PC R 87-1112R.ESOL�JTIt�N �tG. 8fi-1112 � - r'1 �,E.SOLII�'IOi� 0� 1�IE Pi�l�ti iti I"s'+iG COilr1iti134S�ON OF �THE C�TY OF AR�'�{��O C��.,�I�T3�E �i..FCX�R�T�DIIdG �'O T� C� C�UiVCi� .AI3GGP?'�031 UF TFfE OP� :�AG� Fi.��T O� TAE GF�t n i. PL�.�'Y. L�'�.EAS the G�ty of Arroyo Grande has undertaken to preFare the Gpen Space IIen�n�c ��in consideration of the corrar�,uutyts saf?ty, environrnental ancl soeial factors, and ccn�rr,�7ruiy goals as set forth in the C-enez�al Plan; �?d ��i�F.AS, the Planning Car�nission has reviewed and considered the Open Space El�rr:ent at their regtiil.ar meetings of February 17, 19SS and I�larch 3, 1986, and c�d sclicit public corrxi�ent �pon such proposed Elerrent at a duly noticed Public Hearing; and �� FRRA� it is the G�ty's intent to revise the Land Use Elerr�nt of the General Plan in the near future; and i�'�i3E�AS certain general recongnendations contained Urithin Yhe te:�t of the proposed Open Space Flement r,�ay dire�tly conflict with the current or future Land Use IIe�r�nt or soecific City policies; and tiY�3 RRF,d� it is the City's intent to resolve these inconsistencies subsequent to ecYroletion of the proposed revision to the Land Use Flement of the General Plan. 1`��JTN, 3�EFORE, BE Ti' �.�OLVID that the Plz�nnirg Cam�nission of the City of Arroyo C�rande does hereby recon�nend to the G�ty Council adoption of the Open 5pace Elen�nt of the C-�neral Plart until such tirr.e as ihe Land Use Flement of the General Plan is amer,ded; such �rnenc�nt to cause further revisions of the Gpen Space IIement. BE 1'T FiJ�tTHE�i RFS()LVID that in areas where the findings and recon in the Gpen Space IIernent of the General Plan rnay conflict with ct.arent and futt�re Land Use planning palicies established by the City, it should be the policy of this City that the Land Use IIement of the General Plan shall take prececience over the Open Space Element cvhen considerir,g findings in future approvals of consistency and confornnty wit'� the General Flan. O;1 rrotion by Corr�rrissioner Soto, seconded by Conanissioner Gerrish, and by the followirg roll call vote, to wit: �-�= AYESe C�ioners Soto, IV?oore, Flores, Gerrish and Chairrru�n Carr ��0�5: None � A.�SEi'VT: Corrnvssioners G.1sen and Boggess the foregoing R.esalution was adopted this I7th day of i��arch 1987. AT�'EST:_ , _ �/ C� r�� ^�ec-refaty �� -- � 265.