PC R 93-1442RESOLUTION NO. 93-1442
WHEREAS, tlie Planning Commission of tl�e City of Arroyo Grande has considered
Conditional Use Permit Case No. 93-511, filed by The Vons Companies, Inc., to construct a
64,363 square foot market and appurtenant improvements,in the General Commercial Zone; and
WH�REAS, the Plannir�g Com►nission has held a public hearing on this application in
accordance with the City Code; and
WH�REAS, the Planning Commission has found that this project is consistent with the
General Plan and the Environmental documents associated therewith; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission tias reviewed tl�is project in compliance witl� tlie
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and based upon the Expanded Initial Study l�as
determined that a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures can be adopted; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission �nds, after due study, deliberation and public
hearing, tlie following circumstances exist:
Conditional Use Perinit Findings
1. The proposed use is permitted within tl�e subject district pursuar�t to tlie provisions of
. Section 9-03.050 of the Development Code, and complies with all applicable provisions
of the Development Code except as approved by Variance Case Numbers 93-180 and 93-
181, and complies with ll�e goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and
the development policies and standards of the City. '
2. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and ctiaracter or the district in wl�icl� it
is to be establislied or located. The proposed structure is a commercial use, located in
a commercial zone with similar commercial uses. Adequate mitigation measures have
been included within the conditions of approval to protect tl�e integrity and cl�aracter of
nearby residentia( and quasi-public uses.
3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed
� because adequate parking is provided and adequate landscaping is provided for the
proposed use.
4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to
ensure ttie public fiealth and safety provided the attached mitigation measures are
Resolution No. 93-1442
Conditional Use Permit Case No. 93-5ll and
Associated Arci�itectural Review
The Vons Companies, Inc.
November 16, 1993
Page Two
5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or
materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity.
6 Inasmuch as the parameters of the traffic study did not include an analysis of turnine
movements at Ramona Avenue or at the o��osin� driveways in Grover Beach the traffic
consultant and Director of Public Works aQree that judgement as to the �revailing
conditions which should control are best made through the Director's first hand
knowledge of the area. As such, based on the Director of Public Works recommendation
the Planning, Commission finds that tlie driveway location proposed bv the applicant be
approved as it provides greater distance from the Grand Avenue intersection and allows
less conflict with turning movements at the highly used Bur e�. r Kin� drivewa�
Likewise. Grover Beach's City En�ineer has expressed tiie opinion that turning
movements at Ramona Avenue should not govern the design.
Architectural Review Findings
1. The proposal is consistent with the "General Arctiitectural Review Guidelines" for the
City of Arroyo Grande.
2. The proposal is consistent with the text and maps of the Arroyo Grande General Plan,
and the City of Arroyo Grande Development Code except as approved by Variance Case
Numbers 93-180 and 93-181.
3. The proposal will not be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort and general welfare
of the persons working in the neighborhood of the proposed project because mitigation
measures and conditions of approval will require additions in or revisions to the project
that will protect the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons working in t1�e
4. The general appearance of tl�e proposal is in keeping with the character of the
neigl�borliood. Tlie articulated architecture of the proposed market is consistent with
variety of form and design of otl�er com►nercial uses in the neighborhood.
5. The proposal is not detrimental to the orderly and liarmonious development of tlle City.
The proposed use is a commercial use in an area zoned for such uses.
6. The proposal will not impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the
Department of Tish and Game Required Findings of Exemption �
1. Tl�e City of Arroyo Grande has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 15063 of
the Guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for Conditional Use
Permit Case No. 93-511.
Resolution No. 93-1442
Conditional Use Permit C�se No. 93-5ll �nd
Associated Arcl�itectural Review
Tlie Vons Companies, Inc.
November 16, 1993
Pnge Three
2. Based on tl�e initial study, a negative declaration drafted for review by the public and
review and approval by tlie Planning Commission.
3. After l�olding a public hearing pursuant to State and City Codes, and considering tlie
record as a whole tlie Planning Commission adopted the negative declaration and found
that tliere is no substantial evidence of any significant adverse effect, either individually
or cumulatively on wildlife resources as defined by Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game
Code or on the habitat upon which the wildlife depends as a result of development of tl�is
project. . .
