PC R 93-1453RLSOI,U'1'ION NO. )3-1453 A R�SOLUTION OF '1'IIC CI'1'Y Or ARROYO GRANDC PLANNING COMMISSION RCCOMMCNDING TjIA1' TIIC CITY COUNCIL INS'I'RUC1' TIIE CITY CLERIC TO rILL A NOTICC OF CAT�GORICAL rXCMP'TION AND AllOPT TIIC UPllATED 'I'RAFP'1C IM1'ACT rEC PROGRAM WI�I�R�AS, in 1989, the City Council agreed to a program for collecting traffic mitigation fees through the environrnental review process; and WI-I�REAS, since new traffic inFormation has been generated since the Council's direction in 1989, the City retained Crawford, Multari & Starr to develop a traffic impact fee program in compliance with AB 1600; and WHEREAS, on August 12, 1993 and September 21, 1993, joint meetings between the Planning Commission and Traffic Commission were held to discuss the joint traffic impact fee program; and WII�R�AS, on December 21, 1993 the Planning Commission held a public hearing to review tfie draft traffic impact fee program; and WI��R�AS, the City of Arroyo Grande has found that the proposal can be categorically exempt per Section 15061 of the CEQA Guidelines. NOW, T'IICRErOR�, l3� I'I' RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby recommends to the City Council adoption of the Resolution and Ordinance outlined in Exhibit "A" on the following findings: 1. The purpose of transportation facilities impact fee is to protect the public health, safety and welfare by maintaining tlle existing level of service for existing and future residents and businesses with the City of Arroyo Grande and to pay for lhe cost of providing such facilities; 2 � The fees collected pursuant to the attached resolution shall be used only to pay for public facilities identified in Exhibit "A" of lhe attached Ordinance. There is a reasonable relationship between the type of development on which fees are imposed and the purpose for which such fees will be used. On motion of Commissioner 'I'appan, secondecl by Commissioner Soto, and by tl�e following roll call vote, to wit: AYCS: Commissioners Tappan, Soto, Reil(y, Hatchelt and Chairman Carr NOES: None AI3SENT: Commissioners Deviny and Keen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of December, 1993. ATT�ST: Nancy I3ro n, Commission Clerk , �� Robert W. Carr, Cl�airman �XIIII3I I1 A (1 �� ORDINANCC NO. AN ORDINANC� Or T�-IC CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ES1'A,I�LISIIING TRANSPORTATION FACILITII+S D�VELOPMENT IMPACT r�TS rOR ALL NEW DEV�LOPMFNT WITIIIN TI�C CITY OT' ARROYO GRANDE WI-IER�AS, the City of Arroyo Grande has evaluated transportation system improvements needed to maintain an acceptable level of service for the present and future residents and businesses of lhe City of Arroyo Grande; and, WHEREAS, the list of needed transportation system improvements, along with the estimated cost of constructing such irnprovements is attached as Ex}iibit "A" and is liereby incorporated by reference; and, WI the list of needed improveil�ents shown in Exhibit "A" will benefit all existing and future residents and busi►�esses of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WI-I�R�AS, Exhibit "A" provides a reasonable nexus and relationship between new development and the public tacilities needed to maintain the existing level of public services for existing and future residents and businesses in the City of Arroyo Grande pursuant to California Government Code Section 66000, et seq; and, W�IER�AS, the City Planning Director has detennined that this ordinance is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Article 18, Sections 15061 (a) and 15273 (a) (4); and, WII�RCAS, the City Council has held a properly noticed public hearin,g to consider the proposed development impact fees; and, WHEREAS, the proposed ordinance promotes the public health, safety and general welfare; NOW TIICRCFORI; BC IT ORDAIN�D by The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: S�CTION 1: Pur�ose In order to implement the goals and objectives of the City of Arroyo Grande General Plan and to mitigate the public service impacts caused by new development, certain transportation facilities must be purchased and/or constructed. The City Council has determined that a development impact fee is needed in order to pay for such faci(ities, and to pay for the new