PC R 91-1346RFSOLU7'ION NO. 91 -13 4 6
W�REAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered
�an application for the Central Coast Bowl Project, applied for by Merilee Peck Newdoll at
1524 Grand Avenue in the GC General Commercial Zone; and
WHERREAS, the Planning Commission has found that this project is consistent with
the General Plan and environmental documents associated therewith; and
�+ , an Environmental Lnpact Report (EIR) has been prepared for the
Central Coast Bowl Project; and
WHF.REAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the project and the EIR in
compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and has certified the EIR as
being prepared in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines, and the City Rules and Procedures for the
implementation of CEQA; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public
hearing, the following circumstances exist:
1. The proposed use is permitted within the subject district pursuant to the provisions
of this Development Code, and complies with all the applicable provisions of the
Development Code, and the goals and objectives of the General Plan and the
development policies and standards of the City. The site is designated General
Commercial in the Land Use Element and Policy 3.1a allows commercial recreation
centers. Policy 6.7a-d requires the enhancement of pedestrian activity, through
street furniture, incorporation of a main visual focus, which in this case is the large
oak tree and waterscape, and the project provides pedestrian walkways. Policies
6.11 and 6.13 have been met through the design of the building and facilities. The
project is also consistent with Policy 2.31 of the Parks and Recreation Element in
that it encourages development of a bowling alley.
2. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of development that is proposed
because all required parking and landscaping and drainage facilities can be
3. The proposed use would not impair the integrity and character of the district in
which it is to be established or located.
4. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or
materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity because adequate
measures have been incorporated into the conditions of approval of the project to
mitigate potential adverse effects.
5. The design and layout of the proposed use is suitable because design revisions
recommended in the FEIR have been incorporated in the project design and the
design meets all City requirements for parking and landscaping.
6. The project will not have an environmental impact because an Environmental
Impact Report has been prepared on the project and all signi�cant adverse impacts
identified in the report have been mitigated to a level of insignificance.
AUGUST 20, 1991
7. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services
to ensure public bealth and safety, because conditions of approval require the
developer to install adequate facilities.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City
of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Conditional Use Permit Case No. 90-479, subject to the
mitigation measures attached hereto as Attachment "B" and incorporated herein by
reference, and subject to the conditions of approval, attached hereto as Attachment "C"
and incorporated herein by reference.
On motion by Commissioner Boggess, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissioners Boggess, Carr and Chairman Gallagher
NOES: Commissioner Moore
ABSENT: Commissioners Souza, Soto and Brandy
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 20th day of August, 1991.
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Pearl L. Phinney
Planning Commission Secretary
The Following Mitigation Measures Are
Part of the Mitigation Monitoring Program
Required by State Law and the City of Arroyo Grande
Rules and Procedures for the Implementation of CEQA
NOTE: An asterisk "*"
been at least
project design.
Landform Modification
indicates mitigation measures that have
partially incorporated into the revised
1. If grading occurs after November 15 and before April 15, all areas
disturbed by grading shall receive the following treatment: 1) provide
appropriate surface drainage facilities to prevent erosion (e.g.,
diversion ditches, catch basins, berms, jute net on 2:1 slopes), 2) a
non-irrigated hydroseed mixture shall be applied prior to November 15th
of the year to benefit from early Fall rains, and 3) non-irrigated
hydroseed mixture shall include Lasthenia glabrata, Bromus mollis,
Dimorphotheca aurantiaca, Eschscholtzia californica, and Trifolium
Time Frame: Prior to November 15th and between November 15 and April 15.
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department
2. If grading occurs in between April 15 and November 15, all areas
disturbed by grading shall receive the following treatment: 1) provide
appropriate surface drainage facilities to prevent erosion (e.g.,
diversion ditches, catch basins, berms, jute net on 2:1 slopes), 2)an
irrigated hydroseed mixture shall be applied upon completion of grading
operations, 3) a temporary, above ground supplemental irrigation shall
be installed to germinate and establish a vegetative cover, and 4) an
irrigated hydroseed mixture shall include Trifolium repens, Lotus
corniculatus, Trifolium O'Conners, Trifolium Salina Strawberry, and
Coastal Wildflower Mix.
Time Frame: Between April 15 and November 15.
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department
3. Al1 permanent slopes shall be planted pursuant to the approved landscape
plans and all slopes 2:1 or greater shall be stabilized with jute mesh
or equal, prior to planting.