NOW, T�IER�FORE, B� IT R�SOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City
of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts a Negative Declaration with mitigation ►neasures; instructs the
Secretary to file a Notice of Determination and approves said conditional use permit and tl�e
associated architectural review, subject to the standard conditions of the City and those
conditions listed below:
General Conditions
1. The applicant sliall ascertain and comply witl� all State, County and City requirements
as are applicable to this project.
2. This application shall automatically expire on November 16, 1995 unless a building
permit is issued. Thirty (30) d�ys prior to tl�e expic•ation of tl�e �pproval, if�e
applicant m�y apply for an extension of one (1) ye�r from t.he original dat.e of
3. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with tl�e plans presented to the
Planning Commission at the meeting of November 16, 1993 and marked "Exl�ibit A".
4. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/I�er sole expense any action brought against tl�e
City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in
the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant sl�all reimburse tlie City, its
agents, officers, or e►nployees, for any court costs and attorney's fee's whicli the City,
its agents, officers or employees may be reqtiired by a court to pay as a result of such
action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in tlie defense
of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of liis/her obligations
under this condition.
5. A negative declaration with mitigation measures has been adopted for tl�is project. The
mitigation measures attached liereto and incorporated herein by reference as Attacliment
"A", shall be implemented as conditions of approval and shall be monitored by tl�e
appropriate City department or other responsible agency. The applic�nt sh�ll be
responsible for veriCcation in writing by tlae monitoring department or agency t.hat
tlie �ixit.ig�tioi� measures have beeu implemented.
Resolution No. 93-1442
Conditional Use Permit CASe No. 93-511 and
Associated Architectural Revie�v
The Vons Companies, L�c.
November 16, 1993
Page Tour
Architectural Advisory Committee Conditions
6. All roof mounted equipment shall be painted to match the roof color.
7. The roof tiles shall contain a greater percentage of dark colors than light colors.
8. A medium stucco finish is recommended for tlie building.
Planning Department Conditions
9. Development shall conform with the GC zoning requirements except as approved by
Variance Case numbers 93-176, 93-180, and 93-181 and any subsequent approvals.
10. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 9-13 of the Development Code
unless otherwise approved.
11. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit one set of construction
drawings for review of the AAC for design consistency with the approved plans.
Construction drawings shall include details and specifications for:
a. All street furniture, whicll shall include benclies, trash receptacles, planters and
etc. At a minimum, trasl� receptacles st�all be placed at the bus sl�elter, in the
courtyard and on both sides of the front of the store; �
b. The bus shelter; and
c. Screening as required by the AAC or for noise or emissions for tlle condenser
� units on the roof.
12. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit one set of construction
drawings for review by tlie Planning Department. The construction drawings shall
include adequate details and specifications to ascertain compliance with the following:
a. A three foot (3') high wall, berm, landscaping or combination wall and berm and
landscaping shall be provided along all streets between the sidewalk and the street
• to screen parking areas;
b. Parking lot lighting shall meet the requirements of Section 9-10.080 of the
� � Development Code;
c. Screening shall comply with Section 9-10.120 of the Development Code. All
ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and all ott�er mechanical equipment,
whether on the ground, on the structure or elsewhere, sl�all be screened from
public view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure.
Tree staking, soil preparation and planting detail;
The use of landscaping to screen ground-mounted utility and mechanical
c. The required landscaping and improvements. Tl�is includes:
(1) Deep root planters sl�all be included in areas where trees, 15 gallon or
smaller, are within 5' of asplialt or concrete surfaces and curbs;
(2) Water conservation practices including the use of drip irrigation, low flow
heads, mulch, gravel, drouglit tolerant plants and bark shall be
incorporated into tlie landscaping plan;
(3) All slopes 2:1 or greater shall I�ave jute mesl� or eqtiivalent material;
Resolution No. 93-1442
Conditional Use Permit C�se No. 93-511 :�nd
Associated Arcl�itectural Review
The Vons Companies, Inc.