development's fair share of the construclion and/or acquisition costs oE these improvements. In eslablishing the fees described in the following sections lhe City Council finds that the fees are consistent with the Cily's General Pian. Orciinance No. Establishing Transportation Facililies Development Impact Fees Page 2 SECTION 2: �st�blisl�n�ent of Developmeut Iuip�ct rees • A Transportation Facilities Development Impact Fee is hereby established as a condition of any new development for which approval is required from the City of Arroyo Grande, including issuance of Uuilding permits and/or certificates of occupancy. Said fees are established to pay for public facilities as identified in �xhibit "A", attached hereto and hereby incorporated by reference. The City Council shall, from time to time, by resolution, set forth the amount of lhe fee, list the specific public improvements to be to be financed with said fees, describe the estimaled cost of the facilities, describe the reasonable relationship between the fee and the type of development on which the fee is being levied, and set forth the time of payment of the fee. Said resolution shall provide for a method of adjusting the amount of the fees to account for changes in construction costs or other considerations affecting the reasonable relationship between the fees and the cost of the identified pub(ic facilities. A credit up to five (5) years for the previous use on the site shall be given. ProJ'ects exempt from this ordinance, provided building permits are issued by 1996, and no traffic impact fee mitigation measure was required, are: l. � Development projects slill active wliich were approvecJ prior to September 1989. 2. Vacant residenlial lots which existed prior to , 1994. SCCTION 3: Liiuited Use of rees The revenues raised by lhe imposition of fees pursuant to this ordinance shall be placed in special accounts and such revenues, along with the any interest earnings derived from such revenues, shall be used solely to: (a) pay for the construction of facilities described in the resolution adopted pursuant to Section 2 above, or to reimburse the City for such facilities that the City may have constructed with funds advanced from other sources; or (�) reimburse developers who have been required or permitted by Section 4, below, to install such facilities which are oversized with supplemental length, size or capacity. S�CTION 4: Develoner Conslruction of r�cilities Whenever a developer is required, as a condition of approval of a development permit, to construct a public facility described in the resolution pursuant to Section 2 above, which facility is determined by the City to have supplemental length, size or capacity beyond that needed to serve that specific development, and when such construction is necessary to ensure timely and efficient construction of the facilities, a reimbursement agreement with the developer and a credit against the fee which would otherwise be charged pursuant to this ordinance shall be offered. 'The reimbursement offer shall not include that portion of the cost needed to provide services to or mitigate the impacts of the development. Ordinance No. Establishing 1'ransportation Facilities Deveiopment Impact Fees Page 3 S�CT'ION 5: Tee Adjust.nients The City Council may, at its discretion, waive or adjust said fees for any purpose deemed by the City Council to be in the best public interest of the City of Arroyo Grande. A developer of any project subject to the fee established in Section 2 above may appeai to the City Council for a reduction or adjustment to tl�at fee, or a waiver of tl�e fee, if the developer believes tl�at, because of special circumstances of project ciiaracteristics, tlie project will not generate traffic impacts typical of other uses in the same land use category. The application shall be made in writing to tlie City Clerk, along witli any required application fee, not later tlian (1) ten days prior to the public l�earing on the development permit application for tl�e project, or (2) of no develop►nent permit is required, at the time of tl�e filing of the request for a building permit. The application shall state in detail the factual basis for the claim of the waiver, reduction or adjustment. The