PC R 92-1365q�- RESOLUTION NO. 1365 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDING AN INTERPRETATION FOR FLAG POLES IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES WHEREAS,the Development Code was adopted by the City Council on May 14, 1991, and became effective on June 13, 1991; and WHEREAS, Section 9-01.110 (G)(3) of the Development Code provides the Planning Commission with the authority to clarify ambiguities in the Title; and WHEREAS, Staff has received questions concerning the development standards for flag poles in residential zones; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due research and deliberation finds that: 1. The Development Code does not contain, nor is intended to contain development standards for flag poles. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby makes the interpretation that flag poles are allowed in residential zones. On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Moore, Souza, Boggess and Groves NOES: Chairman Brandy ABSTAIN: Commissioner Soto the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21 st day of January 1992. ATTEST: �-GuJ ��� Ma e eininger, ecret Drew randy, Chairman