HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC R 88-1146302 RL�SOLUTiON NO. 88-1146 A RL'SOLUTION OF `1�iE PLANNING O�I►fMLSSION OF THE CTI'Y OF AR1tOY0 GRANDE AYPftOVING LOT SNL1T NO. 8?-451 W�IIItI'.AS, the Plaruung Ccmriission of the G'�ty of Arroyo Grande ha.s considered Lot Split 8?- 451 in accordance with G'�18pter 3 oP the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande; end H►HRRRAS� the Plaruung Carrniss7on has found that tt►is project is consstent with the General Rlr�n and the �virormentsl llocuments associated therewith, and a Categorical Fxanption has been dec]Eired under the provisions of the California Tnvirorunentril Quxlity Act (CEQA); and WHERF.AS, the Planning Carmission hes further found tt�t this project is consistent with the Zonir� Ordinance of the C7ty oP Arc^oyo Gt�nde; and WHEREAS, this site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of development beceuse all yards, open spaces, setbacks, fences and walls, par{ang areas and other features ctui be acccrm�odated; and WH�AS, the proposed subdivision design is not likely to cause substantial and considerable derr�ge to the natural environment, including fish, wildlife or U��eir luibitat; and WHEItF.AS, said Lot Split was referred to vario� City Departrnents and the Staff Advisory Ca►mittee for recannendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RL�OLVED that the Pl�ruung Ccmmission of the G7ty of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Lot Split No. 87-451 s�ubjeet to the following conditions: `, �. 1. Streets shall be constructed per the street sections shown on the plans for Oak Branch and Oak Co�try Road. 2. 'Irie Prontage mt�d shall be improved to the minirnun as shown on the p]ans wiih adc�ition�I street widening as rr,�y be required to oonfoim with the circulation study curi�ently tmderway. Re�t+rrdless oP improvement to be constructed, the owner shall dedie:ate rights of way to provic]e an 80 foot stre�t. 3. All streets shall h�t� designed and constructed with appropriate drain�ge facilities. Utilities. / 1. Oa{c Branch end West Branch Street tuiciergrnund utilities shall include Ceble T.V. and street lights on ornemental poles. 2. Oal: Cowltry Roa.d shall have underground utilities and strect lights on ornamental poles. Water. 1. The 12" water line along W. Branch Street shall be relocated into W. Branch Street. Scv�er. 1. The 8" sewer line in W. Br�nch Street shall be extend� to serve Parcel 1. Dre�eg�e. 1. The final map �hall show tt�e inundation zones. �n motion by CrnmLs�sianer Olsen , seconded by Corrmissioner Bo99ess ��d by the following roll cell vote, to wit: AYLS; None NOL'S: Conmissioners Olsen, Boggess, Nbore and Acting Chaiz�n Soto ABSEN'1': Cbnmissioners rlores, Gerrish and Chai�l Carr the fo regoing Resolution wr3., cief.eated tli:i.s 1.9th �� of J�r . 1� 88 on the basis that the lo� sp does not contor_m to the �cr'al�lan;� t�i�ufficien£ material has been presented the �unt , that it i too controv A'I'TEST: C _. Secretary � C�aim�an � ` � v