November 16, 1993
P�ge Five
It is especially important that gas and electric meters and electric transformers be
completely screened from public view. All roof-mour�ted equipment whicli
generates noise, solid particles, odors, etcetera, sliall cause the objectionable
material to be directed away from residential properties;
Recycling facilities shall comply witli Section 9-11.130 of tlie Development Code;
The parking lot shall rneet tl�e requirements of Section 9-12.070 of tl�e
Development Code;
Fifteen (15) bicycle parking spaces sl�all be provided;
Oil separation devices on a(( drainage structures; and
h. Additional shopping cart storage closer to Grand Avenue in the parking area in
front of the ►narket and shopping cart storage in tl�e parking lot to the west oF the
13. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a landscaping and
irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect subject to review and approval
by the Planning, Police, Fire, and Parks and Recrealion Departments. The landscaping
plan sl�all include tl�e following:
The Developer shall comply with all the requirements of Chapter 9-15 of the Arroyo
Grande Development Code. .
Resolution No. 93-1442
Conditional Use I'ermit Case No. 93-511 And
Associated Architectural Review
The Vons Companies, Inc.
November 16, 1993
Page Six
15. Tl�e Developer shall comply with Chapter 9-14 of the Development Code "Dedications,
Fees, Reservations".
16. Upon completion of phase one improvements, a temporary certificate of occupancy may
be issued for the new market for a period not to exceed nine (9) months. Pl�ase one
improvements shall include construction of street improvements on Courtland Street and
Grand Avenue from Courtland Street to the temporary access. A final Certificate of
Occupancy shall not be issued until all pl�ases, including removal of the existing building,
are completed and all conditions of approval and applicable mitigation measures are
17. Prior to issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the pl�ase one
improvements, the applicant sl�all submit a site plan that clearly delineates temporary site
access and circulation, parking, construction fencing, and other such items as may be
required by the reviewing departments. Tl�e reviewing departments shall include
Building, Fire, Planning, Police, and Public Works.
18. As part of the water neutralization program referenced in mitigation measure 17, the City
Council shall address the disposition of the existing well on the property. If the Council
determines that the well may not be used by the project, the well shall be abandoned
pursuant to County Healtli Department Standards, and water rights under the project
deeded to the City.
19. Prior to issuance of Building permits, the applicant shall offer for dedication, in a form
approved by the City Attorney, a two (2) foot wide strip of land along the project's
Courtland Street frontage for road widening to collector street standards. The city may
accept the dedication or postpone acceptance until after an update of the Circulation
Element of the General Plan is co►npleted. If the Circulation Element update designates
' Courtland Street as a local street, the city may reject the offer of dedication and the land
will revert back to the property owner. If a variance is approved for landscaped
setbacks, prior to issuance of building permits, tl�e applicant shall either redesign tt�e
parking lot, subject to review and approval of the Planning Director to eliminate parked
cars projecting into tl�e City right of way or apply for and be granted an easement,
encroachment permit or other necessary permit, grants or approval for the parking
projection as determined by the City Attorney.
20. Prior to issuance of building permits t}ie applicant shall submit a revised site plan that
relocates or reduces the size of Pad B to conform with required selbacks to property
lines. At such a time as a building is proposed on Pad B; tlie building shall be required
to go through such permit processes as are in effect at time of submittal.
Resolution No. 93-1442
Conditional Use Permit Case No. 93-511 �nd
Associ�ted Arcl�itectural Revie�v
The Vons Companies, L�c.
November 16, 1993
Page Seven
Building Department Conditions
21. Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant sl�all properly remove or abandon all
existing non-conforming items sucl� as septic tanks, underground structures, pipes and
so forth.
22. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant sliall obtain necessary permits for:
a. Work in the public right of way;
Retaining walls;
Grading; and
Demolition of existing structures.
Fire Dep�rtment Conditions
23. Plans for all on site fire hydrants, fire mains, check valves, and Fire Deparlment
connections sl�all comply with NFPA 24 and be approved by the Fire Cf�ief and tl�e
Director of Public Works prior to installation. Locations of sucli items shown on Exl�ibit
� "A" is conceptual and subject to change.
Access during construction shall comply witli Uniform Fire Code Section 87.
All access roads and locations of on site fire l�ydrants sl�all comply with Fire Depart►nent
and Public Works guidelines.
All buildings shall be fully fire sprinklered and plans for the fire sprinklers shall be
submitted to tlie Fire Department and approved prior to framing.
Fire lanes shall be posted per Fire Department requirements witl� signs tl�at have been
approved by the Police Department prior to occupancy.
Police Department Conditious
28. Building and site security plans sliall be subject to review by tlie Police Department prior
to issuance of a building permit.
