PC R 90-1273473 RF�OLUTICN NO. 90-1273 A RF�90I�TIQN OF Ri� PLANNING �ISSICIN OF � CITY OF AR1�Y0 C�tANDE GdtAN"PING . A YARIANGE, CASE NO. 90-145, APPLIED FOR HY �T AS90CIATES YAQ�TID AT 288 AND 293 LA Q2FS'1� LHtIVE, AGLOWING A SIX (6) EC)0►P HIC�I 1'ENCE AI� ADOPTING A NF]GATIVE DnCx.AItATIC1N. , .. . .�, ,,.. . „ W��1tF�S, the Planni.ng Camiissiaai of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Variance Application No..90-145, filed by the Oakcrest Associates, for a variance at 288 and 293 La Cresta Drive in the "R-1" Single ��mily Residential zone; and F�S, the Planning Camussion has held a public hearinq on this application in accordance with the City Code; and �, the Planning Camussian has foLULd that this project is consistent with the General Plan an�d the Fhvirorunental documexits associated therewith; and ��tFAS, the project has been fown�d to have no significant envirarunental impact under the provisions of the California Fhvironme�ztal Quality Act (CDQ�►) ; and F�I.S, the Plaruv.nq Cam�issian instructs the Secretary to file a Notice of Deternunation; and �IIItFAS, the Plaruiing Crnmission finds, after due study, deliberatio�n and public hearing, the following circLUngtances exist: 1. The grantinq of this variance will not be detriirental to other properties because conditions of approval have been made a part of this project requiring adequate sight distance design considerations. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circur�tances applicable to this property because th�e subject properties have side and rear yards directly adjacent to Huasna Road. 3. The strict application of the R-1 zone does deprive such property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity or same zone because without a 6 foot high wall the subject properties will be subjected to higher noise levels and less. privacy than other properties in the sarne zone. 4. The granting of the deviatior� is ca�atible with the objectives, policies and general plan•uses specified in the general plan. NC�1, T�, 8E IT RE90LVID that the Planning Camnissian of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said variance, subject to the standard canditions of the City and those listed below: 1. 2. The applicant shall ascertai.n ar►d cam�ly with all state, county and city require�nPnts as are applicable to this project. Develop�rnent shall occur in substantial confonnance with the inforntiation presented to the Planning Comnissian at the meeting of February 20, 1990 and the plans marked "Exhi.bit A". Plannuiq De�artment Canditia[�s 3. Develog�rent shall canform with the R-1 zoning requirenents, unless otherwise approved. Public Works �t Caacuiitians 4. 5. Installation of block walls shall not ir�air sight distance as defined in the State Standard, Topic 405. Prior to further constructian, the engineer shall submit a detailed engineering drawing showing co[t�liance with canditian No. 4 above. 474 RF�pI,pTION I�FFp. 90-1273 PAGE R�TO On motion of Ca�missio�ner Soto , seconded by Carmissioner Flores , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: �; Oo�missioners Flores,,Soto, Nbore, Gallagher, Brandy, Fischer and Carr Np�, ; None }�qNp; None the foregoing Resolutioaz was passed and adopted this 20th da�► of February, 1990. ATPFST: �. Ma 1, en Leini ger Plarvning Camussion lerk � C�, Robert W. Carr Ghai rntiari