PC R 86-10982 51_ RFSOLUTION NO. 86-1098 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AR.ROYO GRANDE RE(70MMENDING APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT CASE NO. 86-414, APPLIED FOR. BY- e AR.ROYO GRANDE INVESTMENT (70./VOLUME ,SHOE S'POR.E. WHIItEAS, the Plarming Cbmrrission of the Cfty of Arroyo Grandeohas cor�idered Use Ferrrnt C�se No. 86-414, filed by Arroyo Grande Investment Co./Voli,mle Shoe Store, for construction of additional storage area at 1550 W. �anch Street in Oak Park P9.aza; and �VHEREAS, the Planning Oomnrission finds after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following cirewristances e�st: " 1. Requested use is consistent with Development Orc�nance No. 140 C. S.. 2. Pertrntted i�se within the District subject to Use Pern�t proced�es. , 3. Would not adversely affect abutting p�roperties. NOW, 1�IER,EFORE, HE' IT RE90LVED, that the Plarunng Conamssion of the Cfty of Arroyo Grande hereby recorrar�ends approval of said Use Perrrrit subject to appropriate standard conditions of the Cfty of Arroyo Grande. On motion by Cbmrrrissioner Gerrish, seconded by Carurnssioner Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYL�S: Co�rnssioners Gerrish, Elores, Moore, 01sen and C�airman C�rr NOES: None ABS�NT: ��.sioners Soto and Bogg�es.s the foregoing Resolution was .adopted this 7th day of October 1986. ATl , � C�airnmn . G � � t .. . . . . . , �. � ' ' . � ^