City Council shall consider the appeal at a public hearing to be held within sixty days after the Cling of the appeaL The hearing of lhe appeal may be continued from time to time. The decision of the City Council on the appeal shall be final. If a fee reduction, adjustrnent or waiver is granted, any change in the permitted type or intensity of land use williin the approved development project shall invalidate the reduction, adjustment or waiver. The City Council may require the applicant to submit a traffc study, fiscal impact analysis, or other documentation necessary to determine whether a waiver is appropriate. . SCCTION 6: Unexpended ru��ds Pursuant to Government Code Section 66001 (d), whenever fees collected pursuant ro this ordinance remain unexpended or uncommitted for five or rnore years after deposit of the fee, the City Council shall make findings one each year with respect to the unexpended amount. The City Council shall identify the purpose for which the fee is to be used, and demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and the purpose for which it was charged. The findings required by this section need only be made for monies in possession of the City, and need not be made with respect to any letter of credit, bonds or other items given to secure payment of the fee at a future date. The City shall refund to the then-current owner or owners vf the new development project or projects, on a proraled basis the unexpended or uncommitted portion of the fees for which need cannot be demonstrated pursuant to this section. The City may refund the unexpended or uncommitted revenue by direct payment, by providing a temporary suspension of public facility impact fees, or by any other means consistent with his section. The determination of the means by which those fees are to be refunded is a legislative act. If the City Council determines that the administrative costs of refunding the unexpended or unconunitted fees collected pursuant lo this ordinance exceed the amount to be refunded, the City Council, after a public hearing, nc�tice of which has been published pursuant to section 6061 of the California Government Code and posted in three prominent places within lhe area of the new development project, may determine that the unexpended or uncommitted fees shall be allocated for some other purpose for which the fees are collectecl and which serves the new development project on which the fees were originally imposed. Ordinance No. Establishing Transportation Facilities Development Impacl Fees Page 4 S�CTION 7: Interpretation of this Ordinance shall be submitted to the Planning Department in writing and an interpretation shall be made by the 1']anning Commission. SCCTION 8: This ordinance, along with the names of lhe Council members voting for and against, shall be published in summary, at least three (3) days prior lo its final passage, in a newspaper of local circulation within the City of Arroyo Grande. Pursuanl to California Government Code section 66017, this ordinance shall become effective sixty (60) days after final action by the City Council: INTRODUCED by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at its meeting held on the day of , 1994, on motion of Council Mernber , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AY�S: NOCS: A13SEN'T: NIATTHEW PETER GALLAGHER, III, MAYOR ATTEST: NANCY A. DAVIS, CITY CLERK APPROV�D AS TO FORM: ROGER C. LYON, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT "A" Table 1 Transportation System Improvement Plan Estimetad Other Arroyo Grende Arroyo Grende Improvement Description Coet Apencies Percentege Cost Priority Involved7 Widen Brisco Road undercrossing 52,000,000 No 100°� 52,000.000 1 EI Cemino Reel - Brisco to S510,000 No 100'i6 9510,000 1 Halcyon; widen to four lenes West Branch Street - 4 lene from S 1,690,000 No 100% S1,690,000 1 Oak Perk to Brisco West Branch Street - 5 lane irom S740,000 No 100°,6 S740,000 5 Brisco to Grand Ave. Oek Park Roed - Widen to 4 3760,000 Grover Beach 50% S380,000 5 lenes Grend Ave. to 101 Huasne Road/227 - Signelize S120,000 County, 33% 339,600 5 intersection Caltrans Brench St.lTre(fic Way - S736,000 No 100°i6 S.736,000 1 reconfigure intersection including releted improvements Traffic Wey/Feir