PC R 89-1235��o RE��TI'ICN PU. 89-1235 A�I'ICN OF 7I� PIAI�III� CLMNISSICN OF 'IHE CITY � A�UYa C�iA� R�VN�II� APPI�'1VAi. O�F AMEI�� i1�E PI��YIIT C�SE PA. 88-446, APTLIID Rgt SY QAR PAIiR �I1V� L�IQd (�T1�R., 1450 W. �iAI�H SIREE.rl', 1�Et A REVISID PIAt�B�� SI(�d P�fM. V�AS, the Planning Cam�ission of the City of Arroyo Grande has cons idered an appl icat ion by Oak Park H�ne Des ign Center for a revi sed Planned Sign Program at 1450 W. Branch Street in the P-D Planned Development District; and �AS, the PlanningCorm�ission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the Envirorunental Documents associated therewith, and �AS, the project has been declared categorically exempt under the provisions of Section 15303 of the Califotnia Environmental Quality Act (CD�A); and %�1S, the Planning CoTrmission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circimLStances exist: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan's statement and intent as outlined in the PD Planned Development zone. 2. This site is adequate in shape for the proposed use, as it canmeet all of the setback and parking requir�nents 3. The site does have adequate access, per the conditions of approval. 4. The proposed use wil l not have anadverse ef fect on the use of surrounding property or the City because appropriate conditions have been incorporated into the resolution of approval 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or w�rking in the neighborhood of the proposed use. 6. The design and layout of the proposed use is suitable because adequate provisions for setbacks, access and circulation have been incorporated into the project design 7. The proposed s igns are cons istent wi th tt�e intent and purpose of Sect ion 9-4.2407 of the ZoningOrdinance as it relaYes to Planned Sign Programs. Id�V, ��tE, 8E ITRF�9dI.V� that the Planning Conmi ssion of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande hereby recanmends approval of said amended Cbnditional Use Permit, subject to appropriate standard conditions of the City of Arroyo Grande, and the following additional condition: 1. Developmen* of the revi sed s ign program shal l occur i n subs tant ial conformanee with the plans approved by the Planning Cannission on May 2, 1989. On motion by C',armissioner Scott, seconded by C',ommissioner Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYI�: Corrmissioners Moore, McCann, Flores, Scott and Chairman Gerrish I�S: Canmissioners Soto and Gallagher ABSFNI': None the foregoing Resolution was adopted thls 2nd day of May 1989. � ' ' �� ,r r ATIFST: �, / / �r Pearl L. Phinney, Secretary William Gerrish, Chairman