PC R 90-1317�I RFSOLUTION N0. 903317 A RESOLUTION OF THE PI�I�IING C�MISSIpN OF THE CITY OF ARROYO Gf2ANDC RDOQi�1�p)ING TO 17� CITY «XINCIL R�O(�1TION OF aQNDITIC�L USE PII2MIT Q�SE NO. 89-453, FOR LASP C�LAIVC� LIQUORS. I�OCATID ?1T 320 � BRJ�NQi S17tEEP. C�TNID BY C�3A1tf�S DOSi�R AND ('AIZI.EM L�1N1)DCxC Wf�S, the Planning Cormtission of the City of Arroyo Grande has conducted the annual review of Conditional Use Permit Case No 89-453 as required by the terms and condi,tions of saici permit; and WF�, at said annual review, the Planning Crnmission deterniined that the owners of Last Chance Liquors may have failed to ccxnply with the terrrB and conditions of the project's approval and the Carmission, therefore, directed staff to schedule a public hearing to consider revoking Conditional Use Pern�it Case No. 89-453; and �.5, the Planning Carmission of the City of Arroyo Grande has held a public hearing on Condifiional Use Permit Case No 89-453 pursuant to Section 9- 4.3105 of the City of Arroyo• Grande Municipal Code to consider revoking Conditional Use Permit Case No. 89-453; and �3tFAS, the Planning Co�rmission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the followi,ng circw�tances exist: 1• The owners of Last Chance Liquors, operating under Conditional Use Permit Case No, 89-453 have violated condition of approval n�unber 9 of .; the tern►� and conditions of the �condition by installin si pe � t ' T�e owners violated this 9 gns without obtaining the requi.red pem►its. 2• The installation of signs without permits violates the Municipal Code ., and jeopardizes the general welfare and public interest of the camnuni.ty (Muni.cipal Code Section 9 . 3 . Staff has repeatedly requested the owners to file a variance application for the signs installed without permits, but the owners have refused to file the required application. While there are no variance' would be approved, the application would �rantees that the Pl�ung Camiission ari opportunity to determine whether the necessary findings could be made to allow the additional signs. �� T�E, BE IT RFSOLVEp that the Planning Cam�issian of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby recomnend, to the City Council revocation of Conditional Use Perniit 89 on motion by Comnissioner Gallagher, seconded by Camussioner Souza, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: �: Comnissioners Moore, Gallagher, Brandy, Souza and Boggess N�ES: Conmissioner Soto and (�airn�n Carr ��'I': None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of Deceiriber, 1990 ATTES`P ; Mary Ellen L ' "' eininger • Robert W. Carr Pl�n9 Comnission C erk Chairn►an