PC R 90-1267� 465 RFSOLUTION NO. 90-1267 A RESOLUTION OF TF1E PI�1�iING G�CY�A�iISSION OF Tf� CITY OF ARR(JYO Q2ANDE APPROVING C70NIDITIONAL USE PII�lIT CASE N0. 89-464, APPLIID FOR BY REYNOLDS AND FAYE RITQ�IIE, 571 S. TRAF�IC WAY, ADOPTING A Nr�GATIVE DECLARATION AND INSTRUGTING Tf� . S�EI.'ARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DET�tMMINATION . FlfIEEtF�►S, the Planning Corrrnission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered an application by Reynolds and Faye Ritchie to construct a guest house over a garage at 571 S. Traffic Way in the R-1 zone; and WHERF.AS, the Planning Commission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and environmental docwnents associated therewith: and �FAS, the Planning Cormussion has reviewed the project in compliance with the California Erivironmental Quality Act and has determined that a negative declaration can be adopted and instructs the Secretary to file a Notice of Determination; and WFIERFAS, the Planning Comnission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circwnstances exi�t: 1. 2. Cc3 4. The proposed use will not have an adverse effect on the use of surrounding property because sufficient separation has been provided between uses, and adequate services are available. 5. The design and layout of the proposed use is suitable because the required setbacks, lot coverage, and other requirements of thz R-1 Zone have been met. NOW, T�ORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the Planning Comnission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Conditional Use Permit, subject to appropriate standard conditions of the City of Arroyo Grande, and the following special conditions: General Coruiitions 1. 2. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan's statements and intent as outlined in the Low Density Residential district. The site is adequate in shape or size for the proposed use, as it can meet all the setback and parking requir�znents. The site does have adequate access. The applicant shall ascertain and ccx�nply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. Development shall occur in substantial conforcr�azzce with the plans presented to the Planning Co�tission at the meeting of January 16,1990 and marked "Exhibit A". Plann.ing Department Conditions 3. Developaient shall conform with the R-1 zoning requirements, unless otherwise approved. 4. The applicant shall record a deed restriction and an Agreement Affecting Real Property which shall prohibit renting the unit or installing kitchen facilities without necessary city approvals and permits. Said agreeqnent shall be signed prior to issuance of final occupancy. s q On motion by CorrmissionerGallagher , seconded by Comnissioner Flores , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: A�� CcurIIrdssioners Flores, NS�ore, Gallaghex, Fischer and Chairman Carr NOES: None ��T= Canmissioners Soto and Brandy the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 16th day of January, 1990. ATTEST: - % �/ �� , �� : Ma1 len Le� in , Robert W. Carr Planning Cormussion lerk ��im