PC R 94-1485RESOLUTION NO. 94-1485 A RESOLUTION OF 7'I-IE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TIIE C1TY OF ARROYO GRANDI: PROVIDING AN INT�RPRETATION OF THE D�VELOPIVIENT COD� THAT A ENT�RPRISE RENT-A-CAR IS A PERMITTED USE, AT 1205 GRAND AV�NUE, IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE WH�REAS, the Development Code was adopteci by the City Council on May 14, 1991, and became effective on June 13, 1991; and WHEREAS, Section 9-01.110 (G)(3) of the Development Code provides the Planning Commission with the authority to clarify a►nbiguities in the Title; and WHER�AS, Development Code Table 9-07.030-A lists uses permitted in the General Commercial zone; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has received a request for interpretation of whether Enterprise Rent-A-Car can operate their business in the General Commercial zone; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due research and deliberation finds that: 1. There will be a limitation of 10 vehicles parked on tl�e site at any one time. 2. The nature of the proposed use supports the general commerciat business areas of the City. NOW, THERErORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby makes the interpretation that Enterprise Rent-A-Car is a permitted use in the General Commercial zone. On motion of Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and by tl�e following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Tappan, Solo, Carr, Deviny and Chairperson Keen NOTS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Hatchett the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 20th day of September, 1994. ATTEST: c��.r,t Nancy Bro , Commission Clerk n Keen, a'rperson