PC R 89-1255R�LV�I�i N�D. 89-1255 A RE90LTPPIOTi OF 7� PI,AIaiING �ISSI�i �' � CITY 0� A1�3Y0 C�tAI�? PRE�ING A"NO RH�l�IDATI�i" OI�i PLANNFA DP.YE[�OPl�I'P REZOIQING A[m DL'VE[API�Ft PI�AN C�l.SE NO. 89-217 D[lE ZO A LAQC � FO�t VO►PFS (I�tB PHILLIPS. ) �.5, the Planning Co�mLission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Planned Development Rezone and DevelopRnent Plan Case No. 89-217, filed by Herb Phillips on 10 acres located off of Farroll Avenue; �, the Planning CaYrnissioai has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with state and city requirements; �S, the Planning Coatmission Rules and Regulations of Procedures require at least four affirmative votes to approve an amenc�_nt to the zoning ordinance; and FII�S, the needed four votes to recoa�end approval could not be provided; and, therefore, the project failed to be approved. Ti�R�E, a recoannendation for appraval of the Planned DevelopQr�ent Rezone and Developanent Plan and an environmental assessment pursuant to C�,, cannot be forwarded to the City Council. On motion by Coannissioner Soto, seconded by Cce�missioaier Gallagher, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Ccermissioalers Soto, Gallagher, Brandy and (�airntian Carr NOES: None ABSTAIN: Ca�mussioner Fischer ABSETiT: Co�missioners Flores and Moore the foregoing Resolutioaz was adopted this 7th day of November 1989. ATrEST : G?/ � C��'/1/� Secretary Chairn�ari 449