Oaks - signelize 3120,000 No 100% S 120,000 5 intersection including releted improvements Halcyon Rd./Grand Ave. - NB lett $225,000 No 100% 5225,000 5 turn, WB left tur� Elm St./ Ferroll Ave. - signalize 9120,000 No 100°�6 9120,000 5 intersection Valley Road - realign curva at S33,000 No 100% 333,000 3 school Feir Oeks - Widen to 5 lenes S499,000 No 100% S499,000 5 from Traffic Way to creek Huesne Roed - Widen to 4 lanes $693,000 No 100% S693,000 5 from Clarence to Verd Loomis Branch Miil/Cherry Avenue - 9268,000 No 100% 3268,000 1 upgrade existinp roadwey Elm St. - Acquire ROW for $50,000 No 100% 550,000 5 wideni�g Halcyon Rd. - Acquire ROW for 3200,000 No 100°,% S200,000 5 widening TOTAI S8,764,000 S8,303,600 Sources: Camprehensive Soulh Counfy Trsffic Model and Study, Final Repart, November 1992. Ci(y ofArroyo Grande Ci�culation E/ement of �he GeneralP/an. City o( Arroyo Grande Public Works Department. California Stete Department of Trensportetion (Caltrens). Priority 1-5 1 - Highest 3 - Moderte 5 - Lowest EXIIIBI'I' ��8�� CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TRAN5POR1'ATION rACILITY IMPACT FEES Average Traffic Land Use Daily Impact Fee Tri s Sin le Famil Detached 10 $ 538.22 Single Family Attached (Condos & 7 $ 376.75 Du lexes Multi-Famil Units 6.1 $ 328.31 Mobile Homes Traflers 4.8 $ 258.34 Commercial Retail (per 1,0�0 40.7 $2,190.55 s .ft. Commercial Service (per 1,000 50 $2,691.09 s .ft. Industrial er 1,000 s.ft. 5.5 $ 296.02 Office er 1,000 s.ft. 20 $1,076.44 Miscellaneous uaes - Use ITE --- $ 53.82 Manual, for s ecific use. er ADT R�SOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA.NDE S�TTING FORTH THE AMOUNT OF PUBLIC FACII,ITY Il�IPACT FEFS . WHEREAS, Ordinance of the City of Arxoyo Gra�lde establisl�es transportation facility impact fees and provides for tlie setting of fee amounts by resolution of ttie City Council; and, � WH�REAS, the City has conducted a study which estimates the costs of public facilities needed to maintain tt�e existit�g level of public services to existing and future residents and businesses in tl�e City of Arroyo Grande, which is attacl�ed I�ereto as Exhibit "A" 8.ild WI11CI1 1S hereby incorporated herein by reference; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to California Government Code Section 66016, said study has bee►� available for public inspection anci review at least ten (10) days prior to a public 1�earing lield on this matter and public notice was provided fourteen (14) days prior to the public hearing; and, WHEKEAS, pursuant to California Government Code Section 66017, this resolution si�all become effective sixty (60) days from the passage of Ordinance . NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande finds and resolves that: 1. Findings: a. Tl�e purpose of transportation facilities impact fees is to protect ti�e public healtl�, safety and welfare by maintaining the existing level of public services for existing and future residents and businesses within the City of Arroyo Grande, and to pay for the cost of � providing such facilities. b. The fees collected pursuant to this resolution shall be used only to pay for public facilities identified in Exf�ibit "A" pursuant to Ordinance _ c. There is a reasonable relationship between the types of development on which fees are imposed and the purpose for whic}i sucli fees will be used. 2. Cost �sti�nates: The estimated costs of public facilities to be funded with the fees established by this resolution are set forth in attached Exhibit "l�". If the actual or estimated cost of public facilities, as identiGed and shown in attached Exhibit "A" should change, the City Manager shall review the fees to determine whether such fees are still adequate. If the fees should be changed, the City Manager shall recommend to tt�e City Council a revised fee schedule be adopted by resolution. 