PC R 88-1214,382 RF�OLUTION NO. 88-1214 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COM111ISSION OF THE CITY� OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMA9ENDII��G llENIAL OF TENTATIVE TRAGT MAP NO. 1659, FOR A 10 UNIT PLANNED DEVELOPII'IENT AT 305 ALDER S1'REET, APPLIED FOR. BY ROBERT NEWDOLL. W�?�A�, the Planning Corm�ission of the Cfty of Arroyo Grande has considered the Tentative 'Iract Map No. 1659, filed by Robert Newdoll for a 10 Unit Planned Development at 305 Alder Street; and WHEftEAS, �said tentative map was referred to various public utility companies, City depar�tments, and the Staff Advisory Corm�ittee for recarrnendations; and WHEftEAS, a Negative Declaration has been prepared on the project and was reviewed by the Planning Corrrrri.ssion at a public hearing; and WHE�tEAS, the Negative Declaration has found that no significant potential impacts are anticipated; and WHER�.AS, the Planning Comrr�ission has deteimined that the proposed developrr�ent is not an appropriate use of the subject ptbperty and is not desirable for the orderly development of the corrmiuiity. NOW, TfiEREFORE, BE p tT RFSOLVED that the Planning Conmission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby recam�ends denial of said tentative map. On motion by Carenissioner Boggess, seconded by Corirrassioner Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYffi: Conrnissioners Boggess, Moore and Acting Chairper�.�on cJlsen NOFS: Comrrrissioners Flores t�nd Scott Affi�ENT: Conmissioner Gerrish and Chaitman �oto the foregoing resolution was adopted this 15th day of Novgnber 1988. ATI�ST: , Secretary Acting ChairpersonOlsen