PC R 88-115631 ?_ RFSOLUTION NO. 88-1156 A RFSOLUTION OF 1'HE PLANNING OOMMIS'SION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ItD00NIIVQ�TDING 1�0 THE CITY OOUNCIL ADOPI'ION OF ZONE CHANGE NO. 88-203, JOIE 800LARI/F.� LOOMIS WHEREAS, the P9anning Carmi.ssion of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, has held a public hearing on the application of Joie Scolari and E.C. I,00rrris to emend the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande as provided by Chapter 4, Article 32 of said Code to rezone all that property described as follows to CBD - Central Business District: In the City of Arroyo Grande, Caunty of San Luis Obispo, State of California, the area generally bounded by M�son Street on the west, Le Point Street on the north, Ckown Terrace on the e�st, and East Branch Street on the south. Also identified as County Asses.sor's Parcel Nos. 07-202-4, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 24; 07-203-9, 11, 12, 13, 14; 07-204-1, 3; and WHEREAS, the Planning Conmiss�ion feels tha�t the public interest and general welfare does require such an amenclment; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Unpact R.eport (EIR) has been prepared on the project and was reviewed by the Planning Corrrrrission at a public hearing; and WH[ER�AS, the Environmental Imp�et Report (EIR) has found that potential impacts of the proposed �one change can be mitigated to insignificance; and WHERI:AS, the Planning Carnussion has determined that the proposed zone change is an appropriAte use of the subject property and is desireable for the orderly development of the carmunity; and WHEREAS, the P'lanning Corrvrrission has deternrined that the proposed zone charge is in conforniance with the City's General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Caimission minutes, including a list of persons who testified at the public hearing, s�um�uy of fact t�nd finclings, and copies of any maps pertinent to the proposal, are on file and hereby declared to be part of s�id Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RFSOLVED that the Planning C,ormussion of the G�ty of Arroyo Grande does hereby recarrr�end to the City Council approval of Zone Change No. 88- 203, n.s applied for, with the following findings: 1 . 2. 3 . 4. The proposed zone change is clearly consistent with the C,eneral Plan designation, if amended as proposed by the applicants. The subject site is adequrzte in size and shape by itself to accarrrbdate the reasonable requirements of corm��ercial development. The proposed zone change is reasonable or beneficial at this time to serve this neighborhood because the present zoning could allow undesireable development of the site. The proposed zone change would not adversely affect the surrounding property because it is consistent with the adjacent corm�ercial uses and provides a good buffer between uses. On motion by Carmussioner Olsen, seconded by (',ormussioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYFS: CaYmissioners Olsen, Moore, Boggess and Chainnan Carr NOES: None ABSENT: Canmi.zsioners Soto, Flores and Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was pa.ssed and adopted this lOth day of March, 1988. �. - � i - / : � . � .. �. �. J: � • i� • / �181ITTIai1 / � t�'� ,'� �� / S 7 �.��.� " ' 313 ` - � .�! � � �' a � ��:f..�f' <: � �..