PC R 90-1275477 RE90LLTPICfl�T NO. 90 A RFSOLUTION OF Tf� pI�NNING G�IISSION OF Tf� CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DFIVYING PARCQ, MAp CASE NO. 89-4II3, L,OCATED AT 1131 FAIR OAK.S AVENUE, APPLIED EC1R SY KIRBY AND JILL C�2DCJiN, AND - DANTII, K. DCXaLING Wi�12EAS, the Planning C�amiission of the City of Arroyo Grande has held the required public hearing on Parcel Map Case No. 89-483 on January 16, 1990 and February 20, 1990 in accordance with Chapter 3 of the 5ubdivision Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande; and W�EAS, said Parcel Map was referred to various City Departmer,ts and the Staff Advisory Corrtnittee for reconmendations; and Wtii:`i2F'�,5, �he Planning Cornnission finds, after due study, deliberatio=� ar�d public hEaring, the following circtunstances exist: 1. The proposed map, design and improve�nt of this subdivision is r,ot consistent with the General Plan maps because the General Plar� designation for this site is Low Density Residential 0.2 - Y.5 dwelling units per acre, and the proposed subdivision would result in a density of 5.35 dwelling units per acre. � NOW. 'Pf�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVID that the Planning Corrmission of the CitY o� Arroyo Grande hereby denies said Parcel Map Case No. 89-438. On motion by Conmissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: i4YES : NOI'S : ABSTAIN: �J. � 1 : the foregoing Coannissiaalers Flores, Moore, Brandy, Fischer and Chairma�l Curr Co�nnissioner Gallagher Ca�m�issia�er Soto None resolution was adopted this 20th day of February 1990. ATI'EST: � G(Jt.r, � �'!�' C� Pearl L. Phinney Robert Carr PlaruLing Ccarnissio�n Secretary Chairma�i