PC R 88-1212V�O RE.SOLUTION NO. 88-1212 A RESOLD'TION OF THE PLANNIIIG OOMMISSION OF THE C1TY OF ARftOYO GRANDE RDOOMMENDTNG APPROVAL OF AN AMENDNII?NT �O ORDINANCE NO. 140 GS (OAR PARK ACRES) TO MODIFY EXHIBIT ."A° AND EXHIBIT "B". WHEREAS, the Planning Co�rrnission of the �ty of Arroyo Grande, California has held a public hearing to consider an amenc�nent to Ordinance No. 140 C.S.; and WHERF.AS, the Planning Carmi.ssion did consider said proposed arr�endment to modify E�chibit "A" and Exhibit "B" by adjusting the lot line between the Oak Park Acres Planned Development end Parcel 10 of Parcel 117ap 77-103; and WHEftE�IS, the Planning C',otrrrrission has held the required public hearing on the proposed amenchnent; and WHE1tEA.S, the Planning Camussion finds no substantive impact and, therefore, recomrr�ends approval of a Negative Declaration; and WHEftEAS, the proposed amendment was found to be consistent with the General Plan, Zoning, and Goals and Objectives of the G7ty of Arroyo Grande; and `Iyj�RRAS� after due study and deliberation, the Planning Corrmission finds thAt the public interest and general welfare does require such an emenc�nent. NOW, 1�IItEFORE, BE 1T RFSOLVED that the P'lanning Conmission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby recorrrnends approval of the proposed amen�nent as described above subject to the following condition: 1. Conditions regarding drr�inage, circulation and traffic mitigation shall be addressed nt subdivision or developrr�ent plan approval process. On motion by Chairn�an Soto, seconded by Corrmissioner fioggess, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Carrnissioners Flores, Boggess, Moore, Scott and Chairnian Soto NOFS: Carm�ioner Olsen ABSENT: Carmissioner Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of November 1988. ATI�Sl': Seeretary