PC R 87-1132� ` � // 3 Z 0 RF�OLDTION NO. 87-1132 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AftROYO GRANDE, REOOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENER.AL PLAN FROM MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO HEAVY COMMERCIAL/ LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. , � WHEREAS the Planning Ca�anission of the G7ty of Arroyo Grande has held the required public hearing at their regular meeting of October 20, 1987 on the proposed amenc�nent to the Land Use Flement of the General Plan, changing the land use designation ftnm Mediiun High Density Residential to Heavy Cormlercial/Light Industxial, as requested by Richard and Nadine Ray at 201 Brisco Road; and WHIItEAS, the Pla.nning C',orr�nission has foimd the proposed amendments to be consistent with the goa]s, objectives and cimrent planning policy of the C�ty of Arroyo Grande; and . . WHEREAS, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the Planning Corrrnission rec�rrnends adoption of the proposed emendment from Meditan High Density Residential to Heavy Cornnercial/Light Ind�trial on the following described property. In the GYty of Arroyo Grande, Cbi.mty of San Luis Obispo, State of C�lifornia. Coi.mty Assessor's Parcel No. 77-051-21. Also lmown as 201 Brisco Road. On motion by Corrrnissioner Soto, seconded by C',orrarussioner Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYFS: (',orrgrussioners Flores, Soto and Chai�nan Carr NOES: Corr�rnssioners Moore and Boggess ABSEN'I': C�nissioners 01sen and Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was defeated - I�ie 20tYi day of. October. .1987. ATI�ST: � � , C� v` — - Secretaty Chair[nan r