Time Frame: Prior to final occupancy.
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department, Parks and Recreation
4. All grading shall comply with the provisions of the City of Arroyo
Grande Grading Ordinance sections 7-1.09 through 7-1.13.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of grading permits and during grading
Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Department, Building
5. The final grading plan shall reflect grades that do not entail cut or
fill within the dripline of the existing oak trees. No grading will
occur within the dripline of the existing oak trees. Prior to start of
any grading, grubbing, or construction on the site, all existing oak
trees shall be completely surrounded by a five (5) foot high chain link
or vinyl fence installed at the dripline of the trees. No parking,
storage, or mechanical trenching should occur within the dripline of the
trees. City Ordinance 431 C.S. has other specific requirements for tree
removal and protection which shall be adhered to. Other requirements of
the ordinance for bonding, arborist review, and replacements for trees
removed would also apply.
Time Frame: Prior to the start of any grubbing, grading, or construction, and
ongoing during construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Department, Parks and
Recreation Department, Building Department
6. The final grading plan shall address drainage behind the building at the
base of the slope bank at the property line to ensure the building is
protected from storm water runoff. This may require a concrete swale,
as the least disruptive alternative to convey water around the building.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building or grading permits
Responsible Department/Agency:
Public Works Department
7. The applicant shall mitigate project drainage impacts using one of the
following methods:
A. The project may correct the downstream drainage
deficiencies. This could solve some existing problems and at the
same time maximize the area of the project available for
B. The project may store rainwater runoff from the project
on-site. City standards require basins to be sized to accommodate
storage for a 100 year storm. The basin as proposed will not
provide improvement to the downstream drainage system. It will be
necessary to provide additional storage to this basin to allow for
rainwater retention for the two lots fronting on Grand Avenue and
the volume recommended by E.D.A..
C. With City approval, the applicant may do a combination of A
and B, if the City and applicant agree that downstream
improvements in combination with on-site detention basin(s) are
viable mitigations. Credit could be given for historic runoff
flows from the undeveloped site in the form of a reduced
requirement for storage. The quantity of credit for such flow and
the resulting volume would have to be quantified by the developer
and approved by the City. The reduced requirement for storage
would depend on the extent of the downstream improvements. In the
extreme case, if improvements to all elements of the downstream
system were completed to an appropriate standard, storage could be
eliminated completely. On the other hand, improvements to only
one deficient element of the system may not be justification for a
reduction in required storage volume for this project due to
increased allowable discharge since the remaining deficient
elements might still be adversely impacted.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building or grading permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Department
8. If retention basins are installed, the applicant shall construct safety
fencing around the basin.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance final occupancy.
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department
9. If retention basins are installed, a safe overland spillway shall be
included in the design and construction to allow for safe disposal of
water should the basin capacity be exceeded.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building or grading permits for design and
prior to final occupancy for construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Department, Building
10. One proposed alternative is to constr,uct the retention basin to store
the runoff in underground structures. Under such a proposal, these
structures would probably be located under parking or landscaped areas.
Because the underground structure would not be accessible for
maintenance, a silt and oil trap must be installed and maintained
upstream of inlets to the storage structure. Establishment of a program
for operation and maintenance must be included as a condition to the
approval of such an alternative.
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Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building or grading permits.
Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Department
11. If a terminal retention basin is included in the project then it must be
maintained. Indicators should be installed in the basin to show the
depth of collected silt. When the silt reaches a predetermined depth
the basin should be cleaned.
Time Frame: Prior to final occupancy and ongoing.
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department, Public Works
12. Because the basin will be a private facility, agreements between the
respective property owners should stipulate maintenance responsibility
and how that responsibility is shared.
Time Frame: Prior to recordation of the parcel map
Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Department, City Attorney
*13. Prior to the start of grading or construction activities, the applicant
shall construct a 6 foot masonry wall along the west property line from
the northwest property corner south to the end of the Church property.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of grading or building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department
14. Measures to limit noise impacts during construction shall include:
A. limiting construction to weekdays from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM;
B. confining the loudest constructibn operation, where feasible, to
the south to central portion of the site; and
C. selection of the quietest among alternative equipment.
Time Frame: During Construction
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department
*15. Noise impacts related to parking lot activity shall be reduced by
shifting the trash enclosure south next to the Williams Brothers Market
and by designating the parking bay along the church boundary as employee
parking. These design changes shall be shown on the construction
drawings prior to issuance of building permits and shall be constructed
prior to final occupancy.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design and prior to
final occupancy for the construction.
