumination shall comply with the Village Design Guidelines and the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. The motion passed 5-0 on the following voice vote: AYES: Juette, Couch, Hall, Berlin, Hoag NOES: None 8.b. CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 21-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 20-001; SUBDIVISION OF ONE (1) LOT INTO TWO (2) LOTS AND CONSTRUCTION OF TWO (2) NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES; LOCATION – 1250 FARROLL AVENUE; APPLICANT – BHAJAN SINGH; REPRESENTATIVE – GREG SOTO, LIV-IN ENVIRONMENTS (Perez) Associate Planner Perez presented the staff report explaining the original use of the subject property as a drainage basin, the purpose of the Planned Unit Development permit process, and the proposed project. He explained the proposed access and parking details, open space requirements for PUDs, and landscaping. He also presented the architectural style and color palate of both proposed residences. Greg Soto, project architect, spoke in support and answered the Committee’s questions. He explained how he calculated the open space statistics, and acknowledged that he can create an open space exhibit for the Planning Commission hearing. He also explained how the home on Lot A can be redesigned by shifting the garage and master suite above to the east to improve solar access and decrease privacy concerns. The Committee spoke in support of the concept of a small lot PUD as an infill project. The Committee appreciated the architecture and the side-loaded garages. The Committee appreciated the thoughtful design and placement of the windows along the western elevations to mitigate privacy concerns. The Committee was concerned with solar access along the western side setback, primarily on Lot A, due to the proximity of this project to the residences to the east. The Committee appreciated the architect’s willingness to redesign the home by shifting the garage and master suite to the east to increase light and air in the outdoor living space. Vice Chair Berlin made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Hall, to recommend approval to the Planning Commission with the following condition: 1. The garage and second story portion of the residence on Lot A shall be shifted to the east to allow more solar access along the western side yard. The motion passed 5-0 on the following voice vote: Item 8.a - Page 29 Minutes: ARC PAGE 3 Monday, March 15, 2021 AYES: Berlin, Hall, Juette, Couch, Hoag NOES: None 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. 10. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS Chair Hoag inquired about the project at 1185 E. Grand Avenue and whether it required review by the ARC. 11. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Associate Planner Perez provided a recap of the Community Service Grant Program committee that convened on March 4th. Associate Planner Perez announced that the Committee will review Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo’s mixed-use project at 700 Oak Park Blvd. at their next meeting on April 5th. 12. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:21 p.m.to a regular meeting on April 5, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. _____________________________ _____________________________ ANDREW PEREZ WARREN HOAG ASSOCIATE PLANNER CHAIR (Approved at ARC Meeting _________) Item 8.a - Page 30 ATTACHMENT 4 Item 8.a - Page 31 Item 8.a - Page 32 SMHLID 99.58PP . 5 F S 9 9 . 7 4PP.5EG 99.30PP.5E G 99.44UTILLID 99.81UTILLI D 99.82UTILLID 99.83UTILLI D 99.81N0°02'00"W 87.29'-SEE TRACT MAPN89°58'00"E 62.83' N89°45'30"E 62.83'N0°02'00"W 75.04'-SEE TRACT MAPATTACHMENT 5 Item 8.a - Page 33 PP. 5 F S 9 9 . 7 4PP.5EG 99.30PP.5E G 99.44UTILLID 99.81UTILLID 99.82UTILLID 99.83UTILLID 99.81N0°02'00"W 87.29'-SEE TRACT MAPN89°58'00"E 62.83' N89°45'30"E 62.83'N0°02'00"W 75.04'-SEE TRACT MAPItem 8.a - Page 34 SDMHLID 99.59SDMHLID 99.54SMHLID 99.58FEW.5EG 99.23FEWEG 99.10FEW.5EG 98.92FEW.5EG 99.10FEW.5EG 98.97FEW.5EG 99.35FEW1X1EG 98.71FEW.5EG 98.65FEW.5EG 99.37FEW.5EG 99.25FEW.5X3EG 100.15FEW2EG 98.89FEW.5EG 99.56FEW.5EG 99.62FEWCOR.5EG 99.68FEWCOR.5EG 99.92FEW.5EG 100.57FEW.5EG 100.50FEW.5EG 100.07FEW.5EG 100.00FEWCOR.5EG 100.07FEWCOR.5FS 100.32FEW.5FS 100.461ƒ : 1ƒ : 1ƒ ( 1ƒ ( 100 100 979798 9899 99 96969797989899991ƒ : 1ƒ : 1ƒ : GRAPHIC SCALE( IN FEET )1 inch = 10 ft.Item 8.a - Page 35 FEW.5EG 99.23 FEWEG 99.10 FEW.5EG 98.92 FEW.5EG 99.10 100 100 9 7 97 9 8 98 99 99 EW.5EG 98.92 Item 8.a - Page 36 Item 8.a - Page 37 Item 8.a - Page 38 Item 8.a - Page 39