PC R 89-122339G RFSOLUTION NO. 89-122.3 A RESOLUION OF THE PLANNING OOMMLSSION OF TFIE CUTY OF ARROYO GRANDE GR.AN'I'1NG A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 89-133, APPLIED FOR BY UNOCAL CORP., 525 TRAFFIC WAY. WHEREAS, the Planning Canmission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Variance Application No. 89-133, filed by Unocal Corp., for a Variance to add an illuminnted price sign to an existing nonconforming pole sign and to exceed the ma�.�imum sign Area allowed at a gasoline station at 525 Traffic V'day in the C-3 Highway Service District; and WHEREAS, the Carmission has held a public hearing on ttus application in �ccordance with the City Code; and WHEREAS, the project was reviewed in compliance with the requirements of the Califoecnia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and it was determined that the project would result in no significant effects on the envirotur�ent arxl, therefore, the adoption of a Negative Declaration is appropriate; and WHERT.AS, the Carrrrussion �nds that the following circwrbtances exist: 1. That the adjustrnent authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lirrutations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated. Businesses in the area which have been established for as lorg as the applicant would have non-confotming signage also. 2. That because of special arewrstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings, the strict application of the provisions of this chapter is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classifications. The property is located adjacent to Highway 101 and relies on freeway traffic for much of its business. Visibility from the freeway is important for this use and other �es m the highway service zone, therefore, the price si�m is proposed to be placed on the existirg pole sign. 3. That the granting of the Variance will not be contrary to the intent•of this chupter or to the public safety, health and welfare. The project was reviewed in canpliance with CEQA, and no significant impacts were dete[Ynined. 4. That due to special conditions or exceptional characteristics of the property or its location, the strict application of the provisions of this chapter would re�sult in difficulties and unnecessaty hardship. The existing pole sign has existed on the site for over twenty years. To remove the sign. in order to meet the maximum sign area or height requirement would deprive the applicant of freeway vis�bility. NOW, THF.REFOR.E, BE Tf RESOLVED that the Planning C',orrrnission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts a Negative Declaration and approves said Variance subject to the following conditions: 1. Signage on the property at 525 �af�c Way shall occ�m u� sul�tantial conformance with the plans appoved by the Planning Conunission on February 7, 1989. 2. All signs not approved by the Planning Connvssion on February 7, 1989 will be removed within 15 days of new sign installation. The applicant shall provide evidence to the Planning Director that the removal has occ�red. On motion by Cormussioner Scott , seconc,e� by Cha i r-:�a n S o to ,, and by the following roll call vote, to wit:. AYFS: Commissioners Gerrish, Moore, Scott, McCaruz and Chairman Soto NOFS: None ��1T: Comnissioners Gallagher and Flores the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of February, � AITEST SeccetFU•y