Responsible Department/Agency:
Planning Department
16. Planting shall be increased in density along the west property line to
one tree per 20 feet, and shall be dense, broadleaf evergreen species
suitable for screening.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design and prior to
final occupancy for the construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Parks and Recreation Department, Planning
*17. Light poles shall not exceed 20 feet in height and shall have cut-off
type luminaries.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design and prior to
final occupancy for the construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
18. Signage and building/arcade illumination shall be concentrated on the
south building elevation. Wall illumination on other building faces
shall be limited to lighting emergency exits and service areas, without
reflective glare off the building.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits and ongoing.
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
19. General illumination shall not exceed one foot candle except at
vehicular entry/exits.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design.
Responsible Department/Agency:
Visual Ouality
Planning Department
*20. The proposed planting behind the building shall be limited to trees and
shrubs that when mature, do not exceed the height of the top of the
mansard, to maintain views over the top of the building. The pine trees
proposed would be too tall and shall be eliminated. A dense, solid mass
of trees such as California pepper and shrubs such as Acacia would be
appropriate to accomplish this and screen the building. Vines or shrubs
shall be planted against the large expanses of masonry walls to soften
the facade on the east and south.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design and prior to
final occupancy for the construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Parks and Recreation Department, Planning
21. If a retention basin is included in the final project design, the final
landscape plan shall include a permanent ground cover, established from
containers or cuttings and not seed, on the retention basin slopes.
Medium sized shrubs (6 to 8 feet) should be included as well as trees.
The slopes shall have permanent underground spray irrigation. On the
perimeter of the basin, outside the safety fence, shrubs shall be
planted in a continuous unbroken line around the basin. The shrubs
shall not exceed four feet in mature height so that visual access is
maintained to the basin bottom for safety surveillance.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design and prior to
final occupancy for the construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Parks and Recreation Department, Planning
*22. The option of a series of detention basins (with some storage in parking
areas) combined with downstream improvements would decrease the size and
depth of the basin, and mitigate aesthetic impacts.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of grading or building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department, Public Works
23. The final landscape design and planting shall be in substantial
conformance with the proposed landscape plan except as amended by these
mitigation measures and conditions of approval and as amended to conform
with Section 9-12.130 of the Development Code.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Parks and Recreation Department
*24. The maximum roof height shall be lowered from elevation 144.0 to under
140.0 to maintain a major portion of the views to the south from
surrounding residences. This reduction can be accomplished using one or
both of the following methods:
A. The building should be analyzed by the project architect to
determine the minimum feasible building height that still provides
adequate ceiling height, depth for structural trusses for the
spans involved, and a four or five foot parapet.
B. The final project grading design should investigate the
feasibility of lowering the building floor elevation. Although
the floor elevation is controlled to some extent by the grades at
the existing oak, it is possible to lower grades outside the drip
line and actually retain the tree in a low walled planter.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
25. The rooftop and mechanical equipment areas should be carefully designed
to have low visual impact including:
A. Low glare roofing material;
B. Locate mechanical equipment to north half of roof as much as
possible; and
C. Paint mechanical equipment to match roof color.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
A. Proiect Traffic Impact Mitiaation
26. The applicant shall construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along the
project frontage along Courtland Street. This improvement should be
extended to Brighton Avenue to provide for continuous pedestrian access
between the project and the neighborhood north of the project.
Time Frame: Prior to final occupancy
Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Department
*27. The applicant shall modify the project site plan to include a project
driveway providing for right turns in and out and possibly left turn in
on Grand Avenue. This driveway should be combined with the Williams
Brothers Shopping Center driveway.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design and prior to
final occupancy for the construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Department
28. The applicant shall design and construct a landscape median on Grand
Avenue between Oak Park Boulevard and Courtland Street. This should be
designed to prohibit left turns out of the Williams Brothers/Project
driveway. If a separate driveway is installed, left turns should be
prohibited into the driveways as well. A conceptual plan of the median
improvements along Grand Avenue was previously approved by the Arroyo
Grande City Council.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design and a aecured
agreement to guarantee improvement, and prior to final occupancy
for the construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Department
29. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall enter into an
agreement with the City, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney,
whereby, the developer agrees, on behalf of himself and his successors
in interest, to pay the City a fee of Seventy Six Thousand, One Hundred,
Twenty Five Dollars ($76,125.00) plus an inflation adjustment based upon
the Engineering News Record (ENR) index rate per year, to be paid prior
to issuance of building permits or within five (5) years of recordation
of the parcel map, whichever comes first.