Parlcs �nd Recre�tion Departmeut Condit.ions
29. An arborist sl�all be on site w}ien ttie two on site Oak trees are removed.
30 . The Director of Parks and Recreation sl�all be notified 48 i�ours. prior to removal of tl�e
two Oak trees on site.
Resolution No. 93-1442
Conditional Use Permit Case No. 93-511 a�id
Associated Architectural Review
The Vons Companies, Inc.
November 16, 1993
Page �igtit
31. Two (2) cross sections, 6" to 12" thick, from each historical Oak tree trunk shall be
provided to the City Parks and Recreation Director to be used for evaluation of the age
of the trees.
32. The developer or representative shall collect at least 300 viable acorns from tl�e two
Historical Oak trees and propagate seedlings under the supervision of a professional
landscaper, nurseryman, horticulturalist, or arborist. Seedlings may be used on site or
distributed to tl�e public for planting witliin the community.
33. All existing trees on site designated to remain and those trees off site but affected by the
development shall be protected by a five (5) foot high protective fence in conformance
with the Community Tree Ordinance, 431 C.S..
34. Any trenching within. the dripline of the off site Oak tree near the north property line
shall be done by hand.
Public Works Department Conditions
35. Improvement plans for the project shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer,
licensed in tl�e State of California, subject to review and approval of the Director of
Public Works prior to issuance of any permit/approval. The plan shall include, but not
be limited to, all required or necessary grading, drainage, utility, and street
improvements and shall include such cost estimates, investigations, calculations, fees and
surety as required by the Director.
36. The applicant shall improve Courtland Street to a full local road standard from Grand
Avenue to Brighton Street. �
37. The applicant shall construct an additional northbound traffic lane along the project
frontage on Oak Park Boulevard to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.
38. The applicant shall construct a right turn lane along Grand Avenue at the approach to
Oak Park Boulevard to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.
39. Tlie cost of constructing additional lanes in Oak Park Boulevard and Grand Avenue sfiall
be credited against any traffic impact fees which may be imposed.
40. The applicant shall offer such rigiits-of-way as are necessary to accommodate the above
road improvements.
41. The applicant shall provide facilities for the retention of all project storm water to the
satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.
Resolution No. 93-1442
Conditional Use Perinit Case No. 93-511 �nd
Associated Arcl�itectural Review
The Vons Companies, Inc.
November 16, 1993
P�ge Niue
42. The applicant shall underground all above ground utilities pursuant to the provisions of
the Development Code.
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The existing sewer easement sliall be accommodated/relocated to tlle satisfaction of the
Director of Public Works.
The applicant shall replace any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk and shall replace any
abandoned driveway approaclies with curb, gutter and sidewalk.
Driveway approact� designs sha11 be to the satisfaction of tlie Director of Public Works.
On motion of Commissioner Tappan, seconded by Commissioner Deviny, and on the following
roll call vote, lo wit:
AYFS: Commissioners Tappan, Reilly, Deviny, Keen and Chairman Carr
NO�S: None .
ABSENT: Commissioners Soto and Hatclielt
tt�e foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted tl�is 16t1� day of Noveinber, 1993.
Nancy Browi ommission Cler Robert W. Carr, Chairman
1. All earthwork and site development sl�all comply with the provisions of the city's grading
ordinance, the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and the recommendations contained in the
"Soils Engineering Report, Williams Brothers Shopping Center, Store No. S.749",
March 16, 1993 prepared by Earth Systems Consultants. Said recommendations are
incorporated herein by this reference and included within the Expanded Initial Study as
Appendix F. In case of a conflict between tl�e referenced documents, the Director of
Building and Fire shall determine the applicable requirements.
Monitoring P►•ogiam: Gradi�r.g and construction plans shall be checked; field
work tivill be inspected for complia�r.ce.
7�me Fiame: Plan d�ecking prior to issuance of grading or buildin.g
permits; inspectio�ts during construction and prior to ftnal
occupancy. �
Respo►tsible Agency: Building und Fire Departntents.
2. The applicant shall comply with tl�e provisions of Section 7-1.13 of the Municipal Code
to prevent soil erosion.
