HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC R 93-1403286; RESOLUTION NO. 93-1403 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CONIMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING POLICIES AND GUIDELINES REGARDING PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WHEREAS, on 7anuary 5, 1993 the Planning Commission discussed a memorandum from the Public Works Director via the City Manager regarding approved conditions of approval; and WHEREAS, on January 5, 1993 a response from the Planning Commission was made. WHEREAS, after review of the above, the Planning Commission feels that policies and guidelines must be established. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby establishes the following policies and guidelines regarding conditions of approval: 1. The Planning Commission is an extension of the City Council and reports to the , City Council, not to staff; and 2. Staff advises the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission based on additional information presented at the public hearing, and after reviewing all relevant material, may choose not to accept staffls advise; and 3. It is beyond staff s authority to make changes to a project after the Planning Commission has approved a project, without Planning Commission review and approval; and 4. If a department places a condition on a project, a department representative should be at the Planning Commission hearing to explain and/or jusdfy the condition; and 5. If a department head, or other interested party disagrees with a Planning Commission decision, they can appeal the decision to the City Council within the adopted appeal period. On motion of Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Tappan, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Moore, NOES: None ABSENT: None Tappan, Carr, Reilly and Chairman Soto the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this Sth day of January, 1993. ATTEST: � Nancy Bro , Commission Clerk :, -. . ,_ �... ,. . .