PC R 86-1103��5 RFSOLUTION NO. 86-1103 A RFSOLUTION OF THE PLAIaNING COMMISSION OF THE C1TY OF ARROYO GRANDE RHOOMMIIdDING ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT �O CHAPTER 4, ARTICLE 26, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, "OFF-tiS�REET PARHING REQUIRElV1ENTS". WHII;.EAS, the Planning Cor�nission of the GYty of Arroyo Grande has held the reyuired public hearing at their regular meeting of November 18, 1986 to consider an amendment to Chapter 4, Article 26 of the Municipa.l Code, relating to Off-Street Parldng Requirements; and � WHEREAS, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the Planning Cvrranission finds that the public interest and general welfare dces require such an amendrnent. NO�V, Tr�=R.�ORE, BE 1T RE�SOLVED that the Planning Corrm�ission of the City of Arroyo Grande dces hereby recorrYnend to the Ci.ty Council an amenc�rient to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code as noted in Paragraph 1 above. On mbtion by Co�ni.ssioner Soto, seconded by Conunissioner Boggess, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Co�nissioners Soto, Boggess, Moore and Vice Chairrnan Gerrish NOFS: None ABSENT: Conrrvssioners Olsen, Flores and Chairman Carr the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of November 1986. ATTF�'T: Secretary A , Exhibit "Il" Conditions of I�pproval For Revised Tentati.ve h]ap Tzact Noo J_390, Roya,7.. Oak Estates � �� I} The right ot way for. the northern exten�ion. of H.alcyon Road, on ��hich l.ots 1-10 front, shall extend to the north tract boundary and an access denial strip offered to the City to enable further street extension if this unincarporated area is annexed and subdivided in the future. 2) Access rights to Jamea Way from Lot 1 and Lots 6-10 shall be offered to the City to prevent driveways directly onto.th�.s collector route. The fencing and landscaping of these sloping Iots abutting ,7ames Way shall be designed by a Iandscape architect and installed by the subdivider concurrent with street frontage improvements and shall be maintained as part of the side or rear yards of involved lots, 3) (formerly 50) The develoger's and the indEpendent soils engineers shall inspect the site, monitor grading and, if an abandoned wellhead is found on-site, shall provide plans and upon approval by the City, progerly seal and cap said well. 4) Lots 11-33, fronting on "A" Street and corner lo� 34 fronting on "B" Street, shall offer access rights to James Way to the City to prevent driveways directly onto this coilector route, and the fencing and/or landscaping of the slope banks abutting James Way shall be designed by a landscape architect and installed by the subdivider concurrent with street frontage and/or lot development {whichever occurs firs�) and maintained as part of the side or rear yards of involved lots. 5) The sTope bank behind Lots 34-40 shall be part of Lot "A", the proposed drainage detention basin; the slope bank shall be moved westerly to enable a drainaqe swale on-site along the east tract boundary into the basin. Slope bank, swale and basin landscaping shall he designed by a la.ndscape architect, installe�; by the subdivider and maintained by �the developer, a maintenance assessment district or the Citv when accepted. 17 � � � � 6) Regarding s�or.m drainage detention capacity wzthin Lot '°A" and the adjoining City drainage detention basin, evidence of off-site easements and design solutions acceptable to the City shall be submi.tted to and appraved prior to grading or concurrent with final map improvements pl.ans. 7) Access rights to Halcyon Road from Lots 94-109 shall be offered to the City to prevent driveways directly onto this residential collector street and the fencing and/or landscaping of the slope banks abutting Halcyon Road shall be designed by a landscape architect, installed by the subdivider concurrent with street frontage and/or lot development (whichever occurs first) and shall be maintained as part of the side or rear yards of involved lots. 8) The 52 ft. wide access and uti�ity easement for Lot 182 between Lots B and C shall be eliminated, and a storm drainage, easement across Lot C provided in its place: the proposed drainage pipeline shall be relo�ated within the storm d.zainage easement. 9) Prior to consideration of the tentative map by the City Council the developer sha.11 submit evidence of an agreement witn the Lucia Mar School District by which the applicant agrees to pay fees and/or to dedicate an acceptable site to the school district as required by City Ordinance No. 3Q6. 10} The right of way for the easterly extension of "F" Way, to enable possible future connection with M Way, shall extend to the eastern tract boundary and an access denial strip offered to the City to control said connection until and unless approved by�the City Council. A fixed barrier and/or emergency access gate or ballard landscaped b_a-rri�ade shall be designed by a civil engineer and/or landscape architect and installed by the subdivider concurrent with construction of "F" Way street improvements and naintained by the City. 11) Grading of Lots I27-134 sha11 be modified to pad the f ront 125 feet with the rear slope banks reduced to 3 to 1 or greater, The rear portion of Lots 127-130 shall be designatea as a scenic ea�cment. 