PC R 90-1272�-�72 RF�OI�I(�i NO. 90-1272 A RF�OLiTPI�i OF THE PL�HI�IING OQ�l�ISSIOIY OF THE CITY OF ATtROYO �tI�E �IYING UOI�IDITI(11�L USE PII7�lIT (�SE N0. 89-466, APPLIID P+O�t BY BILLIE A. C. SWIC�P, 138 3iORT SPRF.EP, F�0[t E}�ANSIdId OF AN �CISTING NOIY�-QONF�lING USE, ADOPTING A NF7GATIVE DD�ARP�TIQI�T AIm INSI�JCPING ��TARY 7�0 FILE A NOTI(� OF DE1�lIPi1�TI0�1 FffII�iF1�S, the Planning Crnrnissian of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered an application by Billie A. C. Swigert to expand a non-conforming use by canstructing an addition to a single family home in the CBD zone; and WHFRFI�S, the Plaruzing Cc�mission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circw�tances exist: 1. 2. The proposed use is not consistent with the General Plan because the General Plan designation is CBD and residential uses are not in keeping with the purpose of the designation. The design and layout of the proposed use is not suitable because adequate setbacks have not been provided. NC)W, Tf��ORE, BE IT RESOLVID that the Planning Co�nmission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby denies said Conditional Use Permit. On motion by Camiissioner Flores, seconded by Camussioner Soto, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: ;f�� . •,o-. `i � Camnissioners Flores, Chai rm�uz Carr None None Soto, Moore, Gallagher, Brandy, Fischer and the foregoing resolution was adopted this 20th day of February 1990. � , � � � / / / .�/L✓G�i � i ' I / �� - - ,.- / -..- r. • �. . - �