PC R 90-13196 �`� � � RF�OLiITION N0. 90- 1319 A REiOLUTION OF TEIE PL�PINING �IISSION OF `Ii3E CITY OF ARRCJYO GRANDE APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSII�I�PP CASE NO. 90-492 I�OC�TED AT 130 AND 136 AI.LFN SI'ftF�.T AND 137-1/2 �3tR7C AVFIVUE APPLIIID FOI2 BY DIQC Kd.�E.Y. Fg�tFAS, the Planning Camnission of the City of Arroyo Grande has held a public hearing on Lot Line Adjustment Case No. 90-492 in accordance with City Code; and WFIDtFAS, the Planning Caimission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the IIivironmental Docwrients associated therewith; and Fg�.S, the Plazining Ccrrmission has reviewed this project in compliance with the California E�virorunental Quality Act (C�►) and has deternuned that this project is exerr�t per Section 15305(a) of the CF�QA guidelines; and Wf�S, said Lot Line A�djustme.nt was referred to the Planning Cormussion, by various City Departments and the Staff Advisory Comnittee; and WI�RFAS, the Planning Comnission finds, after due stwdy, deliberation and public hearing, the following circ�tances exist: 1. 2. The proposed lot line adjustment is consistent with the zoning and building ordinances of the City of Arroyo Grande because a variance has been approved for lot access. The proposed lot line adjustment will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. NQ�), Tf�RF�C.IRE, SE IT RFSOLVID that the Planrung Camussion of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Lot Line Adjustment Case No. 90-492 subject to the following conditions. General Cacuiitians l. The applicant shall ascertain and crnrply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. 3. DeveloFxn�nt shall occur in suhstantial conforrnance with the plans presented to the Planninq Co►rYrussion at the meeting of Decernber 18, 1990 and marked "Exhibit A" and Alternative C. All conditions of approval for the variance shall be carpleted prior to recordation of the lot line adjustment unless another time frame is specifically stated. Plaiuiing Departnrer�t CaYUiitioa�s 4. Development shall conform with the R-1 zoning requirements unless otherwise approved. Public Works Depart�t�nt Corc�ditioa�s 5. The new property line between proposed parcels A and B shall be montunented by a licensed surveyor prior to recordation of the lot liIIe adjustment to allow for accurate locatian of the new access eas�it. 6. The locations of existing utilities for both parcels shall be field verified and appropriate relocations shall be ccxnpleted prior to recordation of the lot line adjustment. On rrotion of Caimissioner Gallagher, seconded by Cam►issioner Soto, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYFS: Cormussioners Moore, Boggess, Souza, Gallagher, Brandy, Soto and Chairnian Carr NOFS: None ABSr3dT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 18th day of Decernber 1990. A . . < Pearl L. Phinney Secretary �t/ • � A Robert W. Carr Chai rnnan