PC R 87-1107260� Exhibit "C FiFSOi,�'TIO�T i�TO. 87-11�7 A'�ESO��i'�ON OF TH� PLA�AI�IG �3�tII��Oi�� U� TT� C�3'Y OF A�.�tOYO GRt1ND� GON7��'i'�t��.iYALL�' A�PI�t3VIl�TG REVISED TEi�1TATP/L� 3'�AAG'T � 1V0. 1390, �3.0'�'�I. �Afl�S F�'i'AT�, (FORM�LY HAL�YOY HIL3�, �V�I.��°1��3 � OAK KI+It9I�S). . ._ . , . . . �t�y.�Y . _ ���4,.•. `�RU�.;:�_��� � � '�x tt �� ��'�,�-,': ��:�r_ , ::�;���=--==- ,�.�-:. _ Er: � 3�a r � :{,; ' � t:a k� k.�- ��.;.� _ ,, _ ,.` �, : bV�.AS, the Planning C',crr,rnission of the �ty of Arroyo Grande has cor�idered and �: ... �'- accepted the Final EIR and Addendwrs regarding the proposed project, and has detsrminetl that - �;OSSible adverse impacts outlined therein are avoided or adequately mitigated by the revised tenta.tive r,iap and conditions of approval out7ir.ed hereinafter; and �HF.�AS, the Planning Comrrission has cor�idered and rec�r�r,erded approval of the ';::t �� PD amendment for Royal Oaks Fstates to the G'Yty Council, subject to the same conditions as provided for the revised tentative map, prescribing the iuiique features and subdivision vari�tions enabled by PD zoning; and - �9HF�iLA.S, the develo�ment has been foimd consist�nt with the City's general plan, State subdivision map act and �ty subdivision and zoning regulations, except as sgecifically ap�roved for exceptions or variations by the corditior�s of appi�oval, NO'�V, Z'SEREFORE, BE 1`1° RFS�OLVED that the Planning C�zon makes the following findings:. 3. 4. 1. 'I'he �'esign of the tenta.tive map and proposed improvement� are consistent with the genet°al plan, 2. The site is physically suited for the type and density of dsvelopment allowed in the PD, Planned Development zon�, The design of the revised tentative map and the proposed improvements are not likely ta cause serious health probler�s, sut�stantial environnaental darnage or substantially and tmavoidably in�u�e fish or wildlife or their habitat, The design �oi the subdivision or the type of impr�vements will not canflict �rrith easement fot� access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, 5. That the revi.sed tentative map, and ad�itional char�es and alteratior�s provi�ed by recorrmended conclitions of approval, will not have a significant effect on the enviroranent, and w11 provide ac�eptable mitigatior. ta all �CSSib3.e adverse irnpacts identified in the Final EIR and Addend�. .. �E IT FUR'�'1i�8 �iFSOLi�D that the Plfinning Cc�nis.�i.on herPby approves the ' revis2d tentative map of 'iract No. 1390, dated Janus.iy 16, 1987, sub�ect to 1) the Ci�y Council ;::: :>:: � xpqrDVal of th� Final EIR and Addendim� and the PD amenchr�ent; 2) �ompliance to all zoning, subdivision and othEr regulaticns of the City of �rrcyo Gran�e, including all "Standard Conditions" for such tract ma�; and 3) the following conditior�s of appro��al and specific � esceptions as ma.y be m�di:fied by the City Council: Refer to Exhibits '�DTM and "E" attached. ,;: Ort mAtion by Cerr�rrissioner Gerrish, seconded �y ..�' ioner F�cres, and by #he followir.g roll vote, to wit: - AYFS: Ccrrrr�ssioners Flores, C and C,'�?airrnan Carr 2�O�S: Cc,�r�rri.ssioners O1�Gen, 14Toore and Soto A�E,'�IT: Corrrnissioner Bog�gess the foregoing Resolution was lost due to a s�lit vote this 20th clay af January 1987 . . _ �TI"rSi : - - . . ..� . „e -� / - :,ecretary . � �� �. CSai.znart . j:: .. _ . . _ . .. ,: C'.':