PC R 90-1295�� 6 ` RFSOLUTIO�i NO. 901295 A RFSOLUTION OF � PLANNING G�Ct�Il�iISSION OF TFIE CITY OF ARROYO (�ZANDE APPRUVING aCflYDITIONAL DSE P�12MIT CASE NO. 90-476, TO RII'LACE F�ISTING REl'AIL �ND SIItVICE aCt�ERCIAL USES WI�'H AI��IINISTf2ATIVE AND AOOOUNTING OFFI� IN AN �{ISTING 11,270 SQ. FT. BUILDING, IACAZ'ID AT THE NOR'1HQ1.�`'T OOQ2NIIt OF' VA T•T•FY ROAD AND SUNRISE Z'ECtR�►CE, APPLIID FOR BY MIn OQASP LAND OCNff'ANY, ADOPTING A NDC�TIVE DDCLARATIQN WIZH MITIGATION MF��TRFS AND INS'PRUCPING THE S�7Cf2E'I`AKY TO FILE A NOTI(� OF DE.TF�iMII�TION WI�RFAS, the Planning Co�mussion of the City of A��royo Grande has considered an application for replacing existing retail aiid service carmercial uses with ac�ninistrative and accounting offices in an exi•sting 11,270 square foot building at the northeast corner of Valley Road and Sunrise Terrace in the C-1 Neighborhood Cornnercial Zone; and .` WI�tFAS, the Planning Camussion has found that t.lu.s project is consistent with the General Plan and environrn�altal doctm�e.i�ts associated therewith: and FII-�1.5, the Planning Comnission has reviewed the project in ca�liance with the California E7ivirornnental Quality Act yu�d has deterntined that a negative declaration with mitigation measures can .I>e adopted and instructs the secretary to file a Notice of Determination; and WI�tEAS, the Planning Cannission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circwnsta.nces exist: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the exist:ing and proposed general plan designations. 2. The site is adequate in size atld shape for tE�e proposed use because all setbacks, lot coverage and parki��g can be provided. 3. The site for the proposed use .has adequate ag�cess to Valley Road and Sunrise Terrace. � 4. The proposed use will not have an adverse ef,�:ect on the adjacent property. 5. The design and layout of the p:��roposed use i�� suitable because all setbacks, lot coverage and parli:ing requi.rem:lnts can be met. 6. The project will not have an aclverse enviroz�ental impact provided that the mitigation me.asures inclucted in the conditions of approval are impl�aited. NQnI, TF��ORE, BE IT RESOLVID that the P;�:anning Camnission af the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Condition��l Use Pernu.:, subject to appropriate standard conditions of the City of Arroyo Gr��nde, and the following special conditions: O�VDITI(FJS OF AP'P'ROVAL Mitigatio� Measures 1. All construction shall utilize fixtures and.designs which minimize water usage. Such fixture:.; and de;;igns shall include, but are not limited to, low flow wat.er fixt»res, water saving toilets, instant water heaters or hot water,recirculating systems, retrofitting existing irrig:ition s;rstems to drip irrigation and etcetera. All fixtur�;�s and �i:esigns shall be installed prior to final occupancy. Monitoring Department: Building Dep��rtment Time Frame: Prior to final occupanc��. General Co�ditiwns: 2. The applicant shall ascertain and co�:�r�ply wit.3i all state, county and city requirements, as are applic.�ble tol:his project. "' 3. Development shall occur in substantial conforimance with the infortnation subrnitted to Planninq Cormrussion at the meeting May 15, 1990 and marked "Exhibit A". Planning Department Conditians: _ 4. All development shall meet the requirernents of the C-1 zone, unless otherwise approved. 5. Any exterior modifications to the building other than modification or elimination of door and window locations shall be required to go through architectural review procedures. .... :., 6. Prior to final occupancy, all existing on-site signage related to the retail and service coarmercial uses shall be removed, and the applicants shall comply with the provisions of Section 9-4.2407 of the Zoning Ordinance in seeking approvals for new signage. Parks and Recreation Departn�nt Cm�ditioans: 7. Prior to final occupancy, the applicant shall prune and "skirt up" trees as directed by the Parks and Recreation Director. 8. Prior to final occupancy, the applicant shall meet on site with the Parks and Recreation Director and shall rexnove and replace overgrown plantings as directed. Fire Departirr�nt Coa�ditio�ns • 9. Prior to final occupancy, the applicant shall install a new fire hydrant on the southeast end of the project, in a location selected by the Fire Chief.� 10. Prior to final occupancy;�the applicant shall install address nunbers, which are a minimwn of six inches (6") in height, and are visible from the street on which the building is addressed. 11. Construction drawings shall be su�mitted to the Building And Fire Department for review and approval, prior to camienc�it of any construction. On motion by Coa�mi.ssioner Soto , seconded by Camussioner Brandy, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AY� � Car¢�ussioners Nbore, Fischer, Brandy, Soto, Gallagher ar�i Flores NOFS: �ne �� = Chairman Carr the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of May, 1990. ATTEST : , � /i � , / 1 � �.ii /t .�..Ir:,' �1 / / L�i • . •• I � ,y� i C�iAIRMAN 1 ��7