3. AiT�ount of Fees: a. The amount of the public facility impact fees shall be as set forth in attached Exhibit �� �� b. The Standard Industrial Classification Manual (SIC) shall be used to interpret land use categories, when it is unclear. Resolution No. Setting Forth Transportation Facilities Development Impact Fees Page 2 4. Time of Payment: a. Public facility impact fees for any develop►nent project shall be due and payable prior to final inspection and/or issuance of certificate of occupancy, and shall be collected by the Building Official. Notwithstanding, under Government Code Section 66007 (b), the City is autt�orized to collect the fees at tt�e time of building permit issuance if the fees are for public facilities and improvements for which accou�its have been established and funds appropriated, and for which the City has adopted a proposed construction schedule; or the fees are to reimb��rse the City for expenditures previously made. 5. Exe►nptions• Exemptions to the fees adopted herein may be gra�tted by the City Council pursuant to Ordinance of tlie City of Anoyo Gra�ide. 6. Separate Accounts: The Finance Director shall deposit fees collected under this resolution in separate public facility impact fee accounts as required by California Government Code Section 66006. Within sixty days of the close of each fiscal year, the Finance Director shall make available to the public an accounting of eacll fu�id, a��d ttie City Council sfiall review tl�at information at its next regular public meeting; notice of tl�e meeting stiall be given as provided in Government Code Section 66006(b)(2). 7. Interpretation: Interpretation of tf�is Ordinance shall be submitted to tlie Planning Department in writing and an interpretation sl�all be made by the Planning Commission. NOW, T�I�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVLD by lhe Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at its meeting held on the day of , 1994, on a motion of , seconded by � and on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MATTHEW PETER GALLAGHER, III, MAYOR ATT�ST: NANCY A. DAVIS, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO rORM: ROGER C. LYON, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT "A" Table 1 Transportation System Improvement Plan Estimeted Other Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande Improvement Description Cost Aqencies Percentage Cost Priority Involved7 Widen Brisco Roed undercrossing SZ.000,000 No 100% 32,000,000 1 EI Camino Real - B�isco to S510,000 No 100% 3510,000 1 Helcyon; widen to four lenes West Branch Street - 4 lene from S 1,690,000 No 100% S1,690,000 1 Oak Park to Brisco West Branch Street - 5 lene from 5740,000 No 100% S740,000 5 8risco to Grend Ave. Oek Park Road - Widen to 4 3760,000 Grover Beach 50°,�0 9380,000 5 le�es Grend Ave. to 101 Huesna Roed/227 - Signalize 3120,000 County, 33% 339,600 5 intersectfon Caltrans 8ranch St.lfreffic Wey - 9736,000 No 100% S736,000 1 reconfigure intersaction including related improvements _ . Treffic Way/Feir Oaks - signelize S 120,000 No 100°,6 3120,000 5 intersection includtng releted improvements Helcyon Rd./Gra�d Ave. - NB left 3225,000 No 100% $225,000 5 turn, WB left turn Elm St./ Ferroll Ave. - signelize 8120,000 No 100°�(, 3120,000 5 intersection Valley Roed - realign curve at 333,000 No 100% 533,000 3 school Feir Oaks - Widen to 5 lanes 3499,000 No 100°% S499,000 5 (rom Trat(ic Wey to creek Huasne Roed - Widen to 4 lenes 3693,000 No 100% $693,000 5 from Clarence to Vard Loomis Branch MilllCherry Avenue - 5268,000 No 100% S268,000 1 upgrade existing roedwey Elm St. - Acquire ROW far $50,000 No 100°i6 350,000 5 widening Halcyon Rd. • Acquire ROW for 9200,000 No 100% S200,000 S widening TOTAL S8,764,000 58,303,600 Sources: Comprehensive South Caunty TraNic Model and Study, Final Report, November 1 992. City of Arroyo Grande Circulafion E/emenf of the Gene�al P/an. City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Oepertment. Calitor�ia Stete Department of Trensportation (Caltransl. Priority 1-5 1 - Highest 3 - Moderte 5 - Lowest � 1 L—J �X�IIBIT ��8�� CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TRANSPORTATION FACILITY 1MPACT FEES Average Traffic Land Use Daily Impact Fee Tri s Sin le Famil Detached 10 $ 538.22 Single Family Attached (COndos & 7 $ 376.75 Du lexes Mu1ti-Fami1 Units 6.1 $ 328.31 Mobile Homes Trailers 4.8 $ 258.34 Commercial Retail (per 1,000 40.7 $2,190.55 s .ft. Commercial Service (per 1,000 50 $2,691.09 s .ft. Industrial er 1,000 s.ft. 5.5 $ 296.02 Office er 1,000 sv.ft. 20 $1,076.44 Miscellaneous uses - Use ITE --- $ 53.82 Manual, for s ecific use. er ADT