Monitoriiig Program:
� . 71ime Frame:
Responsible Ageney:
Provisions shall be noted oia grading and construccion
plans; practices will be monitored in field by City
Plan checking prior to issunrice of grnding or bcrildin.g
pennits; i��spections during car.struction.
Building Department.
3. Recommendations contained in the "Seismicity Report, Williams Brothers Shopping
Center, Store No. S.749", June 7, 1993, by Earth Systems Consultants are incorporated
herein by this referenced and inclucled within the Expanded Initial Study as Exhibit E,
shall be implemented during all pt�ases of construction.
Monitoring Progiam: Recom►nendations shall be inco�porated into grading and
construction plaiis. Compliance will nroiiitored through
field inspectio�rs.
7Fme Fiame: Plan diecking prior to issuance of grading or buildi�ag
permits; inspections during construction.
Responsible Agency: Buildi�ag Departme�tt.
4. If the Uniform Building Code (1991 edition) is used for structural design considerations,
the site shall be assigned a seismic 'zone factor of 0.40 and a site coefficient of 1.2
(Tables 23-I and 23-J respectively):
Alonito�ing Progizrnt: Use of r.J�e fac�ors sliall be inco>>>orated into co�rstruccio�i
7�me Finme: Pla�i cll.ecking prior to issuance of bccilding pennits.
Responsible Agency 13uildi�ig Department.
The applicant st�all maintain or accommodate existing historical drainage flows.
Monitoring Prog�•am: Drainage plans sl�all de►nonstrate liow historic flows will be
maintained or accommodated; drainage irnprovements shall
be installed accordingly.
Time Frame: Plar� checking prior to issuance of grading or building
permits; field inspections during construction and prior to
final occupancy.
Responsible Agency: Building and Public Works Departments.
Oil separation devices sliall be installed on all drainage systems to prevent automotive
pollutants from contaminating the drainage basins or downstream drainage facilities.
Rlonito�ing Program:
7�me Fiame:
Respo�tsible Agency:
Drainage plans shall include separa�ion devices; said
devices sl�all be installed by tl�e developer.
Plan cl�.ecki�rg prior to issunrice of gradi�l.g or building
Pennits; field in,spectio»s d.urin.g constructio�a and prior to
fi�ral occuparicy.
13uilding DeJ�artme��.r.
7. Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, the applicant sliall submit a
construction and grading plan to tl�e APCD wl�icli identifies tlie proposed amount of cut
and fill, proposed grading equipment to be used and tl�e duration of use. APCD sl�all
require appropriate measures to reduce pollutant emissions during construction to
acceptable levels. Measures required by the APCD shall be noted on the grading and
construction plans. .
Monito�ing Prog»am: APCD measures shall be �zoted on grading and co��struction
Time I%iame: . Plan checking prior to issuance of gradi�r.g or building
Responsible Agency: I3uilding DePartment.
8. To enl�ance pedestrian accessibility, prior to completion of tl�e first phase of construction,
the applicant shall construct a sidewalk along the west side of Courtland Street between
Grand Avenue and Brigl�ton Avenue.
Monitoii�cg 1'rogram:
Tlime Fmnte:
Responsible Agency:
Improvement plai�s slzall include tlze subject side�valk;
installation shall be inspected and approved before
accepcance by the City.
Plan checki�rg prior to issuance of bccilding pe��iit;
inspection and approval prior to fi�ial occupancy.
Public Works Departme�it.
9. To encouiage public transit use, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the
store, the applicant shall construct a transit (bus) turnout as part of the ri�ht turn lane
required on condition number 38, transit shelter, benches, a shopping cart storage area
for transit users, and a walkway from the transit stop to the front of the store.
Monitoring Progrnm: Said facilities shall be ilh�strated on the improvement plans
and in the site pla�a for the project; field inspectiais to
monitor actual iizstallation..
7Yme Frame: Plan checking prior to issuance of a building pe��iit; field
ii�spections prior to final occupa�acy.
Responsible Agency: Bccilding and Pla.nni�zg Depa.rtments for on site facilit�es;
Public Works for bus turnout and other facilities in the
picblic riglzt-of-�vay. •
10. As part of the review of the final landscape and irrigation plans, tl�e Director of Parks
and Recreation shall review the number, size and species of trees proposed in parking
lot areas to maximize shading of cars and reduce heat soak and diurnal emissions.
