PC R 87-1140�96 RLISOLU'1'lON NO. 87-1140 A RL''90LU'1'ION OF THE PI.ANNING OOMMISSION OF THE GTI'Y OF A1�ROY0 GRANDE OOMMLNI)ING NANCY IVERSEN FOft �IER OiJTSTANDING SLRVIC,L �O THL CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. WHLKP.AS, NA.NCY 1VEltSL'N has served the Glty of Arroyo Grande as Associate Plaruier Por two a�id one-helf (2-1/2) yetus fran July 1985 to Decernber 1987; and WHEftEAS, during her emEaloyment with the C�ty, NANCY IVEftSF.N was responsible for the prepatation of five (5) el�nents of the C�ty's Camprehensive G�eral Plan; and N►HERP.�S, she hes aLso served as "Special Pt�ojects Plaruier" w�der the direction oP the Planning Director preparing certain requested materials for tt�e Plaru►ing Ccxrmission and C�ty Council; and WHEREAS, she hes, d�u�ing her �nployrnent with the C;�ty, acted as staff advisory to vario� corrmittees, such as the Parking and Bw�ne�s Improvement Area Advisory Boat�d, And the C�ty Council's I-png Rtinge P�atui3ng Camuttee; and WHL'REAS, she has successfully directed the reseArch and analysis phase of a Land Use Element progrern and hes had prirna�ry responsibility Por supetvlsing two intems fram Cal Pbly State Universty. NOW, THE�EFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED '1HAT THE PLANIIING (�OMMLSSION OF THE CITY OP ARROYO GRANDE does rec�g�ize and acla�owledge her contributions to the Cfty oP Arroyo Grande, and cam�:nds NANCY IVEItSLN for her dilligence and hard work during her employment with the Clty oP Arroyo Grande, and wishes her �ood health end success in her future endeavois. On motion by Carmissioner Soto, seconded by Ccxrrnissioner 01sen, and by the follr�wing roll call vote, to wit: AYL'S: NOF'S: ABSI.NT: Ca[miissioners Olsen, Moore, Boggess, Flores, Gerrish, Soto and Cx�airn�an G�rr Nrne None the foregoing Resolution was ado�ted this ist day of Dec�nber 1987. A'1'I'FST: Secretary C�� •'*�tri�*T1