PC R 86-1100�.�3 RF�OLUTION NO. 86-1100 A RFSOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, APPROVING TENTATIVE TR.AGT MAP NO. 1418, APPLIED FOft BY AVERY SETZEft AND JOHN SPENCER, AND. REFERRAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INFORMATIONAL PUR.POSES ONLY. WHEREAS, the Planning C.orrmission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered the Tentative 'I`ract Map of 'I�act Map No. 1418, filed Avery Setzer and John Spencer for a 10 Unit P9anned Unit Development at 168 Brisco Road in accordance with City Code; and �O1H�AS, said tentative map was referred to various public ut�ity companies, City departrnents, and the Staff Advisory C,omruttee for reconmendations. NO�II, THIItEFORE, BE IT RF50LVED by the Planning Comnission of the City of Arroyo Grande that the following findings were made: 1. That the project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. That a negative declaration of environmental impact can be adopted under the provisions of the California Envirorunental Quality Aet (C.E.Q.A.). " 3. Ttiat the project is consistent with the general provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. That the housing type, lot size and the general nature of the proposed development is consistent with the Goals and Objectives of the Housing IIement of the General Plan, as adopted in 1985. -' " ' BE 1T FUHTHER RFSOLVED that the Planning Cocrrrv.ssion of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Tentative Map, subject to the following conditionss 1. The developer shall prepare a grading and drainage plan, which shall contain: 1) A retention basin which is not located in the City sewer easement. The basm is to be sized for a 100 year storm. Appropriate measures shall be taken to protect the 8" city sewer along the back property line. The developer shall provide the City with access to their sewer easement. Parks and Recreation approval shall be required prior to tree removal. 2. The developer shall provide a blanket easement over Lot 11 in favor of the other lots and City for access and utilities. 3. The developer shall provide a sewer plan which contains private main lines and laterals on site; these main lines and IateraLs shall be maintained through the C:C. & R.'s by the Homeowners' Association. Manholes shall be required at connectior� with public sewers. Each shall have separate sewer service. 4. The developer shall prepare a water plan with no on-site hydrants; hydrants and water services to be located on Brisco Road. Each lot to be provided with individual virater services. 5. Perimeter fencing and retaining walls shall be included in the grading plan; Chief Building Inspector and P'lanning Director approval shall be required for perimeter fencing. � 6. The developer shall prepare all the improvement plans, including underground utilities, grading and drainage, sewer and water, and provide a form of cash sectmity, either bond or letter of credit, along with a written City agreernent prior to issuance of a building perrnit or recordation of the final map. 7. Driveway shall be posted every 30 ft. °No p6�il��`-Fie�e Lene". Signs shall meet Arroyo Grande Fire Department Standard #1. 8. Provide a turn-around area subject to approval by the Fire Chief. 9. Access width to be clear and unobstructed to 24 ft. On motion by C',orrmissioner Gerrish, seconded by Conxrrissioner Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYFS: Conm�issioners Moore, Olsen, Soto, Boggess, Flores, Gerrish and Gfiairman Carr NOFSs None ABSENT: None the foregoing ftesolution was adopted this 4th day of November 1986. � ` ' /.2 � _ ' -- AT�F�T. _ — — Secretary C�sirman