PC R 90-1318� 2 0 RFSOI�iITION NO. 90- A RF�OLUTION OF TI� PI.APIIIING OC�MISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO Gl2ANDE C�FtANTING A VARIAN(�, C1LS�E NO: 90-153, APPLIID FOR BY DIQC KELS,E.Y I.00�►Z'ID AT 130 AND 136 ALLII�I Sl'I2�T 'AND 137-1/2 Q�RRSC AVF3dUE TO ALLAW PRll�1RY IAT AOC�SS �OUGEi AN A�S F�3VT, AND ADOPTING A NDGATIVE DDCLARATI�1. Wf�tFAS, the Planning Corrmission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Variance Application No. 90-153, filed by Dick Kelsey, for a variance at 130 and 136 Allen Street and 137-1/2 Cherry Avenue in the R-1 Single Family Residential Zone; and W�S, the Planning Cartnission has held a public hearing an this application in accordance with the City Code; and FII�S, the Planning Cam►ission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the E7►vironmental docwments associated therewith; and WI�2F�S, the project has been fownd to have no significant environrnental impact under the provisions of the California F�vironrr►ental Quality Act (CDQ�,); and Wf�S, the Planning Corrmission instructs the Secretary to file a Notice of Deternunation; and Wf�1tF�1S, the Planning Camussion finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circwmstances exist: 1. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to other properties because adequate access is available for both lots and new houses will be constructed to replace the existing hames which were in poor condition. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circwnstances applicable to this property because the lots are existing and have had har►es on thein which accessed East Cherry Avenue and Allen Street. No change in the nwnber of homes is proposed and access is being itr�proved. 3. The strict application of the C-2 zone does deprive such prbperty of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity or same 2one because without the variance, the lot line adjustment cannot be approved and the applicant will have a substandard 3,000 square foot lot instead of a 6,000 square foot lot which ca�nplies with the zoning ordinance. 4. The granting of_the deviation is ca�rpatible with the objectives, policies and general plan uses specified in the general plan. NC7W, �.�OdtE, BE IT RF�OLVID that the Planning Co�m►i.ssion of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said variance, subject to the standard conditions of the City and those listed below: General Canditiouns 1. 2. The applicant shall ascertain and corr�ly with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. , Development shall occur in substantial conforn�zce with the plans presented to the Planning Camussion at the meeting of Nove[nber 18, 1990 and marked "Exhibit A" and Alternative C. 3. All conditions of approval for the variance shall be completed prior to recordation of the lot line adjustment unless another time frame is specifically stated. Planning Department Canditioons 4. Develop�ment shall conform with the R-1 zaning requiremerits unless otherwise approved. 5. The applicant shall meet one of the following require�ments: a. An access, sewer, drainage and utility easement shall be provided with a minimn�m width of 24 feet and a minimwm paved width of 20 feet, and a joint maintenance agreerr�ent shall be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. OR RE90LUTION PiO. 90- D�IIt 18, 1990 ;; ,.F:. b. An access, sewer, drainage and util�ity easement shall be provided with a minimwn width of 15 feet and a minimwn paved width of 12 feet and a maintenance agreement shall be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment; AND all structures on Parcel A shall be subject to installation of residential fire sprinklers at time of construction; AND the carmion drive shall be posted as a fire lane to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. 6. The existing access easement to East Cherry Avenue shall be relinquished �for vehicular access by a method approved by the City Attorney prior to recordati on of the 1 ot 1 ine ad justxr�_nt . Uti 1 ity easement to remain ( i f existing). Public Works Departm�t Co�clitio�s 7. A grading and drainage plan shall be prepared by a Civil ESngineer, registered in the State of California, subject to the review and approval of the Director of Public Works, for Parcels A, B and the access easement. 8. Prior to recordation of the Lot Line Adjustment, the applicant shall grade the proposed access drive to Parcel A in accordance with the approved grading and drainage plan. 9. Prior to recordation of the Lot Line Adjustment, the applicant shall construct necessary improvements on Allen Street, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, and conforntiance paving as required, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. On motion by Conmissioner Gallagher, seconded by Catmissioner Boggess, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: � AYES: Comnissioners Moore, Boggess, Souza, Gallagher, Brandy, Soto . and Chairman Carr NOFS : None ABS'ENT : None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of DecemUer 1990. Pearl L. Phinney Secretary f �/ ( �i Robert W .� Carr Chai rn�an �J; � m