Time Frame: Prior to recordation of the parcel map for the agreement. Prior
to issuance of building permits or within five (5) years of
recordation of the parcel map, whichever occurs first for payment
of the fee.
Responsible Department/Agency:
B. On-Site Mitiqations
Public Works Department, City Attorney
*30. The project shall incorporate a minimum of 183 on-site parking spaces to
meet ITE standards. If the City elects to apply the standards of the
new development code the total would be 190 spaces.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design and prior to
final occupancy for the construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
31. The parking lot design shall be modified to eliminate the dead-end
parking bay south of the oak trees.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits for design and prior to
final occupancy for the construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
Pedestrian Mitiaation
The project applicant shall construct the segment of sidewalk on
Courtland Street up to Brighton Avenue.
Time Frame: Prior to final occupancy
Responsible Department/Agency:
Land Use Compatibility
Public Works Department
33. The final design, materials, forms and detailing of the proposed
building shall be in substantial conformance with the plans and
materials approved by the Planning Commission at their meeting of August
6, 1991 except as amended by these mitigation measures and conditions of
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
*34. As also noted in the mitigation measures for Visual Quality, the
proposed building should be designed to the lowest practical height
possible. The applicant shall prepare architectural studies that
explore minimum ceiling heights, structural systems that minimize truss
depth, locating rooftop mechanical equipment in as few areas as possible
and keeping the roof parapet height to a minimum, and lowering the
height of the mansard roof.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
35. The applicant shall attempt to conform the building more to the height
of the Lucky/Payless Center. The applicant should break up the building
facade more to reduce the appearance of mass by adding more detailing
and articulation on the east and west facades.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
Cultural Resources
36. The demolition of the existing structures on proposed parcel 2 shall be
monitored by a qualified archaeologist. The applicant shall be
responsible for paying this cost.
Time Frame: During demolition of existing structures
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department
37. In the event that during grading, construction or development of the
project, any archaeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be
halted until the city has reviewed the resources for their significance.
If human burials are encountered, the County Coroner (549-4513) shall be
contacted immediately. The applicant may be required to provide
� archaeological studies and/or mitigation measures. All grading and
improvement plans shall be noted to reflect this mitigation.
Time Frame: During grading, construction or development of the project.
Responsible Department/Agency:
Public Safetv
A. Hazardous Materials
Building Department
38. The County Air Pollution Control District and the Environmental
Protection Agency in San Francisco shall be notified of the demolition
of the existing structure and proper forms submitted, prior to the
issuance of a demolition permit.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of a demolition permit.
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department
39. The applicant shall coordinate with APCD to regulate and monitor
asbestos disposal as required under federal law. The law requires that
a full survey of the existing building to be done prior to demolition to
identify all sources of asbestos. Demolition must be done in a manner
that does not break or powderize the siding material.
Time Frame: Survey done prior to issuance of a demolition permit, monitoring
during demolition
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department, APCD
Fire Safetv•
The applicant shall loop a water main through the site f�om Courtland
Street to Grand Avenue to enhance fire flows and an on-site hydrant
shall be provided by the applicant.
Time Frame: Prior to final occupancy
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department
41. The applicant shall install an automatic fire sprinkler system
throughout the facility prior to final occupancy. All fire sprinkler
installation plans shall be approved by Fire Department prior to final
framing inspection by Building Department.
Time Frame: Plans shall be approved prior to final framing inspection. System
shall be installed prior to final occupancy.
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department, Fire Department
Police Protection:
The conditional use permit shall be limited to prohibit live music and
Time Frame: Ongoing
Responsible Department/Agency: Police Department
43. The applicant shall limit hours of operation in accordance with the City
Municipal Code, Section 5-6.01.
Time Frame: Ongoinq
Responsible Department/Agency: Police Department
*44. The applicant shall redesign the project to eliminate the actual lounge
area and substitute a walk-up service bar.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Department
*45. Illumination for police surveillance of the parking area shall be
provided, subject to the mitigations described under the topic Glare.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Police Department, Planning Department
46. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a
security plan for review and approval of the Police and Planning
Departments. Said plan shall incorporate the use of security personnel,
a non-loitering policy, and a policy that juveniles must be accompanied
by an adult. Changes in said security plan shall require prior approval
by the Planning and Police Departments.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of Building Permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Police Department, Planning Department
Water Supply
47. All construction shall utilize fixtures and designs which minimize water
usage. Such fixtures and designs shall include, but are not limited to,
low flow shower heads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters or
hot water recirculating systems, drip irrigation with drought tolerant
landscaping and etcetera. All water conserving designs and fixtures
shall be installed prior to final occupancy.