18 ,' . 12) The rear partion of Lot C, al_I of Lots J.82-183 and . a portion of Lot l&� shall �ie consolidated into a single acre ].ot fronting on Hal.cyon Road, vrith clear covenan:t� and restrictior� allowing potential resubdivisi.on. for public ar private, residential related, i:nstitutional conditional uses only. (No additional residential resubdivision shall b� considered.) 13) Lots 182, 184 and Lot C(formerly Lot I85) may be considered as planned development alternative sites for gublic or private residential related, institutional conditi:anal use such as the Yt�iCA or a church, pursnant to the same procedu�es and .__ standards as the R�A zone. i4) The boundary between Lots 183 and 184 shall he reali.gned to coincidE with the existinq drainage swale and a drainage easement provided along this alignment. 15; Slope banks at the rear of Lots 187-191 and the south sid� of Lot 205 sha11 be designed with variable slopes of 3 to 1 or greater and Iandscaped in accordance with approved plan designed by a landscape architect and installed by the subdivider and maintained as part of the side or rear yards of t}-ie involved lots, to buffer � - residential development from adjoining future development on County property. 16) (added condition) As a mitigation for necessary removal af oak trees, both an-site and off-site (U7. Branch Street connection), the developer shall be r.esponsible for replanting two trees (15 gallon size or larger), exclusive of street trees normally required, for each tree removed� as approved as part of the landscape improvement plans for the project. (Replanting on visually prominent lots or dispersed within the tract after grading, is recommended.) 17) Grading of Lots 227-232 shall be redesigned to reflect natural terrain and drainage patterns and conform to cross slope design criteria. 18) Lot width to depth ratio exceptions. shall be granted for the hillside lots extending into the proposed tree preservation easeinent area or similar steep slopes which shall be in a-scenic easement (i.e. Lots 12J-13Q - See llb). 19 f J 14} The tree preservation easements shown on the proposed tentative tract map shall be offered' to the owners, hei.rs and assigns of all tract owners, and it shall be stipulated by �ecorded CC and R`s that tree remoual, grading, fencing or building shall be prahibited in these easem�n�s unless specifically approved by the City Cot�ncil. Additional recorded-scenic easements with similar restrictions shall be applied to the steep slopes on Lots 127-130� � 20} Sidewalk� shall be reouired on both sides of aIl residential streets, parti.cularly James t�lay, Halcyon Road, but also A-F Streets, except along the north and west side of "D° Street if. waived by the Public Works Department� {SideF�alks are proposed on one side only on D, E and F Stceets per map note.) 21) Street, names acceptable to the Fire, Palice, Public Works and Planning Departments shail be s�bmitted prior to or concurrent with fin�.l map and improvement plans. (List of possible names , available from Planning Department) 22) D�tailed site grading and drainage improvement plans for the entire subdivision and incl.uding interim grading of Lots B or C, if proposed, shall be submitted to and approved by the City Public Works Department, and qualified independent consultants paid for by the subdivider but selected b.y the City. These plans shall be approved prior to any gradiz�g permits ar Einal map for any phased deveiopment. Site grading shall be restricted to the spring or summer season March- November, require replanting for erosion cantrol in-accordance with plans prepared by a landscape architect, assured to be implemented during October-November and maintained during at. least one wet season November-March following grading to assure minimum siltation. 23) The subdivider shall bond for, provide and restore the on-site and off-site drainage detention basin capacity, remove siltation which occurs during the th.ree year period following acceptance of subdivision improvements by the City or failowing site preparation grading unless accepted for maintenance earlier by the City, County or maintenance assessment dis�:ict. 20 � - � 24) The subdivider shal]. pa.y for a quali�ied indEp.endent engineering consultant selected by the City to review grading and drainage improv�ment plans. inspect the site prior to and during all major site preparation grading. The subdivider's soil engineer shall su�mit tests and reports to certify all lots as ready for construction prior to issuance of building permits thereon. (Further site or lot grading sha.11 be noted on the final map as prohibitied except for building and driveway purposes specifically approved by the City pursuant to subsequent permit applications.) 