PC R 93-1411305
RESOLUTION NO. 93 - 1411
WHEREAS, ARCO Products has applied for a Lot Line Adjustment, Conditional Us�
Permit, Planned Sign Program, Variance from certain sign regulations and a Variance from
standards related to perimeter walls (Case Nos. LLA 92-506, CUP 92-504, Planned Sign Program
92-107, Variance 92-170 and Variance 93-174, respectively) to allow a gas station, mini-mart and
related improvements for property located at 100 Barnett in the HC (Highway Commercial) zoning
dis�rict; and
WHEREAS, an expanded initial study was prepared to assess the potential environmental
effects of the proposal, including special archaeological and traftic studies, pursuant to the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's Rules and Procedures for the
Implementation of CEQA; and
WHEREAS, the Director determined that, based on the expanded initial study, the project
will not result in signiticant impacts on the environment if various mitigation measures are
incor�orated into the project and prepared a Negative Declaration, accordingly; and
WHEREAS, after receiving comments on the Negative Declaration from the puhlic and
the Planning Commission the Director moditied the recommended mitigation measures; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a joint meeting with the Trafi�ic Commission
on March 2, 1993 to discuss said project and held a duly noticed public hearing on Apri16, 1993
continued to May 4, 1993 at which the Commission considered the Negative Declaration and
mitigation measures; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the project pursuant to the
Califoinia Environmental Quality Act and has determined, based on the expanded initial study,
public comments and oral and written staff reports, that a Negative Declaration can be adopted.
NOW, TH�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of
Arroyo Grande hereby approves a Negative Declaration for the above-referenced project wilh the
mitigation measures listed in Attachment A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by
this reference, incorporated into said project and hereby instructs the Secretary to file a Notice of
Determination. '
On motion of Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Tappan, and by the
i'ollowing roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissioners Carr, Tappan, Reilly and Chairman Soto.
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Hatchett
ABSTAIN: Commissioner Deviny
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of May, 1993.
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Nancy Brown, Planning Commission Clerk John Soto, Chairman
Attachment A
Applicant shall submit to the Public Works Director for approval an engineered dcainage
plan. All improvements reyuired by lhe Public Works Direcror shall be installed, suhject lo
his inspection and approval.
Mo�2itorinQ: Drainage plan shall be ap�roved prior to issuance of a grading or bieildii�g
perm.it.; drai�ia.ge facilities shall be in�spected and a.pproved �rior to fi�ial, occupancy release.
Respori,sible A eg ncv: Public Works Depart�ne�it
Time Frame: Prior to gradi��,g or bccilding permit for pla�i; prior to occupancy for
installation of facilitres.
Installalion of vapor recovery system shall be required which meets applicable county, state
and federal standards.
Monit.orinQ: The developer shall obtain an "Authority-to-Construct" for the gas stati.on.
dispensing facilities prior to beginni�ig of construction.
Responsible Agencv: APCD
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permit.
The developer shall submit a construction and grading plan to the APCD which identifies
the proposed amount of cut and fill, proposed grading equipment to be used and the
duration of use. APCD shall require appropriate measures to reduce pollulant emissions
during construction to acceptable levels.
MonitorinQ: Mitigation m.easures required by the APCD shall be noted on the grading and
con.st.ruction plans.
Responsible Agenc� APCD for air quality mea,sures; Buildi�ig Departmen.t for checki��g
thatAPCD notes are included on gradircg and building pla�2s.
Time Frame: Pr•ior to issuance of the grading or building permit..
4. Applicants will submit projec.ted water demand based on similar uses. If that demand
exceeds the historical use by the church on this site, the applicants shall submit for review
and approval by the City Council a water program which will propose measures to
"neutralize" projected water demand for the project. The approved program must be
implemented prior to occupancy.
All consfruction shall employ tixtures and designs that miniinize water usage; such fixtures
and designs shall include, but are not limited to, low flow toilets, instant water heaters, hvt
water recirculation plumbing, drip irrigation, and drought tolerant landscaping.
MonitorinP: The wat.er neutraliza.tion plan shall be subm.itted cuid approved prior to
issuance of a building permit. All features of the plan shall be installed prior to final
occupancy clearar�.ce.
The water conservatio�� measures shall be submitted with. building perrnits; all features
installed prior to frnal occupa�2cy clearance.
Re,sponsible A�encies: For water �ieutralization plan (if ne.ededJ, Publi.c Works
Depart�n.ent; for ot.her water conservatiorc measures, Building Department.
Ti�ne Frame: Neutralization plan and water conservation features .rhall be approved prior to
issuance of the building permit; installation of water conservation features shall be
in.spected prior to final occupancy.
Onsite water shall drain to a separator or similar facility to remove hydrocarbons before
runoff enters the off site drainage system.
Resolution No. 93- 1411
Attachment A
Page 2
Monitn� This shall be part of the drainage plan (see item A.5 above) submitted and
u�proved by the Peeblic Works Director.
Re..c�nnsihle Agene,�, Public Works Department
Tim.e Fram.e: Plans approved prior to issaeance of a becilding permit; inspection of facili .ry
prior to occaepancy release.
6. Changes to the building facades i'acing the str�ts should be made, subject to approval by
the Architectural Advisory Committ�, to improve the appearance. The sign program
should be revised to meet City standards, unless the variance is deemed acceptable in this
Monitorine: Changes to the baeilding facades should be incorporated into construction
drawings; revised sign plans should be submitted with the building permit application
unless a variance is granted.
Re.rpon.rihle Agenck Planning Depa.rtment
Time Frame: Revised plans should be sa�bmitted with bzcilding permit application.
7. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay a fee toward mitigation of
cumulative traftic impacts; said fee shall be computed by current methodology of $2,656
per peak hour trip, using peak hour calculations in the the traffic analysis, or such other fee
as may be adopted by the City Council prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Monitoring: No permit will be issued until the fee is pai�l
Re,s�onsihle Agenc� Building and Planning Departments
Time Fram.e: Prior to issuance of the building permit
The site will be monitored for potenUal back-up problems on Grand Avenue for at least two
years. If queues do extend into Grand Avenue more than four times a month during the
same two-hour time period, changes to the driveway design and/or to the operations shall
be instituted to reduce queue problems.
MnnitorinQ: The on site personnel shall be required to keep a daily log of instances of back
ups onto Grand, and note the day and time of such back ups. Police and Public Work.s
per,sonnel will "spot check" the site da�ring pm peak hoiers. Logs will be submitted to the
Planning Department qa�arterly. If the threshold of nwre than four times per month is
exceeded during that two year period, the applicant shall submit to the Ciry for approval
recom.mendations to ameliorate the condition. Operational changes to mitigate back-ups
.rhall not include any type of permanent or temporary closure of Grand Avenue entrance,
any limitation of hours of operation, or closure or discontinuance of any part of the
approved use. Possible mitigations could inclecde: 1) providing signage that would
di.scourage stacking on Grand Avenue and redirect truffic stacking on site or to the Barnett
Street entrance; 2) providing a"traffic director" during peak hours to usher cars onto the
site to eliminate stacking on Grand Avenue: 3 providing directional arrows and/or other•
markings on site to direct traffic off of Grand Avenue; and 4) other measures which do not
unrea,sonably restrict the approved use. After approved by the City, said plan.s sh.all be.
implemented. Faileire to comply with this mitigation shall be grounds for revocation of the
Conditional Use Permit a�nd discontini�ation of the use.
Resnonsible Agene� Planning, Police and Public Works Departments
Time Fram.e: For at least two years after the project is constructed and o�erating.