PC R 88-1185347 RESOLUTION NO. 88-1185 A RFSOLUTION OF THE PLANNING OOMMISSION OF THE GTI'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AP'PROVING LUT SPL1T CASE NO. 88�460 (REVERSION TO ACRF.AGE), 110 TRAFFIC WAY (JOHN HUDEN) WHEREAS, the Planning Camvssion of the G�ty of Arroyo Grande has considered Lot Split 88- 460 (Reversion to Acreage) in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande; and ,,: -�-":,���� WHERL�AS, the Planning Conrrrission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the Environmental Documents associated therewith, and a Negative Declaration tias been declared i�u�der the provisions of the California Envirorunental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the Planning Corm�ission has further found that ttiis project is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, this site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of development because all yarcls, open spaces, setbac}cs, fences and walls, parking areas and other features can be accorm�odated; and W� the 'proposed subdivision design is not likely to cause substantial and considerable damage to the natural environment, inclucling fish, wldlife or their habitat; and WHERF.AS, said Lot Split was referred to various City Depai�ttnents and the Staff Advisory Corrr�uttee for recorm�endation. NOW, TAEftEFORE, BE 1T RFSOLVED that the Planning Corrmission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Lot Split No. 88-460 (Reversion to Acreage) subject to the following conditions: �= 1. The applicant shall provide a revised title report showing the con�r�on ownership for Lot 1 prior to recordation of final map. Pualic Works: 1. Tentati've Map AG-88-025 shall be subject to provide open space, greenbelt, and flood control easen�ents as deseribed in the letter from San Luis Engineering, dated N]ay 10, 1988. The Reversion to Acreage Map shall be subject to follow Section 66499.20-1/2 of the S�bdivision Map Act Merging and Resubdividing. 2. The developer shall prepare a grading and drainage plan for Public YJorks approval prior to issuance of the bwlding permit, and soils and geology reports shall be required to certify appropriateness of builcling site and creek bank stability. 3. The developer shall dedicate to the City an area, including the creek, for open space and greenbelt easement consistent with previous requirements for Village G�eek Plaza Phase I, as required by the Public Works Director. 4. Driveway appibaches shall be narrowed to fifteen feet (15') with Fire Departrnent approvAl. Pyt'e Depetl�►�ent: 1. The applicant shall relocate e�dsting fire hydrant to a site specified by the Fu e Department. Peric end Recreation: 1. The applicant shall notify the Parks and Recreation Director of 'I�affic Way tree removals (prior to grading, G�ty crews will �emove any trees to be replaced). 2. The applicant shall remove all dead avocado trees. 3. 4 . The applicant shall mark on the site plan and in the field any existing avocado trees to remain. The applicant shall develop the City's �affic Way easerr�ent landscaping to confot�n to the project's landscaping. ��8 5. The applicant shall es.��me the respons�ility of maintenance of the City's �affic Way easemen� On motion by Corrrmss OLsen, seconded by Camri.ssioner Scott, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYL�S: Carmissioners Moore, 01sen, Scott and Vice G"hainnan Gerrish NOFS: None �„B�i�'i :� �,onmissioners Boggess, Flores and G'hairn�an Soto the foregoing Resolution was adopted this ?th day o e, 1988. � ATTEST:- -.�_C��_�____ Seeretaiy C�tairrttan