HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC R 88-1171� 333 RP50LUTION NO. 1171 A RFSOLIITION OF THE PLANrTING (;�OMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GftANDE ft�00MMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZOrIING ORDINANCE AML�NDMENT AND ADDING AN OFr- ST'REET LOADING AR.LA SDCI'ION. WHEREAS, the Planning Carmission of the (�ty of Arroyo Grande has held the required public hearing at their regular meeting of April 5, 1988, to consider a proposed amenclnent to the Zoning Orctinance by: 1 . 2. Revising the existing "off-street parking reqiurements" to reduce stall sizes and to clarify the intent of the ordinance; and Adding a nerv "off-street loading area" section to the Orc�nance. NOW, 1�IIItEFORE, BE IT RFSpLVED that the Planning (`,arrrussion of the C�ty of Arroyo Gt�xnde hereby approves said Amencinent to the Zoning Ordinence subject to the �ndings listed below: 1. The revised Zoning Ordinance bears a t�easonable relationship to the public welfare. 2. The revised Zoning Ordinance is consistent with the General Plan. On motion by Carrmissioner Moore� ��nded by Carmii.ssioner Soto , and by the following roll call vote, to wits AYFS; Commissioners Soto, Boggess, Nbore, Gerrish, Flores and Chairman Carr NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Olsen � the foregoing Resolution was adopted this �t�day of April, 1988. ATI�'I': Secretary 0