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RL�SOLUTiON NO. 88-1146
W�IIItI'.AS, the Plaruung Ccmriission of the G'�ty of Arroyo Grande ha.s considered Lot Split 8?-
451 in accordance with G'�18pter 3 oP the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande; end
H►HRRRAS� the Plaruung Carrniss7on has found that tt►is project is consstent with the General
Rlr�n and the �virormentsl llocuments associated therewith, and a Categorical Fxanption has been
dec]Eired under the provisions of the California Tnvirorunentril Quxlity Act (CEQA); and
WHERF.AS, the Planning Carmission hes further found tt�t this project is consistent with the
Zonir� Ordinance of the C7ty oP Arc^oyo Gt�nde; and
WHEREAS, this site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of development
beceuse all yards, open spaces, setbacks, fences and walls, par{ang areas and other features ctui be
acccrm�odated; and
WH�AS, the proposed subdivision design is not likely to cause substantial and considerable
derr�ge to the natural environment, including fish, wildlife or U��eir luibitat; and
WHEItF.AS, said Lot Split was referred to vario� City Departrnents and the Staff Advisory
Ca►mittee for recannendation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RL�OLVED that the Pl�ruung Ccmmission of the G7ty of Arroyo
Grande hereby approves said Lot Split No. 87-451 s�ubjeet to the following conditions:
`, �.
1. Streets shall be constructed per the street sections shown on the plans for Oak Branch
and Oak Co�try Road.
2. 'Irie Prontage mt�d shall be improved to the minirnun as shown on the p]ans wiih adc�ition�I
street widening as rr,�y be required to oonfoim with the circulation study curi�ently
tmderway. Re�t+rrdless oP improvement to be constructed, the owner shall dedie:ate
rights of way to provic]e an 80 foot stre�t.
3. All streets shall h�t� designed and constructed with appropriate drain�ge facilities.
Utilities. /
1. Oa{c Branch end West Branch Street tuiciergrnund utilities shall include Ceble T.V. and
street lights on ornemental poles.
2. Oal: Cowltry Roa.d shall have underground utilities and strect lights on ornamental poles.
1. The 12" water line along W. Branch Street shall be relocated into W. Branch Street.
1. The 8" sewer line in W. Br�nch Street shall be extend� to serve Parcel 1.
1. The final map �hall show tt�e inundation zones.
�n motion by CrnmLs�sianer Olsen , seconded by Corrmissioner Bo99ess ��d by the
following roll cell vote, to wit:
AYLS; None
NOL'S: Conmissioners Olsen, Boggess, Nbore and Acting Chaiz�n Soto
ABSEN'1': Cbnmissioners rlores, Gerrish and Chai�l Carr
the fo regoing Resolution wr3., cief.eated tli:i.s 1.9th �� of J�r . 1� 88 on the basis that
the lo� sp does not contor_m to the �cr'al�lan;� t�i�ufficien£ material has been
presented the �unt , that it i too controv
A'I'TEST: C _.
Secretary � C�aim�an � ` � v