PC R 89-1252441 RESOLUTION N0.89-1252 A RESOLUTION OF � PLANNING C�C1�II�lISSION OF TEIE CITY OF ARROYO GRAIdDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 89-140, APPLIED FC>R BY JOfIId R. BECE�iRA, L�OC'.ATED AT 350 WAL�NU'P STRE��, F�OR REIXJGTION IN THE LOT AOCFSS WIDTH FRCM 12 FEEP TO 10 F'EET, AND ADOPTING A NDGATIVE DECLARATION. WI�tE'AS, the Planning Camussion of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Variance Case No. 89-140, filed by John R. Bacerra, for a variance for reduction in the lot access width from 12 feet to 10 feet; and W�S, the Planning Cccm►ission has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and WI�RF'AS, the project has been found to have.no significant envirorunental impacts �der the provisions of the California Fhvirorimerital Quality Act .(CE�,) and a negative declaration can be adopted; and WfD�12E�S, the Planning Co�mission hereby directs the Secretary to file a Notice of Determination; and WF�tF'AS, the Planninq Cammission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circwnstances exist: 1. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to other properties bcause a majority of other properties in this area are split in a similar coazfiguratian. 2. There are exceptional or extraordinary circtar�stances applicable to this property because the surrotmding properties have been split in a similar manner and the applicant is �able to provide a 12 foot wide access. 3. The strict applicati� of the R-1 zone does deprive such property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity or same zone because the surrounding properties have been split in a similar rr�anner and the applicant is Lmable to provide a 12 foot wide access. 4. The granting of this variance is carpatible with the objectives, policies and general plan uses specified in the general plan. N�1, T�tE, BE IT RF.9�LVID that the Planning Co�miissioaz of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said variance subject to the standard conditions of the City and those listed below: 1. The applicant shall ascertain and car�ply with all state, county and city requirements, as are applicable to this project. 2. Developmeiit shall occur in substantial conforniance with the infornzation submltted to the Planning Co�rmission at the meeting of November 7, 1989 and marked "Exhibit A". 3. Deve?opment shall conform with the R-1 zoning requiremP_nts, unless otherwise approved. 4. The ten foot (10' ) easement shal l be posted for no parking and shal l be maintained with a minim�un vertical clearance of 13 feet, 6 inches . 5. The developer shall upgrade the fire hydrant at the corner of Fair Oaks Avenue and Walnut Street to City Standards, 4"x2 1/2" outlets. 6. Any residential structures or part thereof oai Parcel A shall have autanatic fire sprinkler systems installed per Fire Department specifications. 7. The developer shall repair or construct fro�tage improvemerits prior to recordation of the final map. 8. The developer shall provide a minim�un ten foot (10') �obstructed access and drainage easemerit for Parcel A. Where possible, a 12 foot wide access way shall be provided alang the driveway. 9. The developer shall pr�vide �pr separate water and sewer laterals prior to recordation o the inal map. 442 10. The developer shall provide a drainage plan where Parcel A has drainage on Walnut Street; on site ponding is discouraged on this site. On rmtion by Cannissio�er Soto, seconded by Cce�missioner Gallagher, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Cormiissianers Soto, Gallagher, Brandy, Fischer and Chairnian Carr NOES: None ABSIIVT: Camnissioners Flores and Moore The foregoing resolution was adopted this 7th day of November 1989. ATPEST: 1 � /�� �%�1 l/� ' �� Pearl L. Phinney Robert W. Carr Planning Cornnission Secret ry Chairn�z