PC R 87-1121/1 Z � - � 27'S R�50�,�U"I'if3�T Nt�r $7-�121 A �SC3i.DT��N �� TH� ��'�,�� G �iYI�Y�I�DN �� � • C� 1�P A�i.R.f)Ya G��i�E R��1�M��G D�i`JIA�. O�' Z(3N� C�IA�VGE �'P:�.iL'A':'3��+T i:tD. 87-Y95, F�[i.ED �3� �� CHAD�V�,�, . ry��E�A�, the Plar,ning Corrarri�iUCi of t�e City of Arroyo Gr€�nde has considered Zone � Gfiang� Application No. 87-195, filed by Ed Chad•.{��ell, to am�nd �ction 9-4.302 of the Zoning Oz�inance to rezone property at 232 Jarr�s 49ay fr�m ''RA-B2" to "RA_Bl"; and �I��AS, the Flanr�ing Ccrrrnission feels that the public interest and general welfare does not require such an amencfi�nt; and TN�EREA�S, the Commission mirutes, includirg a list of persons who testified at the public hearing, s�umn�aty of faet and findings, and copies of any maps pertir;ent to the propesal are on file and hereby declared to be part of sai� Resolution. NO�I, Z�IEREFO�t�, BE 1T HE50LdED that the Arroyo Grande Planning Corr,ma�ssion hereby recorrm�ends denial of the zoning amenc�r�ent for the following reason: 1. Proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with other progerties on Jarres Way. On motion by Com�rassior�r Flores, seconded by Co�ioner Boggess, and by tt;e following mll call vote, to wit: AY�S: C�mssioners P�1oore, Bogge�, Olsen, Flor�, Soto and Vice Chairman Gerrish ATOES: None AffiE1vT: Chairm.an Carr the foregoing Fcesolution was adopted this 2nd day of Jwle 1987. n \