PC R 89-124041? RESOLUTION NO. 893240 A RESOLUTION OF Tf� PLANNING C7CY�IISSION OF Tf� CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 89-137, APPLIID F"OR BY THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE POLICE DEPAR�iT, LOCATID AT 200 NORTH HALCYON ROAD, ALLC7WING A SIX FY)0'P HIC�i FIIVCE, AND ADOPTING A NDGATIVE DECLARATION Wf�tFAS, the Planriing Co[rmission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Variance Applicatian No. 89 filed by the Arroyo Grande Police Department, for a variance at 200 North Halcyon Road in the "C General Comnercial District; and �FAS, the Planning Conmission has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and �FAS, the Plaruiing Cormussion has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the environmental docwnerits associated therewith; and FII�F1�S, the project has been fo�d to have no significant environmental impact under the provisions of the California �vironmental Quality Act (CF�,); and �FAS, the Planning Cannission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circwtutances exist: l. There are exceptional circiaristances applying to the subject property, inclwding size, shape, topography, and surroundings that do not apply generally to other land, buildings or uses in the sarr�e district. Specifically, the Police Department requires extraordinary security measures above and beyond what is needed for other uses in this C- 2 Zone; 2. The granting of this variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the applicant. Specifically, this variance is necessary to protect the valuable fleet of autanobiles crucial to the protection of the citizens of Arroyo Grande; 3. The granting of the variance will not, under the tern�s and conditions of this particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persorLS residing or working in the neighborhood, provided the conditions of approval are implemented, and will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or im�rovesnents in said neighborhood; and 4. The granting of this variance will not be contrary to the General Plan. NQ�1, T��ORE, BE IT RE90LVF� that the Planning Cca�mi.ssion of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said variance, subject to the standard conditions of the City and those listed below: 1. 2. DevelopmPaZt shall occur in substantial conforn�ice with the plans approved by the Planning Cortmission at their meeting of August 15, 1989; Where parking lot curbs meet at right angles, these angles shall be rounded; 3. The Police Department shall su�mit fire sprinkler plans to the State Fire Marshall for review and approval prior to issuance of building permit. A copy of the approval letter shall be included in the permanent file located in City Hall. 4. The existing magnolia tree should be preserved. If the existing structure is burned, all necessary action to deflect the heat froan the tree should be taken: 5. A final landscaping plan shall be provided for review and approval, prior to issuance of building permit. The landscaping plan shall include a replacement tree (24" box size), in the event the magnolia tree dies. The landscape architect may recamiend another type of replacement tree, such as oak; �18 6. The existing eucalyptus trees located in the parking lot of the Mallory-Berryhill building should be pruned to allow access for large vehicles, such as fire trucks; 7. The final landscape plan shall oinit the ice plant and substitute helianthem�n or similar drought-tolerant ground cover; 8. The final landscaping plan should discuss an alternative plant for the espalliered rose. The alternative plant should have minim�i maintenance; and 9. The applicant shall ascertain and cor�ly with the requirements of all state, co�ty and city agencies as are applicable to the project. On motion by Co�mtissioner Gallagher, seconded by Cce�missioner Brandy, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: � AYFS: Cocm�issianers Gallagher, Brandy, Carr and Acting Chairman Soto NOFS: None ABSII�IT: Corrmissioners Flores, Moore and Chairn�z Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of August 1989. Mar�I l�n Leini,�'iger � ) John �ofo Carmzssion Clerk � Acting Chairmazi i