Monitoring Program: Landscnping plan shall be revie�ved for inclusion of these
features; field inspections sliall co����n actual installation.
T�me I'rame: Plan cJreckii�g prior to issuance of a grading or bu�lding
pennit; field inspections prior to final occupancy.
Responsible Agency: Parks and Recreation Depnrtment.
11. The applicant shall, on an ongoing basis, evaluate the feasibility of providing delivery
service to surrounding residential areas. An initial feasibility study shall be presented
to the Planning Department, in writing, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy
for the store.
Monitoring Prog�am: Feasibiliry stcrdy to be reviewed and approved by tlie Ciry;
City may �•equire regular submission of said �ana.lyses.
71ime Frame: Initial fea.sibilir.y study to be submitted a�t.d approved prior
- final occupancy. Lacer studies may be required pursuant
to a schedule approved by the Planning Deparlment.
Responsible Agency: Planning Departnte�r.t.
12. Prior to issuance of a permanent Certificate of Occupancy for tlie store, the APCD shall
review and approve an employee trip reduction plan submitted to them by the applicant.
The applicant sliall implement tt�e provisions of the approved plan on an ongoing basis.
Monitoii�tg Progi�cm: Ti•ip reduction plart sliall be submitted to the APCD.
Perindic revietivs of tlze provisions nray be co�tducted. by the
�I P.CD:
Time Frame: Review and approval of the plan prior to issican.ce of a
pe�ynanent Ceraificate of Occupa�rcy; later �•eviews at the
discretion of �Ire APCD.
Responsible Agency: APCD.
13. Prior to issuance of demolition permits for existing structures, the applicant shall
demonstrate exemption from or compliance with the Asbestos Notification Requirements
of Part 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (Part 61).
Monitoiing Pibg�am: Said i�r.fo�7nation shall be submitted to the Cit.y.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of de�nolition pennits for existing
Responsible Agency: Building Department.
14. All construction sl�all utilize fixtures and designs whict� ininimize water usage. Sucli
fixtures and designs shall include, but are not limited to, low flow shower lieads, water
saving toilets, instant water heaters or hot water recirculating systems, drip irrigation
with drougl�t tolerant landscaping and so fortl�.
Moniloring Pi�ogiam: Constructio�r. and la�tdsc�ping pla»s shall illus�rate and/or
otlle� note wat.er-conserving features; field insPections
shall co��nn installation.
T�me Fiame: Plan cli.ecking prior to issuance of building pern�.its; field
insPections during consuuctiat arrd prior to fi»al
Responsible Ageiicy: Building Department.
15. Prior to final occupancy of ai�y structure, all water conserving designs or f xtures sliall
be installed.
Mortitoring P�bg��am: See 14 above.
16. All landscaping shall be consistent with water conservation practices including tl�e use
of drip irrigation, mulch, gravel and bark. To the greatest extent possible, lawn areas
and areas requiring spray irrigation sl�all be ►ninimized.
Monito,ing Program: Landscapi�r.g pinns sha.11 reflec� these requirements; field
inspec�ion.s shall co�tfinn insta.11ation.
7Yme Piarne: Pln�a checkin.g prior to issuance of buildirrg pena�it; fi.eld
i�ispeccions prior to final occupan.cy.
Responsible Agency: Pa�ks and Rec�•eatiaa Depn�•unen.t.
17. The applicant sl�all provide for review and approval by the City Council, an individual
water program which will propose mitigating measures to neutralize projected water
demand for the project. Projected water demand for this project is 12.63 acre-feet per
year. As part of the water program, the City Council may adjust projected water
demand based upon proposed water conservation measures or other factors tl�at decrease
use of city water supplies. Tl�e approved program must be implemented prior to issuance
of building permits.
Monitoring Program: Water "neutral " proposal sliall be submitted and approved
by the City Council; intPlementntion shall be demonstrnted
to the City. -
7Yme Frame: Prior to issuance of building pe�mit.
Responsible Agency: City Council for program approval; Planning Department
for imple�nentution coi f rmation.
18. The developer shall plant at least two (2) 60-inch box live oaks (Quercus agrifolia) and
at least four (4) 36-inch box live oaks on the site or equivalent as determined by tl�e
Parks and Recreation Director. (Note: the current plan shows 13 36-inch box live
oaks). The landscaping plan shall include notes on the proper planting and irrigation
techniques, and st�all indicate compatible species in the planter areas for the oak trees.
