PC R 89-1229�o� RFSOLUTION NO. 8 9-12 2 9 A RFSOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE TRAGT MAP. N0. 1669 FOR A FIVE LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDTVISION AT 350 AND 358 CORBETT CANYON ROAD, APPLIED FOR BY NEWPORT PROPERTIES. WHEREAS, the Planning Corrurnssion of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered the Tentative 'Iract b7ap No. 1669, filed by Newport Properties for a resubdivis7on of two lots into five residential lots; and , WHF.REA.S, said tentative map was referred to various puUlic utility canpEinies, City departrnents, and the Staff Advisory Carmittee for recarrr�endations; and WHER.EAS, e Negative Declaration has been prepared on the project and was reviewed by the P'lanning Cortmi.ssion at a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Negative Declaration has found that no significant potential impsets are anticipated; and WHERF.AS, the Planning Corrmission has determined that the proposed developrrent is an appropriate use of the subject property and is desirable for the orderly development of the carmunity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RFSOLVED thet the Plnnning Conmission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby recorm�ends said tentative map subject to the following findings and conditions: Th e�following findings muSt be made in the nffirn�ative should the Planning Ca�ynission wish to approve this project: 1. The proposed map, design and imprbvement of this subdivision is consistent with the general plan maps and text because the general plan designation for this site is low density residential, 0.2 - 4.5 dwelling units per acre, and the applicants are proposing one dwelling wiit per acre. 2. The site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of development because all yards, open spaces, setbacks, fences, walls and other features can be aceam�odated. 3. The proposed subdivision is not likely to cause substantial and considernble damage to the natural enviroim�ent, incluciing fish, wildlife or their habit�t because matigation measure.s have been incorporated in the project. Therefore, the Planning Cortmission has issued a negative declaration. OONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Plenning Depe�tllt�ent: 1. Development shall be in substantial conforn►ance with the plans approved by tr�e Planning Carrrrission on March 7, 1989, marked Exhibit A. 2. The development shall meet the requirerr�ents of the RA-B3 zone. *3. In the event that during gracling, construction or development of the project, any archaeological t�esources are uncovered, all work shall be halted unt�1 the G�ty has reviewed the resources for their significance. Additional archaeological studies, which will be paid for by the applicant may be required. The applicant shall provide Plannir�g steff with a status report on the implementation of this mitigation measure, pursuant to As.sembly Bill 3180, prior to grading and issuance of building perrnits. Pualic Works Deperhnent: 4. This tentative tract map proposes to charge the plan line for Corbett Canyon Road at this location. Failure to acquire C7ty Counc� approval of the proposed plan line shall require a two foot (2') dedication and appropriate street improvements alorg the project frontage. Frontage improvements shall be subject to appc•oval of the C�ty Eng�ineer. Either option shall not create significant additional on-site grading other than that shown on the tentative map. L *Miti�atio�n Measure 5. The developer shall provide a public improvement plan for Corbett Canyon Road which conforrr�s to the plan line. The improvements shall include one or a canbination of the following: 1) Concrete curb and gutter 2) A�C. berm . 3) Continuous swale and no berm In addition, the plan shall include appropriate A.C. paving, street lights, and underground utilities *6. The developer shall provide a grr�ding and drainage plan for the project, and direct drainage from the site and Corbett Canyon through a developer acquired drainage ea:;ement, if appropriate, and not adversely impact downstream ponds or drainage coUrses. The applicant shall provide P'lanning staff with a st�atus report on the unplementation of tMs mitigation measvre, p�.,ant to Assembly Bill 3180, pricr to grading and issuance of building perrruts. 7. The developer shell provide utility improvement plan for separate sewer, water, and public utilities wlth appropriate easements to the satisfaction of the Public Worlcs Director. 7fiis shall include extension of an 8 inch water main in Corbett Canyon and ten inch sewer main fran Cbrral Plnce to northerly property line. Weter meters shall be placed at an elevation of 200 feet or lower, and private booster pwnps will be requii�ed. 8. �e developer shall provide a plan and profile for private drive to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director and Fire Chief, and provide a maintenance agreement on City approved forn�at to be recorded concurrently with the final map. Fire Depertrnent: 9. All structures subject to installation of residential fire sprinklers. Determination to be made prior to issvance of bwlding perrrut(s). 10. Access roadway shall be n�aintained at 24 feet unobstructed with a 13' 6" verticol clearance. 11. Access roadways shall not exceed �fteen percent slope (15�) and angles of departure sllall accarrrnodate a 24 ft. fire apparatus with a 9 ft. overhang off the rear wheels. 12. Water for fire protection shall be provided, prior to the delivery of canb�t�bles to the bwldIrg site (foundtition frerrung exempt).. Fire flows shall be delivered as follovus and tested by the Fire Departrr�ent to ensure a 20 psi residual pressure at flows of: 1000 gallor� per minute - single story wood frame 1250 gallons per rrunute - two stoty wood frame � 13. Fire hydrants shall be placed, as per Fire Department, prior to recordation of the final map. 14. All structures shall have readily vis�ble addresses on Corbett Canyon Road at the access roadway entrance. � Perls and R.ecreation Depaurtrnent: 15. The owner shall replace "removed" trees with �ve 15 gallon new tt�ees prior to �ecordation of the final map. All trees shall be approved by the Director of Parks �nd Recreation. 16. The owner shall provide the City with speci�c tree removal plan and mark each tree to be removed with red paint prior to construction. 17. Eucalyptus trees that shade onks shall be pruned and thinned out to allow more sun to i�each oaks, prior to recordation of the final map. 18. No excess so�1 shall be mounded against the base of any oak tree. On motion by Ccrmu.csioner Scott, seconded by Camrissioner Flores, nnd by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYFS: Camussioners Gallagher, Scott and Flores NOFS: Commissioners Moore and Chairn�n Gerrish ABSFNT: Cor�missioners �MeCar�n and Soto the foregoing resolution was adopted this 7th day of MArch 1989. ,, , �.. �� � '� ; / y � � � � � / / . AT'I�I': ' ' � _ ' � ` ; ' /�- --_--__ /� , Pearl L. Phinney, Secretary �"%�liem Gerrish, C�airn�an w~ 403