PC R 88-117233� WH[E�tEAS, the Plaruiing Cbnmission of the Aty of Arroyo Grande has held the required public hearing at its regular meeting of May 3,1988, to consider a proposed orc6ru�nce which amencls the Zoning Ordinance by adding Article 41, which establishes a viewshed review overlay zone and petmit process for residential properties not subject to architectural reivew; and A RFSULDTION OF �IE P'LANNING OOMMIS'SION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE R�C70MMENDING TO THE CITY OODNCIL ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DDCLARATION AND ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING C��AP'I�R 4 OF THE MDriICIPAL OODE (ZOIIING ORDINANCE) `PO ADD ARTIC�.E 41, L�'STABLISHING A VIEWSHID REVIEW OYERLAY ZONE AND PERMIT PROCFSS FOR R.�IDLNTIAL PROPERTIL�S NOT SIIBJDCT TO AR.QiITFCI'URAL REVIEW WHEREAS, the Planning ('.amusssion fee7s that the public interest and general welfare do require such an amendnent; find WH�.AS, the proposed ordinance was reviewed in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Qua]ity Act (CEQA), and it was deterrnined that the project would result in no significant effects on the envirorment and, therefore, the recam�endation of a Negative Declaration is appropriate. NOW, TIiERF.FORE, BE IT Ii.FSOLVED that the Planning ConYnission of the GYty of Arroyo Grande hereby reconinends approval of said orclinance and amencfient to the Zoning Ordinance subject to the findings listed below: 1. The proposed ordinance is consistent with the General Plan; and 2. The proposed ordinance bears a reasonable relationship to the public welfare. On motion by Cannissioner GerrisY� seconded by Carrmissioner Boggess , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: Aygs Oanunissioners NOI''S: None ABSENT; Oc�nmissioner ABSTAIN : Oommissioner RFSOLLITION NO. 88-1172 Boggess, Nbore, Gerrish, Olsen and Chairman Soto Flores Scott the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 3rd day of May, 1988. ATTEST: � '��� Secretary