HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC R 88-1177Itk50LUTION NO. 88- A RI�SpLUTION OF THE P�.APIIVING pp1VIN1yS�ION OF THE CI1'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE GRAN'IqpG A VARIAN(� CASE NO. 88-125, APPZIED FOR BY pAKCRL''ST I�STATFS AT LOT 61, PLAITNO LANE. (E. DORFMAN) �3� �H�I:AS, the Planning Cbnmission of the CSty of Arroyo Grande has o�nsidered Varianee Application No. 88-125, filed by Oakcrest Estates, for a Variance fran the m�arrnan building height of 15 feet at Lot 61, Platino Lane in the "R-1" Single Family Iiesidential District; and WH�RE�S, the Plann�ng' (aonrnission h�s held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the Ctty Code; and WHERI.A�S„ the PJ��nning Camni.�sion finds that the following circunstanees exi.�t: 1. Th�t the adjustrnent authorized shall not constitute a grant of spedal privilege inconsistent wlth the limitations upon other ptbperties in the vicinity nnd district in which the subject property is situated; Z• That becei.se of special circunstances applicable to the subject propeMj,, ineluc�ng size, shape, topc�graPhy, location, or s�rounc6ng�s, the y�trict appltcation of the provisions of this chapter is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other propertiey in the vicinity and tmder identical zone classifi- cations; 3. That the �anting of the Variance will not be contraty to the intent of this chapter or to the public safety, health and welfare; 4. That due to special conditions or exceptional characteristics of the property a. �ts location, the strict application of the provisions of this chapter wouid t�sult in difficulties and unnecessary har�s}up; 5. The granting of the Variance will not be materially detrimental to other properties or land uses in the area becau�se the views currently epjoyed by the si.Qrotmding ProPerties wIll not be signi�cantly impacted by the proposed development; 6. There are exceptionel or extcaorcfinary circu�tar��� app��ble to the intended use th�t do not apply to other properties in the same zone. The property has no apparent or significent vieyvsheds, nor does it appear to affect surrotmding vieryvsheds. 7. The strict application of the ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity or in the sr�me zone because the 15- foot restriction vu�uld limit the bidldable potential of the lot, and other pnrce]s in the area have been developed with two-story homes; and 8 The granting of the Variance is canp�tible with the objectives, p�olicies, and general ]and u�es specified in the General P1r�n because the intent of the urgency ordinance is being met, as there is substantial protection of the viewsheds on adjacent property, arid the proposed development is in confam�ance wIth the goals, policies and objectives of the General P1an� NOW, THEREgpR,E, Bg 1T g,�pLVEp �t the P9anning Carmissian of the C�ty of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Variance subject to the standurd conditions of the G�ity end those listed below: 1. The development of the site shell occur in substantial confom�ance K�ith the approved plAns. On motion by Ca�mitsioner Gerrish , seconded by Carrmi.�sioner Bogg� by the following roll call vote, to �nZt: Ay�; Conunissioners Olsen, Nbore, Flores, Boggess, Scott, Gerrish and Soto NOFS: None ABSENT; None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of May, 1988. A77�Sf; __x� � ( Secretary Chai -