The landscape plan and notes shall be subject to the approval of the Recreation Director
or his designated representative.
Moititoriitg Program: Landscaping plans sl�all reflect tl2is requiremerrt a�rd sliall
� note planting and irrigation methods; installation shall be
conftrnied by fteld inspection.
71ime Frame: Plan checki�ig prior to iss�cance of building pern�its; field
inspections pi•ior to final occ«pa.ncy.
Responsible Agency: Parks and Recreation Depnrtment.
19. To minimize noise conflicts between the store and surrounding residents, the store shall
limit the hours of access to the loading dock area at the north side of the store to between
6 am and $ 12 pm. The store shall provide facilities for loading from the front of the
store if deliveries must be made during nighttime hours.
If within one year of the store's opening t}iere are significant complaints re ag rding
noise. due to access to the loading dock area a public hearing shall be held before the
Plannin� Commission. The a�plicant shall pav for the cost of the public hearin� If it
is found tl�at tl�ere are significant noise concerns, the Planning Commission ►nay amend
the hours of operation; require additional noise mitigation measures• and/or require an
additional noise study to be paid for by tlie applicant This annual review may be
extended bevond one year.
Monito►ing Program: Developer shall record an agreement or similar instrunzent
and shall i�tco��orate into any lease agreements tlzese
limitations; evidence of this sl�.all be submitted to the City.
Failure ro comply may be grounds for revocation of the use
pe�mit. A public hearing mav be held if cornplaints are
recei ved.
Mortitoring Prog�am: See 19 above.
Monito�ing Prog»am: Gradi�rg �lans sl�all note this requiremen.t on. each page;
Ci.ry inspectors may e�force t11is requirement. duri�rg usual
field visits or on a complaint basis.
7Frne Fi�arne: Plan. cl�eckin.g prior to issuance of grading pe�ynit; field
checks during g�•adiitg.
Time Fiante: Initial agi•eeme�rt shall be submitted prior to final
occupancy; period inspections by tlie Ciry will be conducted
on: a-co»�J�lai�u basis. Public hearin� �vitlti�t one vear of
store's opening_
Resportsible Agency: Planniirg Departme»t.
Trash pick-up sl�all be limited to tl�e hours between 6 am and 8 pm.
Parking lot sweeping shall be limited to the hours between 6 am and 8 pm in the truck
turn-around area and loading docks at the rear of the store.
Monitoiing Pi�giam: See 19 above.
22. All sound walls and parapet walls shall be of impervious construction t}iat provides a
surface density of 2.5 pounds per square foot or greater.
Monito�ing Progi�tnt: Construction pla�rs shall �neet this requirement; complia,rce
shall be co�tfinned by field inspeccion.
7tme I{ir�me: Plait cJr.eckin.g Prior to issuance of bceilding pernait; fi.eld
insPectiorr. prior to f nal occupancy.
Responsible Agency: I3uildi�ag Depa�•a��en.t.
23. All construction equipment shall be provided with well maintained, functional muEflers
to limit noise emissions. �
Moniloring Progi�am:
n11Z8 j''!(I7)IC:
Responsible Agertcy:
Eqt�ipnie�at may be inspected duri�r.g constructio» eiclzer
during usi�al field visits by Ci.ry iilspecto�s or o�t a
C011iP1Q.111.f. UQSIS.
Durirrg grading nnd construccion.
13uildi�rg Depart�iient..
24. All construction activities sl�all be limited to Monday tlirougl� Saturday between tlie hours
of 7 am and 8 pm.
Monitorirtg Progrant: Ci1.y inspectors may e�tforce compliance cl�.�•ough period
field visits or on a complaint basis.
Time I%r�ame: During gradi�zg and construction.
Resportsible Agency: 13uilding Departmen.t.
25. To the greatest extent possible, grading and/or excavation operations at portions of lf�e
site bordering developed areas should occur during the middle of the day to minimize the
potential for disturbance of neighboring noise sensitive uses.
Kesponsible Ageiicy: Buildiiig Depnrtnieitt.
26. Property line sound walls sl�ould be erected as early as possible in tlie overall
construction of the project to reduce the noise impact of subsequent construction activity
on neighboring uses.