25) Street trees and/or uniform slope bank planting on specified street frontages and/or maintenance of on and off site storm drainage detention basins shal.l be the responsibility of an area home owners association unless specifically accepted by the County, City, and/or special maintenance assess- ment district. (A HOP. is required by agreement with the County in any event.) 26) Specific improvements to the Via La Barranca d-rainage area, including on-site and off-site detention basin, downstream drainage lines or o�her contributions toward correction of otf-site -deficiencies shall�be resolved prior to final map submittal, and shall be an integral part of required improvements. Additional design of typical drainage structures or solutions which may be required by the City shall be submitted prior to site grading.or final map. 27) Off-site improvements proposed as part of this planned development shall be designed to the approval of the City of Arroyo Grande and con- structed prior to or concurrent with the on-site subdivision improvements, and shall include ,the f ollowing: a} Construction of West Branch Street from the South County Citizens' Center easterly to a connection near Vernon Way intersection adjoining the community Center. (Not just across the County property nor to Grand Avenue). b) Construction of "E" Street across the South County Citizens' Center property southerly to a connection with the proposed West Branch 21 . , , StreEt connecti.on, including design UL•access to th� City Commun.ity Center property. c) Construction of HaTcyon Road between W. Branch 1 St. and James Way, including widening and � frontage improvements acro.ss portions of county property. d) Construction and improvement of James Way from Rancho Parkway to Tally Ho Road including•full improvements on-site and utility, and/or street widening a�d improvements with�� exis� ting right-of-way east and west of the subdivision. e) Completion and acceptable provisions for maintenance of storm drainage retardation basins involving Lot A and the adjoining Via La Barranca basin owned by the City, and an expanded basin located on the South County Citizens' Center property owned by the County. Fencing, landscaping, grading and related improvement plans shall be approved by the City prior to final map. 28) Architectural Review of proposed patio homes shall be separately considered after the City Council _____ approves the PD amendment and tentative map for � -- Royal Oaks. Generally, the preliminary lot plans and elevations involving "Z" and "J" lots with zero setbacks on side yards are conceptually acceptable. 29J The Developer shall contribute funds pursuant to the City's Park in-lieu fee and the signal fee ordinances to provide for off-site park and recreation.and traffic improvements. 30)� In development of patio homes, the tentative map layout for retaining walls is conceptual: When final map, and/or architectural review. of construction plans for structures are zesolved, additional walls may be permitted as required. (No wood retaining walls which intercept slopes at property lines shall be permitted.) 31) Any right of way acquisitions necessary to acconplish off-site improvements required as part of this planned development shall be accomplished by or exclusively at the expense of the developer. 22 � . � 32) f � 33� 34) � rogzam, particula�be 1andscapin9 shall water co with othex A aLOUgh� c oncur.r_en t in�ludinq the develoP m�ster water anc� sewer provided b�ans such as uti.lity p o f th� plans. re sukiai.visi on. the er shall nO� ma p involving The develoP a xcel o f any Surplus previously recorded P are to be and note the abandonmeW h i � h prQ perty o f way or easement 1390. riqhts the �inal mag of Tract No. eliminated bY curbs shall. bE ns and/or red Lots siq Road tront �f a No parki.ng in on Halcyon and if necess instal.l and l�g_ easement 110-1�3► contro� to t and landscaping o f these lots S �reet the 20` front Yar a the �ntersecti extend into h� diStance r e adeqaate sig 35) 39 � DeveloFer Site improvem 37) (forme�ly or Provide off and/or •pate ht-of-way to widen Ho partici side Ta1lY exisi�n5 r °f or W ithin along orie appr�p provide sidewalksas determ�-nedartment. and/or LePO1the public j�orks Dep necessary bY with " " �� be g required to D ��� lop � r shall an � Caltrans 37) with City w , granch (fOr ��� l ate proP�O�ion G�a Ya Avenue and fees partiGi.P of o � signal for sig�al�zaitan �on��deration Street, (ineluding paicl) . o f g. Branch Regax�ing widening Tr af f ic W lanes through the to parti ----(formerl�o four required Street aeveloper maY beCity and Caltrans, intersection, W ith an d/or cipa�e Pr°P°rtionately restxlpping _ e liminate d. toward _street parking replace:nent of may be r equirea tO ents 36) 23 Exhibit "E" Draft Ordinance No. .,( An Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 221 C.S. and Section 1 of Ordinance No. 317 C.S. To Modify the Planned Development of Royal Oak Estates (Formerly Halcyon Hills, Knollwood and Oak Rnolls.) The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows: Section 1: Section 2 or Ordinance 221 C.S. and Section 1 or Ordinance No. 317 C.S. are hereby amended to read in full as follows: "Development Provisions. The following provisions shall apply to the planned development of the property described in Exhibit 'A' (legal description of site) attached hereto: 1. Planned Development as provided in Ordinances 221 C.S. and 317 C.S. are hereby amended to reference "Royal Oak Estates" rather than Knollwood or Oak Knolls. 