PC R 90-13032 5��: � R�90LUTI�1 1P10.90-1303 �� A RFSOLUTION OF Zi� PLANNING aCt�IISSION OF � ARROYO G�IDE APPROVING Or L�OT LINE ADJUSLt�NP C7�I.SE NO. 90-489 LOCATID AT 20? PIL�GRIM WAY AND 535 ARI{�YO S� AppLIID �R BY ADAMS FAMILy TRiJS`T WfII�1tFAS, the Planning Carmission of the City of Arroyo Grande has held a public hearing on Lot Line Adjustment Case No. 90-489 in accordance with City Code; and Wf�tII�S, the Planning Comni.ssion has found that this project i:s consistent with the General Plan and the IIzvirorunental Docwnents associated th�rewith; and WI�RFAS, the Planning Corm�ission has reviewed this�project in cc�npliance with the California ESnviroruner►tal Quality Act (C�QA) and has determined that this project is exempt per Section 15305(a) of the CEQA guidelines; and W�S, said Lot Line Adjustment was referred to the Planning Camussion, by various City Departments and the Staff Advisory Cormiittee; and WI�RF�1S, the Planning Corrrnission finds, after due study, deli��ration and public hearing, the following circwnstances exist: 1. 2. Z'he proposed lot line adjustment is consistent with the xoning and building ordinances of the City of Arroyo Grande. The proposed lot line adjustment will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 1�. �, BE IT RF�OLVID that the Planning Co�rnission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Lot Line Adjustment No. 90-489 subject+to the following conditions. General Co�ditioa�s 1. 2. T�e applicant shall ascertai.n and co�rQly with all State, Co�mty and City requiresrents as are applicable to this project. ' Developmezit shall occur in suhstantial conforniance with the ��lans preseni:ed to the Planning Carmissio� at the meeting o� July 17,' 1990 and m�rked "Fxhibit A". Planning Departmez�t Co�ditioms 3. DevelopmP_nt shall conform with the R-1 and A zoning require��nts unless otherwise approved. Public Works Departl►ieszt Co�ditioa�s 4. The new property line between proposed lots 1 and 2 shall be mont,unented by a licensed surveyor prior to recordation of the,lot line adjustment. 5. The locations of existing utilities for both parcels shall be faeld verified and appropriate relocations shall be ccmpleted prior to recordation of the lot line adjustment. On motion by Co�rmissioner Galla her g , seconded by Carm�issioner Moci�e, , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Conmissioners Nbore, NO�S; None ABSEN`l': Comnissioners Flores, Brandy Gallagher and Chairm�n Carr Soto and Souza the following Resolution was adopted this 17th day of July, 1990. ATTEST: .� < � �� M na L. Prelesnik Robert W. Carr Pl anning Camussion Cl erk Chai rr�l