PC R 89-1257451 �I� �._$2-1257 A RF�OI�ITI� � 1� PI�Ai�INING �lMISSI� �' � CITY OF ARROYO Q2ANID� C�ZAI�ING A VARIAN(�, C1l.SE N0. 89-138, AP'P'LIID FC)R SY �iY Alm I�RY HI�I�IUOQt, LACAT'ID AT 417 ZRAFFIC FIt�Y, ZO ALT�i AU'1Q�J►PIVE US�E.S (�i A LO►r I�F�S �4�1Y 20,000 9Q[�12E PE�T IN SIZE IN R4� C-3 HIC�i�1AY SIIt1/ICE ZQ�, AIm ADOP'PING A L�GPITNE D�CZ�IRATI�i. �.5, the Planriing Camussion of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Variance Case No. 89-138, filed by Tony and Mary Heacock, to allow auta�tive uses � a lot less than 20,000 square feet in size in the C-3 Zoaze; and �, the Planning Catmissioan has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and �.5, the project has been fo�ubd to have no siqnificant e�virorurrez�tal impacts �der the provisions of the California �nvironmental Quality Act (C�7Q�) and a negative declaratio� can be adopted; and FII�RFAS, the Planninq Camussioai hereby directs the Secretary to file a Notice of Determination; and �, the Planning Cam�issio�n finds, after due study, deliberatio� and public hearing, the following circ�tances exist: 1. T'he grantinq of this variance will not be detrimental to other properties bcause adequate provisions for setbacks, parking, landscaping and fences an�d walls can be incorporated into the project design. 2. There are exceptioa�al or extraordinary circtiar�stances applicable to � this property because it is only 200 square feet short of the requireimerits of the zo�►e and that square footage will not siqnificantly affect the proposed use. 3. T'he strict application of the C-3 zo�e does deprive such property of privileqes enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity or same zane because without a variance the applicants will not be able to operate their business fran this site. 4. The granting of this variance is cam�atible with the objectives, policies and general plan uses specified in the general plan. NQ�I, �, BE IT RF.SO�.VID that the Planning Cam�issio¢i of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said variance subject to the standard conditions of the City and those listed below: GezLeral Coa�ditiac�s • 1. T'he applicant shall ascertain and co�ly with all State, CoLmty and City requiretrrerits, as are applicable to this project. 2. Developne�x►t shall occur in substantial conforn�azice with)the plans presented to the Planninq CaYmission at the meeting of November 21, 1989 and marked "Exhibit A". Plannir� D�Patrt7tlent COOditla�LS' 3. Developmezit shall conform with the C-3 zo�ninq requiremeiits, �less otherwise approved. Public Works Devartment Ccxxiitions: 4. The applicant shall install curb, gutter, and sidewalk alonq the Traffic Way froa�tage of the project prior to final building occupancy. 5. 6. A Gradinq and drainage plan shall be approved by the Director of Public Works prior to carmencement of constructia�. All improvem�xit water shall drain to the street. The applicant shall dedicate necessary right of way for the wideninq of Traffic Way prior to issuance of building permits. �52 On motion by Cam�issioner Gal laqher, secoa�ded by Camussioner Fischer, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYFS: Carrnissioners Flores, Moore, Gallagher, Fischer and Chairntiazi Carr NOFS: Naaie AB.S�I�1'P: Comnissioners Soto and Brandy The foregoing resolution was adopted this 21st day of November 1989. , / //.r:�_ � �� i�i��� �% . - / - i • . • •� - , Robert W. Carr �lal Yiik"111