2. Planned Development as shown on the Revised Tentative Map Tract No. 1390, Royal Oak Estates, inclusive of the conditions of approval, Exhibit "D" shall be attached as the development plan Exhibit "B" depicting basic circulation, open space, land use and approximate lot size. 3. Planned Development amendment does not alter the approved density of 233 dwelling units, but does incorporate a 14 acre school site, a 6 acre YMCA site, and two large single family estate lots ranging from 7 to 20 acres each as an integral part of the approved development plan. 4. Land use shall be consistent with the approved development plan and the standards of the R-1, single family residential district for all lots except 11-109, 182 and 184 and Lots R, B and C. Lots 11-109 shall be allowed site and lot width, coverage and yard variations pursuant to Section 9-4.611 of the R-1 district. Lots 182 and 184 and Lots A, B and C shall conform to the standards of the R-A, Residential Agricultural District, including allowance for non-residential uses subject to separate approval of use permit in each case. (The 24 school, YMCA and/or alternative non-residential uses on Lots B and C and/or Lots 182 and 184 require subsequent conditional use permit approval). Any proposal that would change any portion of the land use or development plan other than as conditionally permitted in the R-1 and R-A districts shall be deemed a zone change requiring P.D. amendment consideration. (Estate Lots 182 and 184 may be considered for resubdivision for public or private residential related, institutional conditional uses only without P.D. amendment. (P10 additional residential resubdivision shall be considered) 5. Circulation (Street) System The following off-site and on-site street improvements are to be designed, constructed or improved prior to or concurrent with final map for any portion of this planned development: a) West Branch Street Construct and improve West Branch Street to at least two lanes, including planning for no on-street parking and bike lanes on both sides, with concrete curb and gutter on the freeway side and temporary asphaltic concrete curb on� the opposite side (unless permanent concrete curb, gutter and/or sidewalk exist) between Halcyon Road and Vernon Way to complete a street connection between Oak Park Road and Grand Avenue. West Branch Street improvements shall include provisions for lett and/or right turn lanes at approaches and intersections with Brisco Road. Halcyon Road and E Street, and sidewalks on one side only• on segments; of Branch, Brisco, Halcyon and/or E Street as approved by the Public Works Department. � b) Halcyon Road -(40 ft. curb to curb, 6' sidewalks both sides, 52' r of w.) Construct and improve Halcyon Road from James Way to West Branch Street including off-site concrete curb and gutter on the west side, sidewalks on the west side only to a pedestrian entrance to the parochial school, and temporary asphaltic concrete curb on the east side, or as approved by the Public Works Department. 25 �— \ c) .7ames Wav- (44 ft. curb to curb, 6' sidewalks both side, 64' r of w.) Construct and improve James Way across the project, and to the extent possible within existing right of way or as approved by the Public Works Department, easterly to Tally Ho Road. Developer of Royal Oak Estates shall widen and improve James Way including installation of water main and 1" AC overlay on existing pavement between Rancho Parkway to eastern tract boundary. d) A, B, C, D, E, F Streets and Halcyon Road north of James Way -(40 ft. curb to curb, 6` sidewalks both sides, 52 ft. right of way) Construct and improve Halcyon Road, A,B,C & F Streets concurrent with phase 1. 'D' and 'E' Street maybe deferred until Phase 2 or 3 both on-site and off-site, with concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks on both sides except that sidewalks may be waived on the north and west side of 'D' Street on site (In front of Lots 220-233) and on the west side of ' E' Street off-site (across County property), as approved by the Public Works Department. 