Time Frame: Prior to final occupancy
Responsible Department/Agency: Building Department
48. The applicant shall provide for review and approval by the City Council,
an individual water program which will propose measures to neutralize
projected water demand for the project. The approved program must be
implemented prior to issuance of buildinq permits.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Pubic Works Department
49. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide a
landscape plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, to the
satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Director of
Planning. All landscaping shall be consistent with water conservation
practices which may include the following to neutralize water use to
A. Using only drought tolerant plants in the planting design.
Eliminate proposed carrotwood and flowering pear trees, hypericum
groundcover and pittosporum shrubs;
B. Design irrigation system using drip emitters or bubblers, avoid
spray irrigation;
C. Install soil moisture sensors and automatic controller to ensure
plants are not receiving more water than needed;
D. Separate landscape and domestic water meters. Conduct monthly
water use audits; and
E. Develop a water budget based on evapotranspiration data and water
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits
Responsible Department/Agency: Parks and Recreation Department, Planning
Air Ouality
50. The APCD standard mitigations for dust contained in the APCD Interim
Guidelines shall be implemented. The following are specific
A. IIse of Caterpillar prechamber diesel engines (or equivalent)
together with proper maintenance and operation to reduce emissions
of oxides of nitrogen (NOx).
B. Electrify equipment where feasible.
C. Maintain equipment in tune per manufacturer's specifications,
except as required by condition E.
D. Install catalytic converters on gasoline-powered equipment.
E. Zmplement engine timing retard (four degrees) for diesel-powered
F. Substitute gasoline-powered for diesel-powered equipment, where
G. Minimize the amount of disturbed area.
H. Use water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to
prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increase watering
frequency whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph.
I. All dirt stock-pile areas should be sprayed daily as needed.
J. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project
revegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as
possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities.
K. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates
greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a
fast-germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is
L. All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation should be
stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or
other methods approved in advance by the APCD.
M. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be
completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should
be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil
binders are used.
N. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 25
mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site.
O. Development of a comprehensive construction activity management
plan designed to minimize the amount of large construction
equipment operating during any given time period.
P. Scheduling of construction truck trips during non-peak hours to
reduce peak hour emissions.
Q. Limiting the length of the construction work-day period, if
R. Phasing of construction activities, if appropriate.
Time Frame: Prior to issuance of grading or building permits measures A, B, D,
E, F, G, & O must be completed. Measures A, C, H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, P, Q, & R must be monitored during construction.
Responsible Department/Agency: APCD
General Conditions
The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City
requirements as are applicable to this project.
Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans
presented to the Planning Commission at the meeting of August 6, 1991 and
marked "Exhibit A".
3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action
brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of
the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such
approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers,
or employers, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its
agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a
result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate
at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such
participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under
this condition.
4. An EIR has been prepared for this project. Mitigation measures are listed
as Attachment "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this
reference. Said mitigations shall be implemented as conditions of
approval and shall be monitored by appropriate City departments and other
responsible agencies as indicated in Attachment "B". The developer shall
be responsible for verification in writing by the monitoring department or
agency that the mitigation measures have been implemented.
5. This tentative map approval shall automatically expire on August 6, 1993
unless the parcel map is recorded or an extension is granted pursuant to
Section 9-02.140.C. of the Development Code.
Planning Department Conditions
6. Development shall conform with the GC (General Commercial) zoning
requirements unless otherwise approved.
7. Prior to, or concurrent with recordation of the parcel map, the applicant
shall record joint drainage, parking and maintenance agreements, in a form
approved by the City Attorney. Said agreement shall address, at a
minimum, maintenance of driveways, parking areas, common landscaping, the
drainage basin and other site features in common ownership.
8. The sidewalk along Courtland Street shall be meandered or reduced in width
to avoid the existing Oak tree subject to review and approval of the Parks
and Recreation Director and the Director of Public Works. If a meandered
sidewalk is required, the applicant shall provide the necessary right of
way for the sidewalk prior to or concurrent with recordation of the parcel
Public Works Department Conditions
9. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the developer shall provide deeds
to evidence the following information:
a. Easement information (if any) for the existing sewer main on the
west side of the property;
b. Abandonment of 19th Street and Ramona Avenue; and
c. Width of right of way of Courtland Street.
