PC R 90-13002 z:: RFSOLUTION N0. A RF�OLiTPION OF THE PI.ANIIVING aQrMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARI20Y0 GCt71C�lDL•' ADOPTTNG A NE]G�,TIVE D�CC.AItA2'ION AI� INSPFdJCTING � SLJQtETARY TO FILE A NO�IC� OF I�1'L�lINA'PION GRAN'PING A VARIANC:E, CA.SE NO. 90-147, APPLIID F012 EY AGEIOB AND MARC�J}�1tITE WAl2'1'ANIAN AT 491 G71RD�2V SPREL.`T, TO 7�I.L.C�1 OQNSi'RiICTIQN OF' R 6 F'OO�P WRL7CK�iT IRON F�ICE WIZii THE T2]]�C]IRID SIDE YARD SE.•1'LV�CK. ' T�IERFAS, the Plazu�ing Cartnission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Variance Case No. 90-147, filed by Rghob and Marguerite Wartanian, for a variance to allow construction of a 6 foot wrought iran fence with the required side yard setback ; and W�FA-�, the Planninq Cornnission has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and WF�I2FAS, the project has been fotmd to have no significant envirorunental impacts under the provisions of the California flnvironrcrental Quality Act (CflQA) and a negative declaration can be adopted; and WF�It�.S, the Planning Camussion hereby directs the Secretary to file a Notice of Determination; and W�, the Planning Comnission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circw�tances exist: 1. 2. 3. 4. The granting ot this variance would not pose a health and safety threat to other properties because adequate Sight Stoppinq Distance would exist after construction. There are exceptions and/or extraordinary circ�tances applicable to this property due to the particular lot configuratio�n and that this is a replacement of an existing fence. The strict application of the R-1 zoning deprives said property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity with respect to noise and privacy. The granting of the deviation is ccxnpatible with the objectives and policies of the general plan. NC�I, Tf�'ORE, BE IT RI�OLVID that the Planninq Co[cmissian af the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said variance subject to the staiuiard conditions of the City and those listed below: General Co�uiitiouns 1. The applicant shall ascertain and canply with all state, cotmty and city requirements as are�applicable to this project including those requiring adequate Site Stopping llistance. Planninq Depa.rtme,nt 2. Earth tone color treatrnent and landscaping shall be used to reduce the visual impact of the proposed wall from East Cherry Street. 3. The fence shall be redesigned to provide a six foot (6' ) radius corner fran the front corner of the house and a 12 inch setback frun the sidewalk. On motion by Crnmissio�ner Soto, seconded by CoRmissioner Gallagher, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYFS: Cc�rmri,ssioners Soto, Moore, Gallagher and Chairn�an Carr NOI'.S: Nane ABSLIV'P: Cormussioners Flores and Brandy the foregoing resolution was adopted this 3rd day of July 1990. A . � � -�� . . ���� Mary Ellen Leininger Robert W. Carr Planning C�m�ission Clerk Chairtnan 1 ,