Monitoring Program: Building plans shall include a note with this directive; City
inspectors may check for compliance during early ftel�t
71ime Frame: Plan checking prior to issua�ace of building perniit; field
checks during construction.
Respoitsible Agency: Building Department.
27. The developer sl�all pay traffic impact fees of $2,656 per peak hour trip on tl�e back bone
system, or such other fee as may be adopted by tl�e City prior to issuance of a building
permit. The cost of constructing additional lanes and related construction costs in Oak
Park Boulevard and Grand Avenue shall be credited a�ainst any traffic impact fees that
may be imposed.
Monitoring Progmm:
7Yme Frame:
Responsible Agency:
Fees s1�a11 be paid.
Prior to issuance of building permits.
Plan�ting and I3ccilding Deparurrents.
28. The developer shall offer to dedicate land along the western property line to
accommodate future widening of Oak Park Boulevard; tl�e width of said dedication s}�all
be subject to approval of tlie City Engineer, and the form of the dedication offer
approved by the City Attorney.
Monitoiing Program: O,�`'er of dedication shall be submitted, approved nnd
recorded; improvemen.t plans and site plans shall reflect tlze
dedication o, f�`'er.
7Fme Frame: Plan checking prior to issuance of building pennit;
approval and reco�dation of of prior to final occupancy.
Responsible Agency: Planning a�ul Public Works for review of site plan and
improventent plaits, respectively; City Altorney for forni of
recorded o,J�j`'er.
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29. The aavlicant and the Director of Public Works shall request of Grover Beacli and work
with Grover Beac}� to red curb the propertv north of Ramona Avenue on the west side
of Oak Park Iioulevard. Public Works staff shall report back to tl�e Plannin�
Commission with the results of said work.
Mortilo�ing Prog»am: Applican.t and Director of Public Wo�ks to tivo�k witla
Grover Beach to red curb said.propertv
TYme Finme: Prior to issuance o,�fi�r.al Certi�cat.e of Occupanc,�
Responsible Agenc� Public Wo�ks Departme�ats
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31. Fire Department Impact Fees of $18,550 or other sucli fees as may be adopted by tl�e
City Council prior to issuance of building permits, sliall be paid prior to final inspection
of the store. (Fee does not include Pad "B".)
Monitoiing Prog�am:
7�me Fi�ame:
Responsible Agency:
Fees sl�.all be paid.
Prior to final occupancy.
Fire Depa�tnzent.
32. The landscaping plan shall be modified to reduce the number of large trees on tl�e
northern and western property lines above the supermarket. Species wl�icil grow to
maximum heights of about 10 to 20 feet sl�all be substituted. The revised landscaping
plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning and Parks and Recreation
Alonito�irtg Progi�zm: Revised land,scapirrg plan. shall reflect this requirement;
field inspectiorrs sh�ll co� f nn installarion..
Tinte Pi�me: Pla�a clr.ecking prior to issuaitce of building pernrit; field
inspectio�z �rior to final occul�a�tcy.
Respo,zsible Age,zcy: Planning and. Pa�•ks and Recreatio�i Departments. �
The treatment of roof top equipment shall be subject to City design review. Strategies
to reduce the prominence of such equipment may include use of low scale screens or
enclosures and painting the equipment tlie same color as the roof.
Moriito�ing P,•og��tm: Ti•eatment of roqf top equipment shall be submitted to Ci(y
for approval; field inspecr.io�rs shall cor f�7n compliance.
1�ime Fiance: Approval of treatment prior to issuance of building per��iit;
freld inspection prior to final occupancy.
Responsible Agency: Pla�ining aicd Building Depa►•tme�its.
34. In the event that during grading, construction or development of the project, aiiy
archaeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted until the city has
reviewed the resources for tl�eir significance. If human burials are encountered, the
County Coroner (781-4513) shall be contacted immediately. The applicant rriay be
required to provide archaeological studies and/or mitigation measures. All grading and
improvement plans shall be noted to reflect this mitigation.
Monitoring Progmm: All plaits tvith subsurface co�tstruction or grading shall nnte
this requirement on each page.
71ime Frame: Plan cltecki�tg for �tote prior to issuance of grading or
improvement plans.
Responsible Agency: Building Department.