10. Prior to or concurrent with recordation of the parcel map, the developer
shall dedicate a portion on the southeast corner of the property to
accommodate installation of a curb return with handicap ramp to City
Prior to or concurrent with recordation of the parcel map, the developer
shall dedicate street tree and public utility easements along the
project's Courtland Street frontage.
Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the developer shall design
Courtland street for curb, gutter and sidewalk with conformance paving as
13. The developer shall construct curb, gutter, sidewalk and conformance
paving alonq the Courtland street project frontage and remove and replace
curb, gutter and sidewalk as required by the Director of Public Works
along the project's Grand Avenue frontage.
13a. Prior to recordation of the parcel map or issuance of building permits,
the applicant shall request the City of Arroyo Grande to designate that
portion of both sides of Courtland Street between Grand Avenue and
Brighton Avenue as no-parking zones. Within the same time frame (except
as modified by condition of approval #14), the applicant shall design and
construct a stamped concrete median generally conforming to the conceptual
Courtland Median Layout presented to the Planning Commission and marked as
Exhibit "C". The final median design shall be subject to review and
approval of the Public Works Director. Stamped concrete pavers shall be
subject to review and approval of the Planning Director.
Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall revise the
project design to eliminate the Courtland Street ingress and provide an
emergency vehicle access to the project subject to the review and approval
of the City Engineer and the Parking and Traffic Commission.
In the event that the City of Arroyo Grande does not approve the no-
parking zone, the applicant may be required to dedicate additional street
right of way to allow for construction of the median with retention of on-
street parking. In this case, the Director of Public Works may approve a
decrease in the width of the median. If dedication of street right of way
for construction of the median results in changes to the desiqn or layout
of the project, the Planning Director may require filing of amended
project applications.
13b. The applicant has voluntarilv aareed to do one of the following as a
condition of approval, prior to recordation of the parcel map or issuance
of building permits:
1. The applicant shall contribute funds which may be used to improve
the right turn geometrics from westbound Grand Avenue to Northbound
Oak Park Boulevard and widen Oak Park Boulevard between Grand Avenue
and Brighton Avenue. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the
developer shall enter into an agreement with the City, in a form
acceptable to the city attorney, whereby the developer agrees, on
behalf of himself and his successors in interest, to pay the City 6$
of the total cost of the referenced improvements, as determined by
the Public Works Director, based on an engineer's estimate provided
by the applicant, to be paid prior to issuance of building permits
or within five (5) years of recordation of the parcel map, whichever
comes first; or
2. The applicant shall acquire necessary right of way for dedication to
the City to allow the design and construction of a right turn lane
from Grand Avenue to Oak Park Boulevard. The applicant shall design
and construct said right turn lane concurrent with other public
improvements as specified in Attachment "C". If said design and
construction results in a loss or relocation of parking for the
Williams Brothers Market complex, the applicant shall restripe the
parking lot to regain any lost spaces, subject to review and
approval of the Planning Director, through the Plot Plan Review
process. The City Council may elect not to condemn property for the
necessary right of way, and in that case, condition 13b.(1) above
must be met.
14. All public works improvements not installed prior to recordation of the
parcel map shall be bonded by the developer.
15. All parcels shall have City water and sewer services.
16. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the developer shall have prepared
a grading and drainage plan for review and approval of the Director of
Public Works. No grading operation is allowed without an approved grading
17. All site drainage shall be retained on-site unless otherwise approved by
the Director of Public Works. Design of said retention shall be per 100
year storm criteria.
18. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, all existing structures shall be
19. Al1 improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer,
licensed in the State of California, and shall be approved by the Public
Works Director prior to recordation of the parcel map. Improvement plans
shall include, but are not limited to, grading, street, drainage, sewer,
water, and appurtenant improvements. As required, the plan submittal
shall include construction cost estimates, plan check fees, soil reports,
and all other pertinent engineering design calculations.
