PC R 89-126045 RF.90I�I�i N�. 89-1260 A RF50LiPPI�i OF �. PI�iI�tING aQ+I�IISSI�i OF � CITY OF AR�Xp GRA� ItE��1�IDING � CITY �INCIL � ADOPTI�i OF T� At�F� %1LFS AI�ID PRQC�[JRFS EC�It � II�LII�Pi�TI�I � R� CALIPCStNIA II�iVI1�P1�1L Q[�T,ITY AGT FCJ�2 � CITY OF AR1�OY0 GRANDE �S, the provisio�s of the California �nvironmez�tal Quality Act of 1970, Public Resources Code Sections 21000-21177, as amended, require the evaluation of the environmental irnpact of all discretionary projects proposed to be carried out by a public agency, except where a project is exernpt froan the preparation of an envirormnental impact report pursuant to Public Resources Code Sectian 21166; and �F1�.S, State F.hvironmental Quality Resources pursuant to and said Guidelines a cities; and Guidelines for the implementation of the California Act, as amended, have been prescribed by the Secretary for authority granted in Public Resources Cade Section 21083, :e to be followed by all agencies in the state, including Wi�tFAS, the Planning Co�rni.ssioai has reviewed the amended Rules and Procedures for the Implem�entation of the California �ivironmental Quality Act for the City of Arroyo Grande and has determined that said Rules and Procedures have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the California �vironmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines as prescribed by the Secretary for Resources; 1�1, �E, BE IT RF�OLVID by the Planning Coemussion of the City of Arroyo Grande that it is reco�mended to the City Coimcil of said City that the City Coimcil adopt thea�ded Rules and Procedures as the official environmental procedures for the City of Arroyo Grande. On motion by Ca�m►issioner Soto, seconded by Caam�ussiaaler Fischer, and by the following roll call vote to wit: �e - `I �'� • �•. ys Caarmissioners Chairman Carr None Caamussioner Soto, Fischer, Moore, Brandy, Gallagher, and Flores the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 5th day of December 1989. �� Chairmazi � ATTEST: � Planning Co�mussioai Secretary