PC R 86-1101� � / RFSOLUTION NO. 86-1101 A ItFSOLUTION OF THE PLANNING QOMMLSSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RDOOMiV�NDING ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT 1'O THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, SF7CTIONS 9-3.211 AND 9-3.702, REI.ATING Z'O LOT LINE AD�TUSTMIIdTS. �H�REAS, the PZanning Carrgnission of the City of Arroyo Grande has held the required public hearing at their regular meeting of November 18, 1986 to consider an amenchr�ent to the City's Subdivision Ordinance, Sections 9-3.211 and 9-3.702 relating to Lot Line adjus�trnents; and WHERF.AS, the Planning Corr�rrission has reviewed the proposed amenchnents and the recent changes in the State Subdivision Map Act relating to Lot Line adjustrnents; and WHEREAS, the Planning Cor�ni.ssion feels that the public interest and general welfare does require such an amenchnent. N0�11, THEREFORE, BE 1T RFSOLVED that said Plaruung Conanission hereby recorrmends the °following amendments to the City's Subdivision Ordinance, Sec. 9-3.211.1 and Sec. 9-3.702 "Lot Line Adjustrnent": - Defmition Sec. 9-3.2111. Lot Line Adjustznent - The minor alteration or adjustrnent of lot lines between adjacent parcels where no building sites or parcels are created or eliminated. See. 9-3.702. Lot I�e Ad,pstiment - Applications for a lot line adjustment shall subrrrit a prelimanary map. The preliminary map must prnvide enough detail and an accurate scale to assure compliance with zoning and building ordinance requirements. � The procedures for preliminary map approval of a lot line adjustrnent shall follow those procedures for approval of a parcel map. Approval shall be deternrined by whether the parcels resulting conform to local zoning and building ordinances. A lot line adjustment shall be considered final only when a record of survey of the approved adjustrr�ent is recorded within two years of the approval date, and a mylar copy of the map provided to the City Engineer. ' On motion by Conani.�sioner Boggess, seconded by C.onrnissioner Moore, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYLS: Corrurrissioners Boggess, Soto, Moore and Vice Chairn�an Gerrish NOES: None ' ABSENT: Comrrri.ssioners Olsen, Flores and Chairn�an Carr the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of November 1986. ATI�.ST: � � � Secretary ice Chairn�an ---