HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC R 87-1139�� - .,4 0� � � , � 3 7 � �,��' �.- �c,t.�l�° �2� ,,,, R�OLUTION NO. 1139 A ftF50LUTION OF TgiE PLANIVING OOMIVIISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GItANDE RDOONIlVIENDING APPROVAL OF RE7ANING CASE NO. 87-200, 201 BRI900 ROAD. (RI(�iARD AND NADINE R,AY). WHERE�IS, the Planning Carmission of the C�ty of At�royo Grande, California has held a public hearing on the application of Richard and Nadine Ray to amend the Municipal Code of the GSty of Arroyo Grande as provided by G7iapter 4, Article 32 of said Code to rezone property at 201 Brisco Road fran "R-3" 1Vlultiple Family Residentiel District to "P-b7" Plarv�ed Industriel District; and WHERLAS, the Pleiuiing Carrnission feels that the public interest and general welfare does require such an amendment; and 6VHERLAS, the Planning Carrni.�.sion has held a duly noticed public hearing on s�id application. NOW, ZgIER.LF�ORE, BE IT RFSOLVED that sa.id Planning Carmission hereby recommends approval of the amendment as applied for with the following fin�lings: 1. Prnposed zone change is degned consistent with the General P9an; and 2. Proposed zone change is deemed consistent with the Goals and Objectives of the General Plen; and 3. That the envirornnental asses.4nent has been made; and 4. Proposed zone change is deemed consistent with the environmental fir►dings of the recarrrnended negative declaration under. the provisions of the California Envirorunental Quality Act (CEQA). On motion byt Carmissioner Flores, seconded by Chaim�an Carr, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: C',o�missioner Flores and Chaiiman Carr NOPS: Carrmissioners Boggess, Olsen, Moore and Soto ABSENT: Caimissioner Gerrish the foregciing resolution was defeated this 17th day of November 1987 due to the lack of 4 affim�ative votes. ATTFSI': Secretary Chaim�an 29