PC R 87-1116il/ � 269 R�SpL�IT�fli� �t�. 87-1116 A �.�.50�.�0� �� � ��►�T;*1��� ��i,'VII�S�ON OF T� C�i'� O�' A��OY� �1�.�� E�'�,���G �N'1�.�'VT�flI�T � �i1�'�'�AA� A Z�Oi+� C�����. `���.�, the Planning C,cr�r�i��si.cn of ihe Ciiy of Arroyo Grande is cc�nsidering mal an amendm,ent to Ordinance rlo. 24 C. S.; and • �"��iERF.1�,�.5, accorciing ta the provisions of the law, a ptiblic hearing on tt:e rr�atter .at hand will b� held on the 19th day of lYiay 1987 to eonsider the proFc�sed arr,enc��ent. AT��� T�E�i�'O�E, BE 1"i" �.�O�.i�ED that the Plaruaing C�rission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby �eclares its . intention to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordirance, chang��ng the zoning designation on various properties in the Hillcrest Drive vicuuty from "R-1" Single Family Residential District to "RA-B2-D" Residential A�icultural DisYrict with a"-D" Design Override. On motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Comrr�ussioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AY�S: Corrmis�ioners Moore, Soto, C�errish and Chaim�an Carr 1�T0�'S: None - �TT: Camrtissioners Olsen, Flores and Bo�gess the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 5th day of May 1987. A'I"I�'I'- - ( � cretarY Chairn�an �