20. "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction", latest edition,
and the latest edition of the "Standard Plans for Public Works
Construction", as amended by the City, shall be the project
specifications, except as noted otherwise on the approved improvement
21. All grading shall conform to the City's Grading Ordinance (303 C.S.) and
Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code, and/or as recommended by the
soils report with prior review and approval of the Director of Public
22. It is the contractor's responsibility to control dust and erosion
throughout the construction operation. This includes dust arising from
the transport of grading materials to or from the construction site. The
developer or his agents or employees shall be responsible for removal and
clean-up of any spill on public streets during the construction operation.
23. A registered civil engineer, licensed in the State of California shall
assure that the construction work conforms to the approved improvement
plans and specifications, as well as providing certified as-built plans
after project completion, but prior to final occupancy.
General Conditions
1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City
requirements as are applicable to this project.
2. This application shall automatically expire on August 6, 1993 unless a
building permit is issued or an extension of time is granted. Sixty (60)
days prior to the expiration of the architectural approval, the applicant
may apply to the Planning Director for an extension of one (1) year from
the original date of expiration. Any further extensions beyond one (1)
year shall require Planning Commission approval, after a recommendation by
the Architectural Advisory Committee.
3. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans
presented to the Planning Commission at the meeting of August 6, 1991 and
marked "Exhibit B".
4. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action
brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of
the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such
approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers,
or employers, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its
agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a
result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate
at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such
participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under
this condition.
5. An EIR has been prepared for this project. Mitigation measures are
listed as Attachment "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by thie
reference. Said mitigations shall be implemented as conditions of
approval and shall be monitored by appropriate City departments and other
responsible agencies as indicated in Attachment "B". The developer shall
be responsible for verification in writing by the monitoring department of
agency that the mitigation measures have been implemented.
Planning Department Conditions
6. Development shall conform with the GC (General Commercial) zoning
requirements unless otherwise approved.
6a. Within one year of final occupancy of the subject Conditional Use Permit,
the project shall be reviewed for compliance with all the conditions of
approval and mitigation measures. At that review, the Planning Commission
may institute additional project reviews.
7. Prior to issuance of building permits, all existing structures shall be
removed. If the Parcel map records, the applicant shall record
appropriate easements for ingress, eqress, parking, drainage and
8. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of Section 9-13 of the
Development Code.
9. Prior to issuance of building permits, nine (9) sets of revised plans
shall be submitted to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department,
Parks and Recreation Department, Police Department, Public Works
Department, Fire and Building Department, and Architectural Advisory
Committee as noted. The plans shall be revised to include the following:
a. Al1 ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment electrical
transformers, check valves, backflow preventers and all other
mechanical equipment, whether on the ground, on the structure or
elsewhere, shall be screened from public view with materials
architecturally compatible with the main structure. All roof-
mounted equipment which generates noise, solid particles, odors,
etcetera, shall cause the objectionable material to be directed away
from residential properties.
b. All walls, including screening and retaining walls shall be
compatible with the approved architecture, subject to the review and
approval of the Architectural Advisory Committee.
c. An exterior lighting plan subject to the review and approval of the
Planning and Police Departments which shall include the following:
(1) Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will provide true
90 degree cut-off and prevent projection of light above the
horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting
refractor or device.
(2) Al1 fixtures shall use a flat, clear lens, energy-efficient
light source.
(3) All project lighting shall be confined to the project site.
d. A landscaping and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape
architect subject to review and approval by the Planning, Police,
Fire, and Parks and Recreation Departments. The landscaping plan
shall include the following:
(1) Tree staking, soil preparation and planting detail;
(2) The use of landscaping to screen ground-mounted utility,
electrical and mechanical equipment;
(3) The required landscaping and improvements. This includes:
(a) Deep root planters shall be included in areas where
trees are within 5' of asphalt or concrete surfaces and
(b) Water conservation practices including the use of drip
irrigation, mulch, gravel, drought tolerant plants and
bark shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan;
(c) All slopes 2:1 or greater shall have jute mesh or
equivalent material;
(d) Street trees along Courtland.Street in deep root
planters with irrigation.
(4) Report by a certified arborist on the condition of the
existing 3 oaks on the site and precautions to be taken prior
to and during construction.
(5) Street trees along Grand Avenue.
e. A fencing plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the
Architectural Advisory Committee.
f. All construction drawings shall be reviewed by the Architectural
Advisory Committee prior to issuance of building permits. Theses
drawings shall include the following:
(1) The mechanical equipment on the roof shall be treated or
screened. The committee suggested coloring the roofing
material, brown or red or a similar color and painting the
mechanical equipment to match.
