HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC R 89-1244425 RESOLUTION N0. 89 - 1 244 A REaOLUTION OF Tf� PLANNING CXY�lISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 89-136, APPLIID FOR BY BRUCE AND DIANE CASTODi LOC.,ATID AT 852 WILLC�I LANE, FOR A SUBSTANDARD LOT WIDTH AND ADOPTING A NF7GATIVE DECLARATION. WHERF.AS, the Planning Co�rnissioai of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Variance Application No. 89-136, filed by Bruce and Diane Caston, for a Variance for a substandard lot width at 852 Willow Lane in the R-1 Single Family Residential District; and WI�RF..AS, the Planning Conmission has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and W�S, the project has been fotmd to have no significant enviroxunental ic�act under the provisions of the California IIivironmental Quality Act (C�); and Wf�RF'.AS, the Planning Ca�mnission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circ�utances exist: 1. There are exceptional circianstances applyinq to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, and surro�dings that do not apply generally to other land, buildings or uses in the same district. Specifically, all other lots in the neighborhood are fully developed and the subject lot is roughly twice the size of average lots in the subdivision. 2. The granting of this variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the applicant. Specifically, this variance is necessary to allow the applicants lots with the same area as other property owners in the neighborhood. 3. The granting of the variance will not, wider the terrns and co�nditions of this particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persans residing or working in the neiqhborhood, provided the conditions of approval are im�lemented, and will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood; and 4. The granting of this variance will not be contrary to the General Plan. NCJW, THEREE'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Catmission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Variance subject to the standard conditions of the City and those listed below: 1. The applicant shall ascertain and ccxr�ly with all state, county and city requiresirents, as are applicable to this project. 2. Development shall occur in substantial confortnance with the inforn�ation sukmitted to the Plaiuung Ccmnissian at the meeting of October 3, 1989 and marked "Exhibit A". On motion by Coannissioner Moore, seconded by Vice Chairntian Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Co�mu.ssioners Moore and Vice Chairnran Flores NOES: Camussioners Brandy and Gallagher ABSIIVT: Corm►issianers Carr and Soto The foregoing resolution was defeated this 3rd day of October 1989 due to the lack of a majority vote. ATTEST • � � Pearl L. Phinney, Secre y Tony Flores, Vice C�airntian