PC R 88-120036l RESOLiPt'ION NO. 8&-1200 A RE90LUTION OF TfiE PLANNING OOMMYSSION OF TAE CI'1'Y OF ARHOYO GRANDE RDCJOMMENDING Tp THE CITy OOUNCIL DLSAPPOVAL OF GENIItAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. GPA 88-3 AND P-D RE7ANING CASE NO. 88-207 RELATING 1�0 THE REALIGNMErIT OF WL�I' BItANCH SIREET. WHE�tEAS, the Planning Carrrrrission of the City of Arroyo Grande has consiclered General Plan Amen�nent application No. 88-3 and P-D Rezoning Case No. 88-207, filed by the City of Pismo Beach, for the t�ealigrunent of West Branch Street near Oak Park Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Ca�mission finds that the following cirew►�stances exist: 1. Approval of this prnject would endanger the public health, safety and general welfare of the residents of Arroyo Grande, since construction of the road alignment proposed will create unsafe traffic conditions. 2. The project will have an adverse impact on the envirorrment since it will create unsafe traffic conditions. 3. The projeet is inconsistent with Section 4, Paragraph 1 of Ordinanee 140 C.S., in that the road improvements do not meet City standa�ds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE PT RFSULVED that the Planning Carrmission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby recorm�ends to the City Council disapproval of General Plan Amenctnent No. 88-3 and P- D Rezoning Case No. 88-207. On motion by Carrrrrissioner Gerrish, seconded by Canmissioner Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYF�: Carrrri.ssioners Scott, Flores, Bo�ss, Moore, Gerrish and C�airn�an Soto NOFS: None AffiENT: Carmissioner O]sen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of September 1988. ATI�ST: l Secretary