(2) The committee recommended that planter strips be between all
aisles of parking.,
(3) The committee recommended reducing the size of parking spaces
to City Standards and increasing the widths of planter strips.
(4) The internal flow of traffic shall be shown and shall include
any required traffic control devices such as stop signs.
(5) Landscaping should include creeping fig or similar vine to
grow up the split face block walls.
(6) Colored concrete should be incorporated into the design as was
done at the Lucky's shopping center.
(7) Landscaping should include more Oak trees.
(8) The steel railing on top of the wall above the trash enclosure
could be a maintenance problem and is not very attractive.
The Committee suggested using a different type of material,
perhaps wood.
(9) The Committee suggests a dark accent color to be incorporated
into the project design.
10. A minimum of Nine (9) bicycle parking spaces shall be provided prior to
final occupancy.
11. All parking and parking lot landscaping shall comply with the provisions
of Chapter 9-12 of the Development Code.
12. If the waterscape plan is implemented, vector control shall be provided
pursuant to County Health Department Standards.
13. No parking lot cleaning, sweeping or blowing shall occur between the hours
of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.
Building Department Conditions
14. Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant shall properly remove
or abandon all existing non-conforming items such as septic tanks, wells,
pipes and so forth.
15. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain
necessary permits for
a. Work in the public right of way;
b. Retaining walls;
� 4
c. Grading; and
d. Demolition of existing structures.
16. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall verify whether
existing structures are connected to the City sewer. The developer shall
connect to public sewer facilities and pay appropriate sanitation district
and city connection fees.
17. Except as previously approved by the Building Inspector in writing, all
grading shall be completed and freestanding retaining walls constructed
prior to issuance of building permits.
18. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the developer shall post a cash
performance bond for grading and erosion control for the sum of $5,000.00.
The bond will be refundable at completion of project with building final.
19. Al1 structures as regulated by the currently adopted issues of the Uniform
Building Code and related codes, are subject to all seismic conditions as
they would apply to earthquake zone 4.
20. All structures as regulated by the currently adopted issues of the Uniform
Building Code and related codes, are subject to energy regulations as
described in Title 24 of the California Administrative Code for climate
zone 5.
Public Works Department Conditions
21. All improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer,
licensed in the State of California, and shall be approved by the Public
Works Director prior to issuance of any City Permits. Improvement plans
shall include, but are not limited to, grading, street, drainage, sewer,
water, and appurtenant improvements. As required, the plan submittal
shall include construction cost estimates, plan check fees, soil reports,
and all other pertinent engineering design calculations.
22. "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction", latest edition,
and the latest edition of the "Standard Plans for Public Works
Construction", as amended by the City, shall be the project
specifications, except as noted otherwise on the approved improvement
23. All grading shall conform to the City's Grading Ordinance (303 C.S.) and
Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code, and/or as recommended by the
soils report with prior review and approval of the Director of Public
24. The developer shall pay storm drainage fees where appropriate in
accordance with City Ordinances.
25. It is the contractor's responsibility to control dust and erosion
throughout the construction operation. This includes dust arising from
the transport of grading materials to or from construction site. The
developer or his agents or employees shall be responsible for removal and
clean-up of any spill on public streets during the construction operation.
26. A registered civil engineer, licensed in the State of California shall
assure that the construction work conforms to the approved improvement
plans and specifications, as well as providing certified as-built plans
after project completion, but prior to final occupancy.
Fire Department Conditions
27. Prior to final occupancy, the developer shall post approved fire lane
signs in accordance with California Vehicle Code and paint curbs red along
all vehicle corridors delineated by the Fire Chief as fire lanes.
28. Required fire hydrants shall be installed with flows and pressures
required by Fire Department prior to delivery of combustibles, except
concrete framing materials.
Parks and Recreation Department Conditions
29. All landscaping materials shall be planted according to the approved
landscaping plan prior to final occupancy.
30. The applicant shall maintain and replace when necessary all approved
31. Existing Oak trees shall have a fence (5 foot high chain link or vinyl)
around the tree extending out around the dripline to prevent encroachment
of construction equipment or materials (includes off-site oak tree). This
fence shall be installed prior to any grubbing, grading or any
construction on the property.
32. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall request that
the 36" and 48" Oak trees on site be included into the City's Landmark
Tree Program.
33. Ordinance 313 C.S. shall be followed.
Police Department Conditions
34. Prior to building final, the developer shall install a silent burglar
alarm in the building which will be monitored by a private answering