HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC R 91-1341/�� RI;SULUTIUN NU.91 (See 91-1342) A RI,SULUTIUN Uf 'I'I PLANNING CUMMISSIUN Uf 'fll� CITY Ur ARIiUYU (:ItAND[s RfC:OMMI'sND1N(: TIIA"t TI-11: C1'1'Y COUNC[L CF.RTII�Y "['1 I:NVIItUNML'N"1'AL 1Ml'AC'I' Rl:l'UR'1' l'RI:I'ARI:ll I�UIt GIsNI:ItAL I'LAN AMI:NDMI:NT 9U-1 ANll PLANNI;D DI�;VTLOPMI;NT RI:%ON1, yU-22Q (VISTA DF;L MAR), AS AMI:NllC:U WI-IERI:AS, thc City oP Arroyo Grandc rcceivcd applications from Wilma-Pacific, [nc. for thc followinb: � 1. Gcncral Plan Amendmenl 90-01, a reques� to amcnd the Ci�y's general plan to changc thc land usc dcsi�;natioii fmm Rcsidential HiUside to Planncd Dcvclopmen� on land loca�ed gcncrally soulh of Arroyo Crand� High School and wcst ol' I-li�hway 101 iUl(I 2. Planncd Devclopmen� Rc•r.onc Na 90-22U, �o rcionc the propcny "PD-Planned Dcvclopmcnt" for dcvclopmciri ol' 15U singlc family residcnccs. W1IF.REAS, an Cnvironmcntal Impact Rcpon (G1R) wati �rc�:�rcd for thc abovc litilcd a��lications pursu:inl to ll�c Calil�on�ia L'nvironmcntal Quality Ac;t (CGUA), lhc Sl.itc CCQA CuiJclincs, aiul lhc Cily of Arrc�yo Cran�lc's Rulcti ol' Prc�ccdui�; for lmrlcmcnlalic�it ol' CLQA; and WHI:RI:AS, said GIR is amcndcd as shown in auachcd Cxhibit A; and, WI-l[:RC?.AS, �hc Planning Commistiion of thc City of nrroyo Grandc has rcvicwcd :tnd ccrosidcrcd thc atxivc n:fcrcnccd GIR, as amcndcd in auaclic�l Exhibit A. in itti dclitx.rations on lhc subjccl apnlicalions: and, WtIER[:AS, thc EIR, �is amcndcd in attachcd Cxhibit A, mcc�ti thc rcquircmcn�ti ol'Statc and local cnvimnmcn�al laws, :ind :�dcqua�cly idcnlifics thc �tcnti:►Ily significanl cnvironmcntal impacts and rccommends suitablc miligalion mc<<sures for saicl impacts. Nt)W, Tt-IERCFORF,, I3F.1T RESOLVF.D by thc Planninb Commission of thc Cily of Arroyo Grandc. Calil'ornia as I'cillows: 1. Thc Plannin� Commission rccommcnds that lhc City Council certify thc Environmcntal lmpacl Report, as amcndcd by auachcd Exhibit A, for lhe above relcrenced applica�ions. Gallagher On motion by �ssioner . sccondcd by Vice Chairman Soto and by thc following roll call votc, to wil: py�S pomtussioners Gallaghex and Vice Chaizinan Soto N()�S: �unissioners Nbore and Brandy AuSCNT: Qanxn�-ssioners Boggess, Souza and Chairnian Carr thc forboinb Rcsolution w;�x .defeatea due t�o lack of a majority vote. ATTI:ST: / � i� �� �! i� � i� ��!' i. . _ !6'I/. � - - - �� �