6. Improvement Plans - a) Standard specifications for Public works Construction, latest edition, and all applicable City Standard Plates shall be the project specifications except as noted otherwise on the approved improvement plans. The improvement plans for the project shall be prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer and shall be approved by the Public Works Department prior to recordation of the final map. � b) Plans shall include but not be limited to grading, drainage, sewer, water and utility improvements. In addition, a master utility plan shall be submitted showing the layout and location of all the on-site and off-site utility facility improvement of the project, including water, sewer, drainage, gas, electric, and communication utilities. The master water, sewer and drainage plan shall be submitted and approved prior to F�� �� presentation of other improvement plans. The plans submitted shall also include construction cost estimates, plan check fees, soils reports and all pertinent engineering design calculations. The final map may not be filed with the City Council unless all said improvement plans have been approved by the Public Works Department. All required rights of way or easement shall be dedicated to the City prior to or concurrent with submittals of the final map to the City Council for approval. 7. Water, Sewer and Other Public Utilities a) All lots shall be provided with service from city water supply. This system shall tie into the backbone system constructed by Rancho Grande and the Royal Oak Estates developers will be required to pay any assessments with the recordation of final map(s) . b) The subdivider shall install water mains, fire hydrants, and service laterals in conformance with the Water Department Standard Design and Specifications and approved plans. Fire flow as specified by the Fire Chief and approval of the Public Works Department shall be available prior to obtaining any building permits. c) All lots shall be served with City sewer. �� d) In addition to specific easements shown on the tentative map, a six foot easement along and adjoining local streets and a ten foot easement along and adjoining collector streets shall be reserved as a street tree and public utility easement. Drainage, Grading, Erosion Control & Landscaping Plans. a) The developer of Royal Oak Estates shall be required to design and construct the storm drainage retention basins proposed on the South County Citizens Center site south of the subdivision, and on Lot A and adjoining City owned property at the end of Via La Barranca. Contracts outlining the 27 :� �. responsibilities for improvement and main- tenance shall be resolved by the developers and the County and City, respectively, and the improvement plans and contracts approved by the City Public Works Department prior to any final map. Construction of these off-site storm�drainage and siltation basins shall be completed concurrent with or prior to site grading. b) Complete grading and drainage plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Public Works Deparment prior to any final map. Prior to any site grading or construction, an erosion control plan and program shall be submitted to and approved by the Public Works Department, said plan and program to address specific temporary and permanent erosion control measures associated with the project. c) A detailed landscaping plan including materials and irrigation plans for street trees and other specific areas of public concern (along segments of James Way and Halcyon Road) shall be submitted to and approved by the Parks and Recreation Director prior to any final map approval. A master fencing plan, including uniform design along public streets, shall be part of the detailed landscaping plan. Land- scaping and fencing plans shall also be approved for the drainage retension basin adjoining South County Regional Center and Via La Barranca. d) The developer shall minimize removal of existing trees to that necessary for street improvement and lot grading essential to the approved tentative map. Prior to any grading or tree removal the developer will provide construction staking and mark each tree proposed t.o be removed or trimmed for review and approval by the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Director in the field. e) A detailed tree preservation plan and program, including an inventory of existing trees and/or groves shall be prepared by a qualified professional, including maps of : , . , , , I the species, size and location of all trees with respect to lot lines and proposed building areas on each lot (exclusive of those located within the tree preservation easement areas), and submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director prior to final map approval. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall recommend the designation and preservation of historic and specimen trees or groves as provided by Municipal Code, and such map shall be completed by the developer and considered by the Building Department prior to issuance of building or grading permits on any affected lot. Section 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted on the of . 1987. Attest: CITY CLERR MAYOR day 29